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Anton Kanagasuntheri

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Everything posted by Anton Kanagasuntheri

  1. Thanks, I guess worms will do...
  2. Hi Guys / Gals, I will be attending a family BBQ at Petticoat Creek, are there any opportunities in that park? According to the area map, there seem to be a creek, right underneath a pedestrian bridge emptying into the lake. Any local knowledge is appreciated. Thanks, Anton
  3. Take me with you!~!!!! lol good luck and can't wait to see the picts
  4. I gues there is no law agianst what you do with your left overs? is there?
  5. i've heard the marina cuts the weeds when the boat owners start to complain, never seen it myself but ehard t from a local, i always had good luck in a perticular area there... in my experience bluffs is very seson orianted,as in the fish comes and goes with seasons there... nxt time you are planing to go give me a shout
  6. please adopt me!!!! i wanna catch one of those.lol.. nice catch, i am sure she will rememebr this and tell her kids about the day she and the grandpa cought the big one!
  7. I am new here as well, but what u say is just about right but this is the best place to be.. regret not joining earlyer onn..
  8. This is getting out of hand.. I hope the Government understands this. I am a new Canadian as well, I came here in 1994 with my family, we love this country and try our best to contribute to the country and its people who gave us a second chance.. but some are treating Canada as a bar stool! Sit down get a drink and move on. If this continues in about 40 years we will have most of our citizens living outside of Canada and 10 of us will be left here with 1500 % tax on everything paying for those who are outside. And you raise these concerns you are labeled racist and bigot! But to be honest with you, I really don’t care about it anymore and I do feel sorry for all the “Anglos” out there who can’t say half of what I could get away from being a immigrant myself, cause if you do, then you will get dragged in front of the “Housing bureau” ohh sorry I meant the Human Rights Tribulal..lol
  9. Well most come here to get our Citizenship, passport, free health benefits and they go back to where ever they come form to make money, enjoy the weather.. Then, when they get sick, convicted, ran out of money.. We have to spend more money and bring them here.. Man, no wonder Canada is the best place to live and to immigrate!!! Tell me which other so called 1st world country does this? Is this possible in US? GB? AUS? GERM? FRANCE? I am not saying let the kid loose his head, all I am saying is... if you do the crime, u do the time.. I mean they are from Saudi, don't tell me they didn't know what will happen if you steal a bread in the Saudi???? This is not a slacked jawed tourist who had no idea how the legal system works.....
  10. Congrats!!! and hope u would stay and give us another 1000!
  11. I am all for stoping animal cruelty but not for P3TA's crazy talk!!! you should take a look at this http://www.fishinghurts.com/Angling.asp According to P3TA "fish are complex and intelligent individuals" I agree with them 100 %, thats why my tackle box is filled with different lures!
  12. its all fun and games until some pokes their eye out!!!
  13. Thanks Roy, just made my day Hope you will have a good one as well...
  14. Thanks Roy, just made my day Hope you will have a good one as well...
  15. Welcome aboard!! Nice looking fish you got there....I walys take 7 over to Ottawa and pass by the lake.. never fished there.. maybe next time I will stop by
  16. Welcome aboard!! nice report, got my morning going
  17. Nice try... lol. already fell (Literally) for this about a year ago..
  18. I need fish-porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please contribute!! lol.. welcome Mike, hope you would enjoy your stay
  19. hmm for a guy who stated the above... seems you are just learning the ropes... "cottage" "fishaholic" well good luck anyways and welcome aboard... stick around, you will find this site and the guys / gals here very helpfull....
  20. I hope it was a live release!
  21. crochet gentil Raf,
  22. Hey Tony B, yes it is funny, I never thought of this lol this could be my new handle from now onn.. "Ant On"
  23. I am an being a wuss, I've been toughing it out since May, but i am not a P.O.V from Vietnam to tough out bites on my nuts! I am going to try all your methods, well most of it... its just too good of a spot for me to let it go.. I catch everything from Salmon, trout, bass, pike, sheepshead, perch, channal cats including carp at nights, this is like the one spot for all different seasons!
  24. Hi Guys, I’ve been fishing in this particular spot (east end) for the past 10 years, great fishing. By this year Ants “red” moved in and making my day a living hell . At first I didn’t mind them, but now they are getting pretty vicious. Last time I was there, I had a nice bit, I set the hook and fighting the fish, suddenly I get a huge bite on my neck, flick that Ant off, then I get a bite on my crotch, I basically threw my rod down along with the fighting bass on the end, ran around trying to remove my waders and pants to get that ant out!!! Is there anything I could do to persuade them to move? Any local remedies or methods? I thought of buying a case of Raid and spraying the entire case on the area, BUT, I don’t think that’s safe for the environment and for the fish lives in the water… Please need help! Thanks in Advance, Anton
  25. the marina side produces well during nigth and the parking lot side produces well during the day time, if you are going for bass stay close to the bridge on the parking lot side, the marina side have snag rocks close to the bridge! Watch out for the Gobys on the both sides!
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