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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Ya treat it like you would here. Don't crack the seal
  2. Best thing to do as an IBS sufferer is eat paleo. Cut out all processed foods sugar grains and legumes. You will feel 100% better
  3. Gibby is hilarious! "I realize the fans are frustrated but is no different than the frustration we feel. What else do you want me to do? Go out there and hit? I couldn't hit when I played...."
  4. Lol I would pay money to see that....
  5. JJ out a start for a tight triceps. Aaron Laffeygets the start. Adam Lind placed on the paternity list and will be back on Sunday. Brad Lincoln takes his place on the roster
  6. JJ out a start for a tight triceps. Aaron Laffeygets the start. Adam Lind placed on the paternity list and will be back on Sunday. Brad Lincoln takes his place on the roster
  7. Did he get tossed for arguing balls and strikes?
  8. I've got 8 24s inu beer fridge I'm good lol
  9. Camden Yards used to sell out every game regardless of weather but they haven't been drawing well in the last few year
  10. I think is has something to do with being a Tuesday night and its freezing in Baltimore
  11. I'm telling my mom .... You guys are meanies If you take this board seriously then u should step back from your keyboard, turn around and run really fast into the closest wall
  12. Not to mention the guy in custody was bragging to a friend at the gym hours after the bombing that what had happened was easy to do
  13. Things don't add up because the media slants everything. Not only that, it's an ongoing investigation so the BPD and FBI aren't going to release every detail
  14. Who knows really what happened. I know things or people can be missed or overlooked. It happens. The bomb squad was there but were they in the exact area where the explosions were? Not everyone was stopped and searche when going to the marathon so it's very likely that they could have been missed. It's seems though that a lot of small groups of "terrorists" have been active. Spain also caught two males who had the same style as the marathon bombers.
  15. I don't listen to CNN lol they are as reliable as fox news The throat shot can be explained. There are people who do missed self inflicted head shots when the panic. Believe it or not, once you see it first hand you'll believe it.
  16. And FYI their motive was religion..... The living suspect already admitted that
  17. I think I've deleted what I've written about 5 times. Conspiracy theorists drive me nuts. I love the last photo on that stupid site. Obviously the guy who posted it has never been in a high risk situation involving fire arms or explosives not have they dealt with armed a$$&@&? Who shoot 200 rounds and lob explosives at you. All this rhetoric makes me sick
  18. It's an attack on joe citizen. That's the point of terrorism
  19. Lots more going on than the public realizes. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a reason there hasn't been a successful attack on Canadian soil
  20. Yup! It's a simple game, you throw the ball, you hit the ball and you catch the ball!
  21. Bloody defence stunk today. Buerhle pitched well
  22. I was planning to have the tooth fairy leave a bill for her service under my daughters pillow lol
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