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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Dummies...my wife works in a pretty rough school and tells me about the kids and the shenanegans that are pulled...I'm not that old, but when I was their age there was still some sort of respect for authority...
  2. No one goes to jail in Ontario so I wonder where the money is going... Its a sad state when you can grow old gracefully with assistance anymore
  3. I see the same group in the field north of the 407 after the islington overpass and train bridge at all times of the day!
  4. Just had a big family breakfast. I need to do some house cleaning and get the laundry done since I go back to work tomorrow...oh and finalize the details of my road trip to Philadelphia
  5. I can think of a more sensitive thought provoking spot he can be hung from!!!
  6. his sentence should be to hop on a seadoo and fly at 95kmph in an area infested by the jumping menace hopefully he'd get hit by one of them suckers
  7. the sound of my wallet crying after getting a quote for all the things wrong with my car....
  8. any pier on erie during the summer....last time i fished in Leamington i had a field day and must have caught and released 30 or so
  9. Canon 60d, Canon Rebel XS, Canon Powershot (on my 3rd)
  10. Glad february is gone...closer to spring!!! Only 31 more days until baseball opening day!
  11. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little....
  12. Merc you're awesome! (I'd use emoticons but i can't figure it out with my blackberry)
  13. http://www.thestar.com/mobile/NEWS/article/945692 I don't know what to think about this...but why on earth would you go on vacation to Afghanistan....?
  14. Best and most sincere thoughts going out from my family!
  15. Funny...I didn't know on construction sites you get punched, spat on, attacked, driven at by cars, hit by cars, called every name in the book for doing your job and then having people tell you you're no good and corrupt...if you don't believe me head to east beaver creek or luxys on a friday/saturday night. I'm sure the people that walk by construction sites don't try to test their man hood by taking a swing at you.... this sounds like the guy last week on am640 saying that being a taxi driver was more dangerous than being a cop...
  16. Yes, but what he got is worse than the speeding ticket the average citizen would have got. He lost a part of his paycheque and a charge that will stay on his permanent record and something that will e brought up every time he goes to court
  17. Same reason why not every person that is arrested and charged has their name made public
  18. Discipline is not made public contrary to popular demand
  19. Really, because that yorkie is now riding the pine at the crc for that...big brother watches us
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