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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. This is indeed horrible news. He will be missed by many. A very sad day. I always enjoyed reading his posts. He had a knack for bring a certain reality to many disagreements between members. Although I never met him in person, I sure wish I would have.
  2. Get One $6 is not bad....gettem while they are hot!!!
  3. Looks great!!!
  4. I am screwed on so many levels....
  5. Yea, we looked at the Warrior Dash but no one lives close to it. Either Kelso and Ottawa we all have free room and board. There is also mud run too, but I am not sure if they have one in Ontario.
  6. I was going to do the one at Kelso but its 2 weeks before the Camp Fortune (Gatineau) one which I am registered for. I am sure my body wont be able to do 2 in 2 weeks.
  7. That is amazing. I cant wait until they are mass produced and sold in Walmart!!!!
  8. So I had some health issues early on in the year. I am not old either. I had a scare and thought I was having a heart attack. I decided to do something. I have always been fairly active playing hockey until Junior A and always played rec after. So my scare made me think, why I am not treating my body the way it deserves to be treated. I started going to the gym in Late February. I go 5 days a week for at least an hour. Since then I have dropped just over 25 lbs of fat and gained about 5 to 7 lbs of muscle. I feel incredible. My goal is another 40-45 lbs. So a friend approached me and showed me this website and video. I was hooked. It was a Spartan Sprint. A 3+ mile run with obstacles. It looks amazing and looks extremely difficult. This will be my first 5K run ever. I dont ever remember being so excited to do something until this. It has this hook that will not let me go. So I ask, has anyone ran these in the past? Any words of advice or direction? Is anyone running the race at Mount Fortune in Gatineau or at Kelso in Milton? www.spartanrace.com Mike.
  9. No problem. Thats the best I know. And I know for a face they dont use the wire anymore. I have heard that though from some of the older locals, never seen it for myself. You can access the river at any time. Mike
  10. Thats what we all thought. But according to the CO that I spoke to it was something ridiculous like 10 months of the year. There are 2 visible signs in the river and 1 that he told me was there but for the life of me could never find it. The first is at the mouth of the river on the North side (left) going in. Never seen it before. The second is in the narrows (tiny triangle, very hard to read) and the third is at the end on the left side just beside the island (it may have been moved though). Anyhow, the area he said was from the first marker at the mouth to the tracks. But I have been pulled over by both OPP and CO in the river and its always been okay. I would love to speak with another CO that maybe could shed some more light on this.
  11. Welcome to Point Au Baril fishing. Its amazing when its amazing and its horrible when its horrible. I spent the first 21 years of my life fishing every day there from June through Sept and everyone weekend in between. Every chance I get I go there. This time of year is always tough there, especially if you dont know the water. The levels are low right now its hard to know patterns. Raf is right, up the river, just at the bend in the narrows is a Sanctuary. I had this clarified from a CO who told me I was fishing in a Sanctuary all the time. The Regs dont spell it out clear at all.
  12. I just hope he does not run on the same premise as his father. Not saying Pierre did nothing good, but the Liberal's need a leader, not a younger P. Trudeau. I hope the generations that are coming into the working world now choose a government of substance. /Rant I love election time
  13. Where do you live? There are a lot of places that carry if it you know where to look
  14. Nope, but there is no reason to date yourself like this Wayne...
  15. You are too far East!!! and I would like to catch fish! Not just sight see
  16. Well Paul...the Ottawa always needs company, that looks like it could be great for some Musky Trollin, we can follow Matt around and steal his spots. Very nice!!!!
  17. So what is the general consensus with this? Is everyone going to cancel their cc's? Or will it be, life goes on and be diligent in checking statements. I am not sure what I want to do. I am not happy at all, along with 76,999,999 other users.
  18. Probably collecting dust...stick to the rivers Bill PP here for all my Musky gear as well. Nothing below 80#, never ever had a problem. Only had one snap off and I think it was due to my poor knot tying skills.
  19. If you can somehow make it to a Bass Pro or Gander Mtn. in the states they are DIRT CHEAP. I paid $3/each for mine. Ask BillyBob to have a look. I got mine at Gander on Colvin Blvd in Amherst??? Tonawanda?? Between the Falls and Buffalo on 290 hahahahhaha.
  20. I am not a Bruins fan, unless they are playing Montreal. Every series has had horrible reffing, there was no difference in this series. At least the refs are consistent at being completely inconsistent.
  21. Thank god for Horton. lets hear the habs fans complain now.
  22. I too was one that bought the kit. Had a few that we sold in my parents store back in the day. They do actually work. Both for Pike, Smallmouth and Largemouth. The rattles dont do anything, but the standard med sized minnow was incredibly effective on Gbay.
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