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Everything posted by muskymike

  1. I lost my card last year. I have searched EVERYWHERE for it. I took the test through ASM or something like that. I spoke to the guys at the Fishing Show and they gave me a number to call. Apparently out of the 350 companies that originally started in the testing there are only about 40 or 50 left. Turns out that FNCC or BoaterExam.com bought them out and a whole bunch of different companies. I called them and I was on record from about 5 years ago. $22 to replace, took 5 days to receive the new card. I know I will find my old card now.
  2. I think I am going to volunteer with the Musky netting program. Just net and toss in a Lure Film it and Compete with Musky Hunter.
  3. Fantastic Read. A lot of interesting points. Thanks for sharing Ron. I wish I made a lot more money, I would donate to this year after year. Hmmm, maybe I should talk to the owner of my company, I wonder if he would donate....
  4. Welcome Mustfish. Try Spinner Baits and Buzz Baits, they do wonders for pike up there. But in remote waters it seems anything works.
  5. I get off at the 403 split and head to Dundas from there. I am in Mississauga. I used #5 the whole until the 407 on the way home. The $150 a month is bad enough for 1 way a month. I will keep an eye out for ya for sure. I need to get me a OFC Sticker for the Truck and Boat. I am not usually on the 407 till about 7 or 7:30 though. Yeah I am lazy but I play hockey in Oakville 2 nights a week so usually 4 out of 5 days i am not home until about 10 or 11. The only other distinguishing mark on my truck is the Passenger side has Vent Visors and the Drivers Side doesnt. I had to rip them off haha. I'll keep an eye out for the stickers.
  6. G, you probably pass me or I pass you every day. Look for a Gold/Goldish ahah Silverado with a broken Prop Hitch Cover. Honk as you are passin' haha
  7. I do about 124 Kms a day. But I bit the Bullet and take the 407 on the way in so that cuts the drive down in half. Just like Cliff said, do it a few times and you wont even notice the drive anymore
  8. Hey Terry, sent an email to about 60 people today trying to cover as much area as possible for you. Went from Timmins to Ottawa, Niagara to Sarnia. Tried to cover as much of the Province as I could. Dont know anyone in Quebec right now so I cant help you there. I will forward to my guys in the states as well.
  9. I also use 80# and 100# Power Pro for casting. I havnt had a breakoff yet with it.
  10. I feel for ya Terry. I am with G I will keep my eyes peeled in the Creek area. I will send out an email at work tomorrow, I have a lot of guys who live in the boons around the GTA to keep their eyes open as well.
  11. ch312, you are carrying on far to much about the "insults and bashing". No one has been replying with anything along those lines, only for the SAFE RELEASE all Musky. I am washing my hands of this topic as there is no point in continuing it. As you can see, this community for the most part supports the healthy release of Large fish and the future development of the species, minus the odd few that enjoy getting a rise from the rest of us. MY OPINION is that you should stop replying before people start complaining to the Mods to have your posts removed. Thats just my opinion. Sorry, seems like opinions are flying all over this topic. haha Have a great season guys, best of luck to everyone and if you do hook a Musky, think about the Future of Musky fishing, not your stomach. There is an abundance of fish that are decent for eating, thats why the REGS let you keep MULTIPLE fish of these species and NOT ONLY 1. Great day.
  12. Here ya go 2Tone http://www.beckmannet.com/ Check out JB's or Pro Tackle in Corbyville. Talk to Stacy there, he is great. If not, have a look at the Frabills, they only thing I wish I would have got was smaller mesh size. just easier to work with. My hooks NEVER get caught in the big hoops, just my preference. Good luck and let me know what ya get.
  13. Nothing was said about being okay to bash someone. Taking heat and bashing is completely different. I dont condone bashing. Just like I said, if its legal, its legal, respect it. Who would want to eat a 25 year old fish anyways though. Not this guy.
  14. haha 2Tone, just go spend the $$$ on a Frabill or Beckman. They are worth every penny. I have a Frabill big game but wishing I bought a Beckman.
  15. Following the regs is fine, so is "becoming a little too obsessed". To each his own. If its legal its legal. You are right though. If you posted I would be very unhappy as would a lot. Become a Musky guy and you will see why. Everyone fishes hard for that fish of a lifetime, and thats what EVERY Musky's guys goal is. In order to achieve that, catch and release is a great practice and should be practiced. Bottom line is, if its legal then its fair. But keeping or killing a Musky in that manner, its going to bring some heat. There are far far far more catch and release guys then there are keepers. Just my thoughts.
  16. No no, Joco is from Quebec. Hes on the "Other" board and is very good. Very informative and seems like a knowledgeable guy from the posts I have read of his.
  17. Great Bob. Thanks for this. I will definitely check it out when I am down there in a few weeks.
  18. This video make me sick. I can not stand it. I hope it was legal where ever this was. If not .... Oops should have read this first. haha Like I though, as long as its legal.
  19. I like these if they are used properly, for musky and pike tho, they should only be used to help guide the fish and not to hoist it. PROPER LIFT and RELEASE. Please if you do get one and are planning on using it for Musky, learn how to use it properly. DO NOT WEIGH the fish with it.
  20. hahah I kiss my musky sometimes.... and thank them for costing me $900 a pieces hahah
  21. To my knowledge, you can write the test from home. The Supervisor must be a "Professional" though (doctor, engineer etc...) and you can do whatever it takes to pass it. Have not heard different and the guys from Boatexam.com said the same.....odd, I wonder now I took it in a group of about 20 friends in my buddies backyard. it was a breeze. I did the same for my FAC.
  22. What about writing online then?
  23. I agree with the testing to a certain degree. When I was 14 I was swimming about 50' from shore. I was standing on a shoal in about 5 1/2' of water, my head and the tops of my shoulders were out of the water. A boat came around and circled in front of the provincial park where I was swimming. I noticed his course and started to move in towards shore. Well low and behold he turned and headed right for me. He was watching the beach behind him and wasnt looking forward at all. It was a 16' fibreglass trihaul with a 60 johnson on the back. I didnt have time to get out of his path as where he turned was very close to where i was. When he was on top of me I pushed off as hard as i could basically just smacking the underside of the bow. My upper body pushed off to the side and my legs kicked up. His skag took a chunk of my shin (just the skin) and nicked my shin bone. I had a hole in my leg about 3 inches long by 1 inch wide. my bone was completely exposed. I had to swim back to shore and walk to a campsite with blood pouring from my leg. I am ever greatful to the couple that helped me, kept me calm and called for help. Supposedly I was in shock but I can recall the whole event from start to leaving Parry Sound hospital that night. Point of my story is, it was a 13 year old with a 12 year old in the boat and they LEFT. They didnt stop to see if I was alright, even though my sister was screaming and people at the beach saw it happen. They left cus they were scared. I am so lucky I did not loose my leg and no major damage was done. Just a lot of stitches and a lot of pain. It was really scary. I hope that ALL young kids/teenagers do learn something from this course. Not as much for adults even though there are a lot of irresponsible ones out there, I hope something like my situation that has happened doesnt have to happen to anyone else. It was such a scary day. Sorry this is so long, but its hard to explain without all the details.
  24. I find it funny how its at 8PM on a Saturday night. Why not on a weekday at 2PM or something. Oh thats right, no corporation will loose money on a Saturday night........
  25. The article i read was it was only for sea bass. Didnt mention if this could be used with all species. Imagine that, instead of fishing, you go and call the fish. Whats next.....
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