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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. Thanks guys, I will check out the recommendations. If all fails, I will pm Dax. Thanks again
  2. Stopped by the Carp show yesterday. Was at his booth, but never dawned on me to ask, I have asked Brian and Steve at JB's to bring them in a few times but it costs a bit too much do to duties and such. I'll be back in GTA the next 2 weekends so if anyone knows anyone that carries them in the area, let me know, if not, I will grab them from Bits and Baits. Anyone know the model number?
  3. What Model Knipex is everyone using? And also, where did you buy them? I know JB's and Pro Tackle do not carry them, so who in Ontario does? Or did everyone order from the US? I have been going through CTC pliers for years, about 10 pairs, I even have the the larger size up.
  4. Agreed, dont pay someone, its a waste of your money. Do it yourself, G can help, and I can add if he misses anything. Check Patene as well, sometimes if you get the right guy they will help out. Or try calling a Drywall company and find out what they would sell it to you for.
  5. Forgive me as I am not into NASCAR at all, I dont follow, I dont watch, I have no clue what is going on. Today is the Las Vegas Race correct? Is it a big event? Big enough to have on during Canada vs. USA for the Gold Medal in the Olympics? Sorry if I am being ignorant here, I am just uneducated with respect to NASCAR.
  6. Stuck in Ottawa (wishing I was back in the GTA), I will be sitting at home with a few friends (Americans) coming over to watch the game. Since pretty much all of us will be watching today at 3:15 PM I am curious, what are you doing for this momentous occasion? Staying home or going out?
  7. Chuck Norris does not own a house. He walks into random houses and people move. Since 1940, the year Chuck Norris was born, roundhouse-kick related deaths have increased 13,000 percent. Chuck Norris invented black. In fact he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink. There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live. If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever. Chuck Norris can do a roundhouse kick faster than the speed of light. This means that if you turn on a light switch, you will be dead before the lightbulb turns on. Chuck Norris always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego. Someone once videotaped Chuck Norris getting pissed off. It was called Walker: Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
  8. You dont necessarily need a full sized reel. I have a Curado which I use on my bucktail rod, if I were to purchase again, yes, I would probably buy a full sized, and not a low pro. I find the drag system better (smoother on a round). But my Curado has caught me plenty of fish including my largest. I have it spooled up with 80lb PP. Plus, if you listen to Bill, you are going to end up a chrome fisherman, and not a musky guy.
  9. my thoughts exactly. honestly, i dont remember. hahaha
  10. just too funny Jaques
  11. Lew, some points to consider: They both have maintenance issues and strength issues. This is more of a comparison so you can weigh in on the differences. First off, strength is not an issue, if you manage to break off a piece of either, you are doing something you shouldnt be doing in your kitchen. That being said, if you break Granite, you are outta luck. If you break Quartz, it can be repaired, they can for a price, fix any broken piece. Granite will stain. If you spill wine, mustard or any other substance that will stain and leave it, it will be absorbed into the veining and it is very very very hard to get out. Quartz will not stain due to the finish on the surface, but there have been cases where it does end up staining (the epoxy stains) You can put any hot object directly on Granite with no ill effect. If you place a hot pot on Quartz, the epoxy can and will heat up and cause discoloration and an uneven finish. Granite does need to be sealed, but Olive oil will do the trick, all you have to do is rub it on (they dont tell you that because they want to sell the products they carry) ALL manufactures of Quartz (Silestone, hanstone, ceasarstone) are the EXACT same product. They all come from the same distributors. The one in Canada is out of Montreal. Dont let someone tell you that one product is better than the other, they are identical. If you dont believe me, find an honest Granite supplier and they will give you that knowledge. If you want, PM me and I will tell you the company that distributes and manufactures it. Consider sizing in your kitchen (Quartz usually comes in larger slabs). Both slabs are manufactured for specific max sizes. If you have an oversized island, you may have seams. Make sure if you have a joint in your counter (ie corners) they dont just put a standard Mitre joint or butt joint. Make sure they use a birds mouth into a mitre. you will get a much tighter seam. Cutting on either surface can cause chips or scratches. The Natural fissures in granite make small chips less evident where as Quartz tends to show more. Solution, use a cutting board. Many people will say one or the other wont scratch or chip. They are wrong. You shoudlnt cut on either. You will pay a premium for certain colors of Granite. Usually suppliers group them into levels or groups. There should not be more than 3 Levels in the worst case scenario. Companies like Home Depot usually have 5 levels. Its a money grab. Granite colors in higher groups are usually Black Galaxy and Antique Brown. They group them by supply, demand, stock levels and world levels. Make sure you look at each surface in the lighting you have in your kitchen. Under the right lighting styles, these 2 and others look incredible. Ask to see them in different lighting scenes. Corian is/was a nice product. It has become more of a Bathroom product recently with the price reduction in Stone surfaces. It does scratch a lot easier than both the stone products, but can be buffed out if damaged. Its more of a dated product now and the price point, even though lower than Granite or Quartz is still high for what the product offers. Also, Corian can be either polished or honed, both stone should be polished. Other considerations can be Soapstone, Sandstone and Marble. All very soft and porous. All require slightly more maintenance. It all comes down to preference, the price points of Granite and Quartz SHOULD be the same but 90% of retailers will sell Quartz at a higher price. They cost the same to the suppliers most of the time, depending on their buying power. Shop around to see who gives you the best price. I do not work for a counter company but deal with solid surface companies every day both in Toronto and Ottawa. Granite and Quartz both have advantages and disadvantages. In the end go with what your eye tells you. Make sure you do a Slab view if possible as well. PM me and I can give you a few names of larger suppliers in the GTA that should be able to provide a price. Dont let the increase in price get the best of you from Granite to Quartz. $70/SF is typical retail, you may be able to talk them down. Quartz at $95 is high. Hopefully this helps out a little Mike
  12. I am a Leafs fan 100% but he didn't leap. The direction the league is going now, any open ice hit can be misconstrued as a dirty hit. It wasn't a blatant head shot, and anyone who has played hockey at the Junior Level and above would hopefully agree with that. From PeeWee on, you are taught to keep your head up and not to accept a pass such as that. Stajan was hit cleanly. The way things are going, the NHL will soon be "non-contact". It's sad, it's part of the game, when someone gets hit, let it be a lesson, not a debate. And.....I'm done
  13. why do these keep coming up from you? cant we just lock down the thread after we hear that he needs advice on the same boats 27 times...... first its no passport, then only canadian, then out of town for the show, what next? this is just getting carried away....AGAIN
  14. Statistics can be spun whichever way the statistician wants them to be. So lets try wording this a little different. There are probably a lot more knives in Canada than guns. Which is responsible for more deaths? If someone stabbed someone in the head or shot them in the head? If someone stabbed someone in the chest, or shot them in the chest? and so on... Just because guns are the weapon of choice for killing people, it does not necessarily mean more deaths are to blame from a gun COMPARED to knives. It simply means guns are more often used to kill people than knives. They are equally as dangerous put in any given scenario. Someone could argue that a kid has more of a chance of getting hurt/killed with a knife then with a gun. Only if the child doesnt have access to a gun. Do you see my point? This wasnt the greatest of arguments.
  15. Actually his original post states that he watched a video in class about a "Native Theft Ring" therefore it is completely acceptable to state native. If it were a video of "Christmas Theft Ring" I am sure he would have put "Christmas" instead of "Holiday's Theft Ring". So would you be offended if he used Christmas instead of Holidays? He had every right to put it, and he shouldnt be questioned nor should he be criticized for it. MERRY CHRISTMAS
  16. For building materials, the quality of the product will be the same at any store you shop at (in the same price range). The quality will increase as the cost increases. So if someone tells you they purchased a better quality product at one store or the other in the same price point, they are misleading you. Sure there are instances where this is incorrect (very few occurrences) but its usually due to poor installation, hence the "DIY" theme. A professional installing a less than par product will give you a better result most of the time than a DIY'r using a more expensive product. Installation is more important that quality of product. IF you are looking for who to buy from, find the cheapest place you get get it. If you are going for quality products, go buy from a smaller, specialty shop where they carry product that is built 10 times better which brings the price up significantly. Offshore products will only last you so long, a manufacturer with a solid reputation and decent warranty is where you want to spend your dollars. for your envelope though, just go with the cheapest products you can find. I have worked for HD and now work in a Contracts position for a Large Homebuilder, my job is to get the best product for the lowest price and then beat them lower. All day I deal with quality and installation. sorry...i am way off topic now
  17. amazing picture wayne
  18. go get'em tiger
  19. Min $195 when i checked
  20. If you are going to cab it downtown, its not worth it. consider the $20 both ways, thats $40 extra. spend the extra $20 on a room a night. There are a few nice ones downtown. I (unfortunately - boy i miss stoney creek now) live here now. DO NOT STAY AT THE RADISSON on Queen. Its a DUMP. I checked in, got to my room and checked right out. Minto Suites - $105-195 depending on the night. It is VERY nice. Was there for 3 weeks and the rooms all come with a small kitchen with microwave, stove and full fridge. Hampton Inn on St. Laurant - $140-$165 a night and its about a 5 min car ride downtown. Fairmont - too expensive Lord Elgin - i think it was $110 for the night when I was quoted, supposed to be nice. On Elgin St. There is a Delta right in the business district, about a 2 minute walk to the parliament buildings. again $120 for the night. The Travel Lodge is apparently a dump as well. There is a Budget Inn on the Border of Vanier (you do not want to stay there) but the rooms are only about $60/night. Check Hotwire for rates. Shoot me a PM if you want and I can look around to see what else there is. There are a few more in Kanata and Orleans but you have to drive about 15 mins either way. Hope this helps.
  21. HAHAHAHAH great Dave, AMAZING is right.
  22. slightly excessive no? disgusting actually.
  23. Okay, so we should start the parade at Front and Spadina, head straight up through China Town, swing down up College, through Queens Park, Down Bloor to Jarvis, down towards the lake, on to the Gardiner, all the way up to the 401. Lets shut down the DVP for the celebrations. Who's with me?
  24. Seems like a reasonable thing that most people would do for fun. Then travel to the arctic covered in seal blubber and blood and throw ice at a polar bear, surely it wont be provoked.
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