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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. Very Nice rig. Drooling....
  2. Dont bring anything shiny, you will be spotted far to quickly! Have a good time Stoty you lucky #*&@()%^
  3. There is something like this thing up in the Pointe Au Baril area as well, never seen it fly but seen it at the dock. Wouldnt catch me dead in one
  4. Lets lock this thread. Those pictures are just plain mean. Lock it and delete it. I am starving now. Get them ready Burt, I will be over in a few minutes hahaha
  5. #5 Window Tints From the Creek to Mississauga daily I see at least 3 cars where you cant see in their windows. I wish this was enforced a little more.
  6. Don't worry it will break down before you get to the moose
  7. So if you got pulled over on the water and they asked you to see your license and you showed them a Non-Resident License, then what? Try taking it back as you are a resident, willing to pay, the Ministry should be able to sort it out for you if nothing else.
  8. I dont see'm on the page, where did they go?
  9. Nice Ride Mike....I am jealous
  10. I am in the same boat as G I rewired the trailer 2 weeks ago, turns out it was a wire on my harness on the truck side. look at that before you "start to look like G"
  11. I hope you are referring to fish
  12. after reading this all i feel so boring hahaha
  13. Interesting read, thanks Forrest
  14. oops guess i better compress mine for the tourney tonight. its about 10 pix to big and half the max size. but i will get it down as small as possible.
  15. A can of SPRITE and some Orange Drink from McDonalds, first the sprite, then the orange drink, let it soak then rinse with water. Try it, you will be surprised with the results
  16. Get the C4 its a little more but worth it or the record, the gears have a lot to do with it
  17. Circa....
  18. unpack, sharpen all hooks then put away or try to and realize i ned more boxes haha
  19. Great response Roy. Makes it very clear. We should put together some sort of system, if it generates money from the site, that each day you have to click the banner. not overdoing it, but just showing support. Its probably a lot more complicated to get everyone to buy into it, let alone set up some type of system, but its a thought. Just tryin to help out.
  20. Woot Woot 32nd hahahahaha to everyone below me, hahaha to everyone above me, i dont really care wow i suck 32nd should'a pulled a Stoty and picked one team and rode them
  21. This is a tough one, is your relationship with the client valuable to you? If it is, give him the discount. It could have failed for too many reasons to guess, even if it wasnt the workmanship, a repeat customer is something you dont want to throw away. Have you asked him what he thought was fair?
  22. I would have to say, I dont think its worth it. take a pic, measure let it go. just think, next year you could catch it again.....or somebody else can (but will probably kill it for the glory)
  23. Find Mepps and he should be able to help you out.
  24. Good to know, I havnt been there in about 7 years so its a great heads up. But I am still keeping my fingers crossed about JB's next week, damn budgets, I should have sold planes instead
  25. Great Thanks Wayne, now I may just waste some more gas for more stuff I dont need (so I am told).
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