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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. No because the liquor license act doesn't apply on your property but if your gooned you could be done up for impaired... Ask Eddie Shack...he's been done up a bunch of times for driving his golf cart impaired
  2. Never caught a thing with them....then again there are no fish in the conestoga river lol
  3. Yep, a lawn tractor is considered a motor vehicle under the criminal code of canada
  4. The actualy section states impaired operation of a motor vehicle, vessel or aircraft
  5. Well it is impaired operation of a vessel...no different than driving a lawn tractor or golf cart drunk
  6. I know a few guys that would out down a 24 in a day no problem but 50 is unreal
  7. Yes but you don't swallow mouthwash....or you shouldn't lol and if you spit it out the mouthwash then the mouth alcohol or the remnant of the mouthwash is out of your system in 15 minutes
  8. I don't think that it would be a problem. If it smells like beer though you might be subjected to a roadside screening device...you'd be surprised how many people say "I've been drinking non alocholic beer" and blow way over the legal limit lol...
  9. well said, but at the end of the day i have to walk the same street with my kids and knowing what I know about how poor the system is it's shocking and I pay tazes too lol...a lot of them hahaha
  10. no the police job is to get them to court with the best evidence possible, it's up to the prosecutor to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt....then it's up to the judge to make a decision... police only need reasonable and probably grounds that the person committed the offence
  11. some courts in Canada aren't out to prove that the accused was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt but that the police did something wrong....the system is backwards. I was talking with a few police officers in Cape Cod during my trip last week and they were shaking their heads at some of the things I told them. People I've arrested having the charges dropped in lieu of a small fine or 10 hours of community service
  12. welcome to canada where shoot outs happen, guys get arrested and set free with a fine
  13. i wear my classic oakleys....they've survived 5 years as my work sunglasses, been dropped a billion times and they're still ticking!
  14. welcome to the GTA......and being close to Brampton you should be used to that lol
  15. Hall Pass Anchorman Old School Zoolander There's Something About Mary Super Troopers Dodgeball Dumb and Dumber Tommy Boy Dream Team
  16. Always busy with power boats from the cottagers during the weekend
  17. Could be worse, I paid $300 for me, my wife and my 3 yo daughter at the time to get into disneyworld for one day
  18. i definitely like anything from the lion/waterloo brewery...waterloo dark, lion light. i also like duke of wellington ale
  19. Unfortunately the kid's father is (from what I've heard from friends) a great guy....very pro police and runs a diner where styles and the rest of his shift went for breakfast. I'm sure he's destroyed over this
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