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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. Hey Wendel, its probably not broken. there is a small copper or brass piece of metal that fits in the outer housing attached to the plastic button. (the newer reels have plastic, the older models are metal) I have pictures of it all taken a part, send me a message and i will send them over to you. Its a very easy fix. Most likely it is either bent out of shape or has come off of its holder. It should take you no more than 20 mins to fix yourself. Mike
  2. if you are worried about loosing parts, while taking the reel apart, do it in a large ziplock. that way if anything pops off, it will pop right to the bottom of the bag. I have never cleaned a Revo SX but I have done Abu 6500's, Calcutta's and a lot of spinning reels. If you are concerned with not remembering how to put all the pieces back together, take pictures of each step. every time you take a piece off, take a picture. It helps tremendously when putting it back together. Also, make sure you have a large work area and lay everything out in the order that they are taken off. I have a lot of pics of my cleanings, if you want some, PM me and I can email them to you. Mike
  3. Agreed. Take your Guided website off your signature and make it personal. This is more of an advertisement!
  4. I'm Mike. I tried to fool everyone by throwing Musky in front of it, hoping people would think my name was Musky and my last name was Mike. I'm pretty sure a few were fooled.
  5. I havnt been away from the board that long have I?
  6. hey maureen, can you provide some pictures of what it looks like, to give an idea of the amount of work? if its accessible, its fairly easy yet can still be complicated (if that makes any sense). the biggest problem you are going to have is working around your anchor bolts. the gasket and lumber will be pennies, its the labour that will cost you and thats an easy one for someone to rip you off with.
  7. i'll be there, i have to figure out how many tickets i need and i will fire you off an email at home.
  8. Worked as an Estimator/Project/Contracts Manager for both ICI and Residential construction for the last 6 years. Due to the recent downturn in new home sales, I was laid off in November and have been doing small reno's on the side. Still looking for a job in the construction industry but upcoming trips to Russia and Southern US have hindered the process. Graduated with an diploma in Arch. Tech, and I am now currently back in school to get a degree in Civil Engineering. Education never hurts. Also in the process of becoming Building Code Qualified (2 exams left) and getting my Real Estate License. In the next few months I will be starting to train in EnerGuide so when the 2011/12 Building Code is released I will be one step ahead....hopefully. HH, if you know of any construction jobs in the GTA shoot me a PM.
  9. So he's from Florida, boat is registered in Wisconsin, tried to sell it to someone in Alaska, eBay won't give him his boat back, even though he paid the shipping, and he posts it on Toronto Kijiji? Did i read that right?????
  10. November Job Loss for Ontario was 67,000 or something like that, the greatest monthly since '87....I unfortunately was one of them....in the home building industry. Figures, Gas goes down this low and my truck sits in the driveway.
  11. they are in the shadows lew..... remember august 16th bill....
  12. you should be able to pick up a compre for 110 or 115 without a problem. JB's has them for $115 for sure
  13. Sorry guys, too much unwanted attention. That is the reason it is no longer up here. I would prefer if this cooled down a little bit. I hope you all understand. Oh, let the ripping begin.
  14. Full Moon. Set was at 5:20 Am or around there, Rise was at 8:52 PM or in and around there. She hit right in the middle.
  15. I didnt notice any tags
  18. Noggies Creek at the top of Pigeon as well, 5 minutes from Bobcaygeon
  19. there is lots, what lake?
  20. Has anyone bought the seats from Walmart? I think they are WISE, are they worth it?
  21. Welcome to the Dark side. Its nice when there are converters. Where they can interact with the rest.
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