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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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Everything posted by Anton Kanagasuntheri

  1. Great report, loved the picts good to see the family is invloled as well ...
  2. Happy Birthday Lew, have a good one
  3. Welcome aboard CCM!
  4. I think I did some actual work at my workplace for a change! lol
  5. I think the best catch of your life is on the last pict Congrats!!!! ohh and nice fish
  6. Just amaizing... brings back memorries from back home for me.. thanks for sharing
  7. what do u say... worm on #2 hook?
  8. hey guy, welcome aboard! hope you will enjoy your stay here
  9. Thank you! when is your turkey eating day?
  10. I am not sure I could do that math even when i am sober in 50 sec! lol
  11. Welcome aboard!! lets us know how you make out...
  12. Welcome aboard! now lets see some of your porn colection! the fishy kind of course...
  13. These Salmon posts are more exciting than my spreadsheets at work, I am on the edge of my seat.. Fight! Fight! Fight! Keep em coming. lol
  14. Thanks Dan, WOW! its pretty cool Mag.
  15. if this ever to happen, I would like to propose a name change to our country: North China Upper North Korea Canistan CaIraq CaIran
  16. welcome Tony, if you live close to me, lets fish together sometime.. hoep you will enjoy this board
  17. Nice recipe! But mine is better… The very first time, years ago, I caught my very first Sheepshead. I did not know what it was, there was this old gentleman fishing the same spot where I was. So I approached him with fish on hand and asked “Excuse me, do you know what this is” he looked at me and said “oh, son, it’s called a sheepshead” I released that fish. My next cast I got another one, and another, and another. In total, 8 of them. During the middle of this, the old gentleman comes up to me and says “man! your rod might have been cursed!” I really did not understand what he meant by it, because this is the first time I am seeing and catching a sheepshead. So now we both are packing to leave and I ask the gentleman “so.. can you eat a sheepshead” he says “sure you can, and my great grand father came up with an amazing recipe and even to this day my son uses it” so I was excited and asked him “how do you cook them” he goes “ all ya need is a nice cedar plank, you season the fish, place it on the plank, if I were you I would use lots of lime and stuff the fish with a clove of garlic, put the plank and the fish in the oven. (at this moment, I am paying all attention to him, cause I did not want to forget the instructions) make sure the over is set for 350F. Bake it for about 45 min. when its done take it out and discard the fish and eat the plank!” I swear, it took me about a minute to get this,lol, we both had a good laugh. I still fish with that same gentleman (Ed is his name) after almost 15 years now, he just turned 89 about 2 weeks ago
  18. Nice Picts Cudz, wish I was there with ya
  19. well then... wellcome aboard!
  20. He died doing what he likes, may he fish for eternity in heavens! My prayers are with his family...
  21. Nice report, seems like you guys had fun!
  22. I had to say, some of the methods suggested here did work well , plus the constant rain did wash the invaders pretty well. As well I feed em gobies! So I think so far we are on a agreement.
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