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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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Everything posted by Anton Kanagasuntheri

  1. wll I am going to try it agian this weekend.. lets see what will happen ..heheh
  2. I have seen individuals pushing small/puppy dogs in strollers... but this was the first time with a fully grown dog!
  3. Welcome to the Board, soon you'll be fired from your job for being here the whole day!! JK, hope you would enjoy your stay
  4. hmmm.. interesting advise...I will take up on it.. Not the Poodle, the colour..hahahah
  5. YES! thats the funny part, no i would not refer someone child to a poodle.. she had a freaking huge (not a puppy) poodle just sitting there!!!!
  6. I hope you brothr is feeling better, he is in my prayers... Anton
  7. Hi Guys, Well I was quite embraced to post anything about that weekend here… well since I was asked what happned… I arrived at this certain water spot in Toronto waterfront around 9:30, started casting.. around 9:45 I had a follow… I was so excited that I actually saw the Pike!! Well that’s about it! Oh yea then I moved around continued to cast, nothing happened except I caste my Top half of my rod (Shimano Convergence 7’) in to the lake!! Lol. Even though I hooked no fish, I have no regrets, I loved every bit of the trip, I will do it again.. I took all of your advice on lure and various suggestions and I am very thankful for all whom gave me their two-cents. This Sunday I am planning to go by Frenchman’s bay to try my luck again ( with ONE piece Shimano Convergence) before the Pike season halts. Again, I hope, if I am lucky, I will see a Pike and return home with my rod! While I was casting and minding my own business, two ladies and a guy walked by, with one lady pushing a baby stroller. When they were passing me, One lady in a pretty loud voice with a tone said the other “This guy is nuts, if he really wants fish, he should try the supper market” Now I am a pretty calm guy and I don’t get involved in pity bickering but I could not resist this one… So I turned around and said.. “Ma’m don’t call me nuts, you are the one who is pushing the Poodle in a baby stroller” … @#$%^&* yuppies (it was a real standard poodle sitting in there) One a different notion, I just want to say, this Board and its members ROCK!! You guys are very helpful. Anton (I saw a Pike)
  8. Yea sorry richyb I did not post the results yet, I ahve done so now.. in a new topic...
  9. I am planing to get some Pike action before it closes.. I am still on the quest to land 1 Pike this season..hahahah.. planing to visit Frenchman's Bay... anyone?
  10. Thanks Garry2rs, I will try that
  11. Happy Birthday, May you land a big one soon...
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. Yep, you got that right..
  14. Hi Guys, I have a Shimano Convergence 7', over the weekend I lost the top half due to a freak casting accidint. I am wondering does any one know where can I obtain the top half. the model is CVS-70M-2. Thanks, Anton
  15. hmmm...you do have a point, I gues its up to Roy now..I will listen to anyone who wants to give advise on fishing ...heheh
  16. Yes, Roy the Almighty!! Thanks guys...
  17. Hmmm.. I dont know about the Gaff, but wont mind taking the holder along with me. Ha Ha
  18. I know a guy "Fuk Yu" Pronounce-- Screw U. Not that I have a cool name, my last name is not funny (maybe) but is KANAGASUNTHERI, say that 10 times..heheheheheh
  19. ohhh.. looking forward to this.....
  20. I intend to release all back, since this is going to be my first time, I am a little hesitant or rather afraid. I guess with enough experience I could get better at it handling the guy.
  21. I want this!!! I was looking for Pike know-how in google, came accros this.. almost got a Har#$%!
  22. When Snag posts I go crazy!!!! I wish thats me!!!...HAAAAAA..LOL Great catch Snag, as usual you have lifted my sprits. I am looking forward to my hand in luck this saturday.. hope I bask in atleast 5% of your luck..
  23. Hi Guys, So I took most of your advice and got some more stuff to my collection... the only thing I am concerned about is.. how to handle the pike IF i get one hooked....lol
  24. Hey Mikeymicky, try this site, it has most of the retailers listed. I just call them and sak my questions... http://www.raventackle.com/retailers.htm
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