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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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Everything posted by Anton Kanagasuntheri

  1. yea I am taking proper release tools. Since I never handled a pike, I am sure I am in for a surprise! 99% of the fishing I do is catch and release. I have read all the posts and do hope I do get lucky and make it back home with all 10 fingers attached. lol
  2. Lucky you, the only fishing I've been doing is in my head at my office cubical!!! lol Great Catch
  3. It seems like the centre Island might still have ice.. i might just stick to the Harbour areas.. I just wish I could call up a resident who lives on the island and ask for ice conditions..lol.. now where is the phone book.....
  4. hmm you guys think that inner Channels of the Island might be closed? I was thinking about going to Hanlan's Point and work my way to wards Island (west to east)
  5. Thanks Guys, most likely, i am going to hit the Island or the Harbour areas in T.O
  6. Hi Guys, As I mentioned earlier, I am going to try my luck with Pike on Saturday (First time). I went by the C-Tire and got some lures which I (with my infinite experience with Pike gear, which = zero) thought should do the job. So here it is, am I in the right direction or have I lost it completely? Thanks, Anton missing pict is Daredevle five diamond sppon...
  7. welcome Jason, This is a very cool place to be!
  8. I guess you are right MuskyMike, as somone told me... a good fishing is learned by trial and error.. I have read all the comments above, most are very helpfull, the guys here are awsome, such a know how.... thanks guys!
  9. Late risers eh? I think some of them might be my friends!! lol, I guess I will arive aroung 10 or so at the lake
  10. Thanks Highdrifter, if you are planing to go on Saturday as well, give me a shout
  11. Good artical, thanks
  12. well i got my Saturday booked for fishing, but still unclear about the location.. I just go tot he right place...I was initially thinking about Frenchman’s bay but not sure any more, Maybe Bluffs or the island, then again, this is my first run at the Pikes so have no idea. A coin toss is what I might end up doing on Saturday morning. lol
  13. Is that Fremchmans Bay in pickering? end of liverpool road?
  14. Thanks guys, I just hope I am lucky enough to hook one pike this season... I never did fish for a Pike and I am looking forward to it... lets just hope I am at the right spot on the right time and a pike shows some mercy on me and takes my line!!
  15. Hey guys, I would like to try my hand on Pike fishing, what is a good time? early morning, mid morning? noon? evening? any suggestions? I will be going out this weekend, most likely Frenchmans Bay (I hope its a good spot). Thanks in advance... Anton
  16. hey welcome to the board! ohh trust me you are going to trade in your gold gear for rods!
  17. Welcome, welcome, you are gonna love this board if you love fishing..
  18. well I could get pretty much any generic stuff, Toronto Island you say?? hmmm.. I love to take a stab at the Island..
  19. No I work over at 30 Novopharm court.
  20. That sounds like a plan to me! we should...
  21. ahh there we go, learned something already
  22. wish i was there... great picts, congrats!!
  23. no it's a Sheepshead (Freshwater Drum) on my vatar
  24. Yes, I am aware of Snag's powers, an Apprentice would he take? The future, it remains uncertian
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