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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. hmmm.. Daplumma is away fishing and now u are buying drinks for his girl ?
  2. Sorry to hear about the loss of your son. God bless Splashhopper and Botbot
  3. congrats "daddy"! how come u look so pooped.. didn't SHE do all the work? lol splashhopper and botbot
  4. just sent u a request for quote on my company website. Splashopper
  5. Nope.. but you do need to have some basic handiman skills and aptitude... Ask BLY if you qualify on these two accounts! lol splashhopper
  6. great report Jason.. I love the look on the kids faces.
  7. Btw way... for the two guys that just got some help from CCMT here this am.. maybe check out the OFC Theme song tab at the top of the main page on this site. My daughter thinks it is cool and had it memorized in three days... Great job CCMT and thank you for continued help for us newbies on this site. I know our family appreciates it. Splashhopper and Botbot
  8. "they" already have.. check out the cost of a 1l bottle of water vs a litre of fuel However, if this car runs on regular Tap water (with some kind of special filter on the car) we will have a winner. I know for our family, we don't "NEED" to have all kinds of horsepower to get our family around. We have a 2005 Toyota Echo that is getting close to 40mpg COMBINED and my old work van( 99 dodge Caravan with tow package in it) that hauls the "stuff" when we need to. The sooner we get these wanna be cowboys and their big trucks off the road cause they "need em" for an inch of snow in the Big City, the sooner alot of this demand on fuel will lessen. I sure hope the emerging economies in China and India don't follow North America's "lead" for conspicuous consumption on these fuel hogs.
  9. wow... CCMT the "techie dude" is on the ball !
  10. rickster.. another chatter here > CCMT<< guided me to a site called www.photobucket.com very easy to use once u set up a FREE account on it. get the account set up upload a few pics right now... then click on the box BELOW the pic titled >> IMG Code<<< that u want to bring to this site (this creates a "copy" of the link come back to this post right now and try it like this>>> Good luck Splashhopper
  11. nice pics... thanks for sharing the "how to get em" too.. (Pulling worm harnesses and jigging has been producing some monsters for us! ) newbies like my daughter and I appreciate it. Splashhopper and Botbot
  12. nice report Rich.
  13. Nice pic and report Rich. Maybe we should invite Victor and MJL down to "the spot" in the trib I fish off of Lake Erie for some BIG HONKING CARP like this one>>> and this one>>> and for meeee.... maybe one 0of you guys can show me f2f how to tie one of those danged "hair rigs" lol Splashhopper
  14. nice SUBTLE intro to the board WALLEY GUY ! lol
  15. I am interested in other experience on this rod too please. Thanks splashhopper
  16. PLEASE don't tell us u are gonna post naked pics of you fishing for carp! i applaud your efforts of just getting to the water and then spending the day out there. Splashhopper PS. I was carp fishing with a guy on Friday night who had a GREAT bait. Oatmeal + Peanut butter+ sugar mixed in hot water( from the tap only) for many many hits ! Easy to make and very cheap too. and I still can't get the hang of the "hair rig" yet. waaahhhhhh so mnay hits and just can't hook em Friday.
  17. welcome newfie. I am new on here too and this board has been very gebrous with sharing their Experience and Knowledge with my daughter (botbot) and myself. I look forward to seeing your first fishing reports. splashhopper
  18. I was out on Lake Erie today fishing for walleyes and rainbows. I think the rainbows like temps in the 50-60 degree range and am not sure about the walleyes??? We don't have a temp guage for the bottom of the lake, nor the $500.00 it costs to get one just now. (We just have our depth finder with the surface temps on it.) Could i attach a thermometor to the cannon ball and then bring it back up 5-10 minutes later for a reading until i can afford something better? Thanks splashhopper and botbot
  19. http://www.lfpress.com/perl-bin/publish.cg...69&s=ariver
  20. http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/guide/ Hint: scroll down to very bottom for online version of an area near you
  21. What i do Owner / Operator/ Franchisor of http://www.TheGroutDoctor.ca And i would be interested in putting up a location in the Pickering Oshawa or Markham area. I have been self employed since 1994 doing what I love to do. (Putting a smile on my customers face when i can solve their problem. ) What I would like to do Open more locations and help potential entrepreneurs realize their goals. Splashhopper
  22. Thanks guys.. .we appreciate it.. splashhopper and botbot
  23. As a recent newcomer myself to fishing last fall, i am at a bit of a loss as to what my daughter (10 years old) and I can go fishing for from shore during the summer. I have been fishing for rainbows on the Maitland last fall and this this spring. We are looking forward to bass season opening in a few weeks too. As the pic shows below, botbot and I are also fishing for carp now( thank to the posts and help on this board) I personally enjoy being on the river and my daughter (botbot) just likes catching fish bigger than the ones I catch. What types of fish could we have some fun catching together from shore? Thanks Splashhopper and Botbot
  24. I just tried them sitting here at my PC. lol
  25. saw some gar pike off the north shore of Lake Erie ( Oxley) last weekend while on a men's retreat. forgot the camera but caught some small catfish( 5-10 lbs).. a lot of silver bass (1-2lbs) and some sheepheads(2-3 lbs) no perch and no walleye Splashhopper
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