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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. I went in to the barber shop the other day and saw that there is a new price list to reflect the HST. Haircuts have gone up two bucks (from $12 to $14). Now, I kind of don't get too upset about the tax, for a bunch of reasons. But I do get a bit miffed when the barber, that only takes cash and likely only declares enough of his income so that he can write off everything that he has ever purchased, passes on the tax that the government will likely never see, onto me! Thanks for listening. Jim PS. I fished the Tecumseh Reef last night for an hour or so and didn't catch squat.
  2. Great report Pikeie! How's about sending dome pictures of the cabins, your living quarters, etc. Give us the inside scoop, a day in the life, know what I mean? Continued success!! Jim
  3. Isn't this why hunters use tree stands? Jim
  4. Tips number 1 and 2 remind me of Golf Digest cover titles. Want to drop five strokes? Buy a lob wedge. One year later: Want to improve your game, leave the lob wedge in the garage! At least in this case I got to read the article without having to subscribe. Jim
  5. Happy Birthday Jacques!!! I love father & kid posts!!! I have said it before and I 'll say it again, you are blessed! Thanks for sharing your day with us. Jim
  6. I have four Triumph rods. I bought two of them at Fishing World and two of them at Bill's Bait and Tackle. Both stores are in Hamilton. I think the rods are great, although admittedly, have never tried a more expensive rod. Jim
  7. Lyle and Myrna Brown at Springbank Camp rent good boats at a good price. They are near Roseneath. Jim
  8. Dan, by the looks of the pictures I have seen, if you threw everybody in the lake that was smoking the water level would be back to normal. Welcome to you Young Fisher! I am glad to hear that you had an opportunity at a young age to see the best that fishing has to offer:camaraderie, mentoring, fun, and good food! Enjoy this site and enjoy your fishing!! Jim PS Gerritt is a good man, perhaps the two of you can stop smoking together
  9. Thanks for the plane porn Wayne. Enjoy your summer! Jim
  10. What a great post! I live for when my son says stuff like that. The other day we were playing catch on the baseball diamond near the house. While taking a break sitting on one of the dugout benches he says "This would be a good place to come if we just wanted to have a private chat, hey Dad?" The next day he telling me that he wishes he had different parents!!!! I love when we lay around and plan fishing trips though, that may be our favourite time together. Like I said, A great post. Thanks for taking the time to share your time with your boy. Jim
  11. It is nice to see you back Cliff, and to see pictures of your daughter again. I certainly hope that all is well with her. I promised the kids at school that I would start to learn to play the guitar this summer, so I will keep you posted. I offered to get you out in Erie a couple of summers ago, and the offer is still good now (if the lake cooperates this year). All the best, Jim
  12. Now there is something you don't see every day, an OFC'er admitting that the fishing was bad. It must have been extremely bad. Jim
  13. Is anyone other than me writing "North Pole" jokes? Jim
  14. I think that my favourite part is the first "we're here!" beer. There is nothing better than a fishing trip with the boys. Great post!! Jim
  15. Maker's Mark steak sauce. Jim
  16. I think you've essentially got it John, the problem is that I go to Rice in the spring, not in July. Also, doesn't walleye fishing tend to slow considerably in July and August (now someone will post a picture of a stringer full that their dog caught in the middle of an August heat wave) meaning it's not me, the fishing is slow? Or is it me, 'cause I didn't make August adjustments in spring, anymore that I will probably make them in August? Jim
  17. I have been to Rice twice and near Burke's Falls once. Have you thought of calling Big Cliff and taking him out? Solid advice there Stoty. And to think that we new you when you were just a guy that liked fishing Thanks to all!! Jim
  18. As the title says, is it just me or is the Walleye fishing a bit tough this year (with all due respect to the guides on this board that catch as many as they want, whenever they want)? I mean, I have been out three times now and while I have not been skunked, have not exactly had them jumping in the boat. And this is using known techniques in areas that have always produced in the past. Is it the early warm temperatures, water levels, Dalton McGuinty, the fact that I'm a tool? Any thoughts? Jim
  19. yah, ands they gets all sumer off two!! Gym
  20. I have the Mustang Auto-inflate (not the deluxe one, but it is auto). I love wearing it and if there is one drawback it is that you forget to take it off and look like a dork walking around town in it. It has also gone off twice on me. In both cases it has been in a heavy downpour when the vest was stored in the boat.The replacement Co2 thingy is about $20.00, but I guess I at least know that it will work. I paid $160 for mine at the sportsman show two shows ago (which for an auto is still a good price) but I guess it's $200 if you add the cartridges. It is my fault though, as in both cases I should have had the vest off the boat and in the cottage. One more thing: The standard model is a little rough around the neckline. The deluxe model has this taken care of by adding some padding there. If you get the standard one think about making a neck guard out of an old sweat shirt or something. All in all, I love it and would not be without it. I use one all the time as it is often only my son and I in the boat, so I can't afford to be macho, I have to survive. Regards, Jim
  21. I am very sorry to hear of your loss Stoty,and I hope that you are managing. I think that the tattoo is a very cool idea (and it's beautiful work). Warm regards, Jim
  22. As everyone has heard by now, I fished like a complete wanker over the past two weekends. And did it using the same techniques as mentioned here and in other spots. A great report none the less, thanks for it! Jim
  23. I know man! I think that I might be guilty of flogging a dead horse too much (going to the same spots that have produced in the past and not being willing to change). Or, I am just a tool. But I have had success in the past. The guys that I fished with last weekend were "the guys" more than fishermen, but there were twelve lines in the water and not much to show for it. On the long weekend however, I was with the B-in-L's and they can fish! We got some, but no where near limits (let alone in one day). That is the thing about fishing, I never know if it is just me, or if it the fish. Thanks for the offer Sinker. Let me ask you this: What methods were you/the kids using? Jim
  24. Some how this thread reminds me of the guys that only tell you about winning at the casino. The fact that I couldn't catch a cold on Rice lake in the last two weekends might have something to do with my bitterness (I also never win at the casino). Jim
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