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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. Hey guys, I have been looking for a Glass St. Croix Rod shoppipng around for the best price and I came across fish307.com. Has anyone ever heard of this site or purchased from it? Do the price is $40 cheaper then anywhere else thats why I am concerned. I have never seen it for this low, its usually $180 across the board or more expensive. Anyone have any experience with them? Thanks, Mike
  2. Hey guys, one thing Pete forgot to mention was that the numbering system is just there as bullets, nothing more. These are not in order from best to worst or vice versa. They are just listed as combos that should be considered. Same goes with the line, they are just stating which lines are the most popular among them, not in order. Just for FYI.
  3. Let us know how it performs. At that price you cant go wrong.
  4. Okay so I missed the original Post and would have loved to have got my hands on one of these. But I pose a question. One of the most overlooked lures has to be WHITE. SOLID WHITE with eyes only. It can be very productive and not many guys use it as they pass on it simply because it looks primed and doesnt have the flash. This should be an experiment as well, which outproduces the other. Black or White. The old saying...It doesnt matter what color you use as long as its Black should/could be in for a ride.
  5. Good to know guys. Thanks. I will keep an eye out for the best built ones.
  6. Hopefully it hasnt made its way to Ohsweken. Took a drive by there a few days ago and man there are a lot of vehicles in the fields up there. I will keep an eye out in the Creek/Hammer/Burlington/Oakville/Sauga way for you. Hope they find it.
  7. Nice looks good. This might just motivate me to do this on one of mine. Great job though. Looks fantastic.
  8. Nice Rich. That sucker looks like it would be fantastic bait....
  9. Alright, sounds good enough for me, no more convincing for this guy. So now do I get the ones from CTC, BPS or the ones at the Marine Supply here in the Hammer. I am assuming they are all the same, just different packaging.
  10. Hey guys, I tend to be taking the 14'er out a lot more as I am exploring new waters all the time it seems. I have been thinking about buying some of those portable Navigation Lights, the ones that clamp on for ease of removal and such. I have heard good and bad about them. Has anyone tried them or have them? Are they any good, mind you they only cost about $30 for the pair but its $30 I could spend elsewhere. Thanks in advance,
  11. Casting or Spinning? Stradic you can not go wrong with for Spinning. For casting, well thats a whole different story. I have a Chronarc Mg and I love it but its very expensive. Have a look around and hopefully you can get some more input with the guys that buy them more frequently on OFC.
  12. Where exactly are you going? Where will you be launching?
  13. I have the Hummiongbird 535 Portable for my Lighting Rod, when going from boat to boat. Although not color, its still great for what i need it for. I use it for Depth and thats pretty much it, i dont use it to find my fish, i prefer to figure that out on my own. If you are wanting something with color and higher features then go with one of the new Lowarance units, as I have heard they are pretty decent. Mine was purchased from CTC as well and I have had no problems. Battery life is about 10 Days running 12 Hours a day straight. I couldnt be more happy with mine.
  14. Stoty, my buddy (I am his best man at his wedding) plays for the Thrashers. I will ask him to see if he can get his hands on some. He usually comes through but this is a little different of a situation. I will ask though.
  15. Come on now Stoty, Bill and I were just picking on you. We both know it wasnt user error. We are just pushin your buttons. Thats all.
  16. jeez lost your sense of humor too fast stoty.
  17. buy a sliva, everyone else is recommending them. and take special note of Stoty's comments, this is very important advice.
  18. Nice job. Thats some fine lookin' catch. hmmm maybe we should hunt musky together....
  19. I keep hearing Mono backing mono backing mono backing, you dont need to have mono backing before spooling. QUIK TIP: if you are using braided, put a piece of compressible tape ie electrical tape on your spool before you spool. the line will bite into the tape and not free spin. Just a thought. I do this and I know a bunch of guys that do as well, and none of us have ever had free spooling problems. Hope this helps someone out.
  20. Water levels, barometric pressure, water temperature, lunar effect, luck, lures, presentation, speed of retrieve, who knows. The bottom line is you are out fishing, I would be happy with just that. You are lucky to be so close to water, even though I am as well I never go fishing around here (Stoney Creek). Keep Trying, your luck will turn. if all else fails, try a grocery store
  21. Mike, Clean the old grease off first. Use a degreaser mixed with water as in Goteeboys post. i used Zep as I had it in the house (also recommended by goteeboy), if not, go pick some up from Home Depot. Rinse and get all the water off before reassembly. Look at both his and my pictures, you will see what it looks like in order of taking it apart. The stradic was my first reel that i did and it took me 3 hours. The second reel i did took me under 40 minutes. Good luck.
  22. When trying to cast an OOS bass on 8# test for bait, no wonder. Who are you trying to fool Stoty? I use 80# and 100# for Musky and have never had a break off casting large lures including hours with the "Pounder" Bulldawg. I agree with Bill, USER ERROR
  23. Sounds like a carb problem. You didnt use old gas did you?
  24. Nice Job Stoty, I wish I would have been able to get out this weekend.
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