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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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Everything posted by Anton Kanagasuntheri

  1. I am of a minority as well, and I do follow the regs to the dot, no one has ever approached me to tell me any smart comments like this... I don’t think this is a race issue rather than just some loose nuts out there who wish they had some power… sometimes I wish they would just pick on me rather than the guy who wont say anything back because they are being polite.. me on the other hand// before I step on any body of water I read the regs very carefully.. and if anyone did say something smart my bottom half of my shimano would be happy to answer their questions.. It is very unfortunate you had to have this experience, be proud, and if you are doing the right thing then don't worry about anything
  2. I told you Jigging would work! Congrats!!!!!!!
  3. I would have just introduced her to my bottom half of my Shimano Convergence 7’
  4. One more Angler born! Congrats!
  5. I worked 7 years with the Feds at House of commence, went through 3 prime ministers and numerous ministers. Got sick of the whole thing, nothing gets done and the new guy just blames the last guy. Now I am with a pharmaceutical company, great job, and great place to be. If you could get into pharmaceuticals, regardless of the trade or position it will be good. Think about it, it’s a source not like the other, you are not going to run out or it’s not going to go out of fashion. Everyone needs drugs, especially with our baby boomers just about to hit their 60’s
  6. Nice young ones! they do put up a solid fight I wish I was there.....
  7. Ok is this guy going to post his picts anytime soon?? well this might not be much, but here is one of mine
  8. since none of my friends fish, solo for me! but I do enjoy the cmpany of my OFC buddies
  9. Well we got plently of comments form the on-lookers as well we were standing to the side of a walk bridge, and some do not realize this and say things... sometimes stupid things... this girl (mid 20s) walks by and says to the folks who were walking with her “I just don’t understand how this bridge is standing!!! I mean, I don’t see any support underneath, can someone explain this to me?” lol, this bridge is about maybe 30ft in length, just across the creak! I guess what’s common sense for many could be very trivial to some
  10. Thanks Chris, it was a fun day
  11. Carp porn, the best there is .. thanks for sharing.. great picts.
  12. Almighty Corn and bread
  13. Welcome!!! Nice report and picts
  14. Thanks to Victor for arranging this! eventhough I had to leave half way throuhg, I had a blast, even my rod went for a swim) lol. We should do this more often!!!
  15. I guess in Swiss parliament this would be a big issue? I wonder what else they do? come to think of it.. isn't this the country who said to some folks between 1935-1945 " hey, I'll hold on to your wallet just incase something ever happenes to you"
  16. Welcome aboard! I am remembering the lectures I’ve skipped to wet my line!! Hope you would enjoy your stay here
  17. Welcome!! nothing like getting your girl hooked! this is aid in the future!!
  18. can't do it on the long weekend!! going to Ottawa
  19. Yea I am in, the long weekend won't work out for me
  20. Welcome aboard Neighbor! Do post your picts of your tour
  21. Yea, my top half was floating vertically for about 10 min or so, me and my buddy did tryed to hook it with a big Musky Bucktail, but it sank!
  22. Thanks Bly, its good to hear encouragements like these :
  23. hmmm sounds very interesting, wonder if we could train some lakers to grab the clossest rod when a whistle is blown....
  24. Hmm I googled it.. wow what an amazing fish.. looks like a hammer head shark with a fat tummy.. http://www.scenicsports.com/paddlefish/index.html
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