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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. If you have never heard of a Jake or a Believer, please do some research before going. Take Dax's advice and get a net suited for muskies, hook cutters and some good pliers. Don't go in blind and dont specifically target fish you are not prepared for. I am not trying to sound like an , just be prepared please.
  2. Sick. Looks like you guys had a blast! Nice Dan.
  3. Awesome job Bill. One question though, how come all of your reports show other people with fish and never you???
  4. Not sure if I should laugh or cry
  5. That would be amazing Lew. If you find one, shoot me a PM and we will work out the details. I can even pick it up. The wife and I are due for a day trip. We are only about 2 hours from you.
  6. Lew, or anyone else for that matter, does anyone know where you can buy the strawberry Sledge? I heard they discontinued the color and someone has removed mine from my box and never returned it I'll go almost anywhere in Ontario if you can tell me where. I know the boys at JB's don't have it, last time I checked Stacy didn't have it at ProTackle, none of the smaller guys seem to have it either. Thanks, Mike
  7. Awesome guys. Well done all around!!! Once again this board keeps on surprising.
  8. Im in Bill. Just gotta get back that way. I am stuck out in the Ottawa area for a few years.
  9. UMMM Ya...47 year olds can't figure out how to use cell phones.
  10. I wonder where you could get some of those
  11. Wait, you went for a walk, beat up and stole some kid who was fishings camera and posted it stating it was you Bill? Kidding. Very nice sir!
  12. I would have to say Thomas could have played one of the best single season and playoffs in NHL history. I am not a fan of Boston at all, but Thomas was and this is an understatement, Incredible!!! I don't know if we will see another goalie perform like that in the next generation or 2. Unless he does it again next year. Well done Boston. I still think Vancity is 10x more talented then Boston could ever be, but if you cant score when it matters, talent means nothing.
  13. This is by far the best and most realistic post I have ever read on this board. It couldnt be closer to the truth and I wish the generations that are included in the above would get there kicked back to reality. Thank you Sinclair. Finally!
  14. I have never fished it but I take 10 home through Westport into Perth when I to go or come back from Hamilton a few times a month. There are always a ton of boats (12+ at the launch off 10) every time I drive by. They are always bass boats, pretty fancy usually, the lake is huge, yet I have no clue whats in it. Good luck though and let us know, its only 45 mins from my door so I would be curious.
  15. Early summer up in P.A.B. can be amazing fishing for everything. Remember everything happens later up there. Eyes are usually hanging in about 11-15ft all over up there. Mid summer behind Bonnie can be amazing, but can come up dry too. That's the best part of P.A.B. Its one of the hardest places to fish. I wouldn't choose any other place. Its becoming over fished though now.
  16. Perfect, I may have to give it a shot. Thanks Jer.
  17. Yup, doing the Spartan at Camp Fortune July 3rd. Next year the Super Spartan will be here. 8 miles+ of hell. The thing I like better about this then the warrior is that you have no idea of the obstacles. Its going to be sick. Best of luck to all who have entered. And yes, the group helps. There are 11 of us out here doing it. $45/person
  18. Thanks Bill. If I knew you were waiting for me to reply I would have done it sooner. Who's Dave??? :rofl2: Kidding, I don't want to hijack
  19. Another vote for Champix if you need help. I stopped April 17, 2010. After 15 years of smoking, i have never felt better. Yes, you will put on weight, just like a few have before. I also know about 9 people that have quit with Alan Carr's book. And they all say the same thing, the book is amazing and works. Here is the reality of it. For anyone who has smoked in the past will know, smoking is awesome. There are not many things that are better then it. I loved smoking. All parts of it. I still think I love it. The truth is its disgusting in more ways then we can ever imagine. Not to mention the detriment to your health. Accept that it's amazing, know that you will miss it every day, and know, in the end, the benefits of quitting will out weight the benefits (so we all think) of smoking. Quitting smoking sucked. But it was soooo worth it. I will never smoke again. Its just not worth it. And yes, I still love smoking.
  20. I shouldn't even reply to this, I don't even feel like I deserve to. I should just stare.
  21. Awesome Wayne. Simply awesome. We are all here for you and your family every day. Wish Jen all the best from all of us.
  22. That's pretty sick. Hopefully one day I hook into something that makes my reel do that
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