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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. professionally speaking, if you feel your friend is about to harm himself, call 9-1-1...don't lie, tell them that your friend is having suicidal thoughts or may be thinking of harming himself. If he is then there may be grounds to apprehend him under the Mental Health Act....no not under arrest, apprehened....and he will be taken to the nearest hospital to speak with a doctor. If the emergency physician believes that he is going to harm himself etc, then he will issue whats called a Form 1 which is a doctors order for a 72 hour mental health evaluation...remember calling 9-1-1 may make you feel bad, but you're looking out for your friend..
  2. Hey can your buddy snag one of those guides for me? I've never seen one nor have I been provided one and for me to find out the approproate charge and wording would involve a lengthy call to the mnr! I'd love to tag some of these guys
  3. hahaha ida done blown up real good lol.... actually i'm in traffic and hopefully getting my cvsa training....
  4. Hey guys, I just have a question about the disposible propane cylinders. I just bought a table top propane heater for my deck. I used it for a couple hours and noticed that the propane cylinder was wet...actually it looked like condensation. Is this normal? I've never used the disposible propane tanks before so i have no idea Thanks
  5. Hmmm good question.... Fresh water I'd have to say a grayling cause they're so purdy! Salt water would have to be something cool like a marlin or sailfish...
  6. York Region is the 4th fastest growing community in North America. You're looking at roughly 1 million people
  7. The plan is to add a 19000 seat arena next to the rediculously huge mall they are building....its gonna be 10xs bigger than pacific mall
  8. I'm a believer...got plenty of ghost stories and weird experiences that I can't explain. Just keep in mind the majority of the canadian wilderness is rarely explored or inhabited by humans so there's a possibility something is there...or maybe there were too many crops burnt in bc during the last forest fires so everyone out there are seeing weird stuff and craving cheetoes lol
  9. Its not just you, a few of my coworkers went down for a course and were in full uniform in an unmarked police car and had full documentation allowing them to travel with their use of force and they were still detained and questioned at the border. Its a matter of doing business I guess
  10. wow...i thought you did a portrait of me lol... good find!
  11. 1.41 in aurora....I'll believe it when I see it!
  12. oh man...i'm shocked.... What a sad day, my condolences to his family, you will be missed
  13. That would be awesome! Bring a wreckin ball too!
  14. Nah, I got rid of thee pics of me on your front porch lol
  15. You guys have some kick ass jobs! Wish I could share photos too but that would get me in trouble lol....besides I'm sure some members have been in the back of an office similar to mine
  16. gotta love those immigration warrants...too bad no one really gets deported... like pikeslayer said, never accept cash...as much of a pain as it is, call the police, that way you won't get screwed
  17. In terms of careless its usually lay the careless and let the courts give the break...when its careless there isn't much we can do at the side of the road
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