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Everything posted by Radnine

  1. This is why I come here. Thanks Dan, for the truly usable advice (as opposed to the drivel that everyone else was muttering). Jim
  2. Have you tried changing soaps? Jim
  3. For the past three years I have used 6' YUM Dingers (senkos)wacky rigged when able, Texas rigged when required, and tubes jigs. What I suppose you never really know is could you have been catching more with something else? What the responses thus far do tell me is that you people catch smallies on just about everything. Jim
  4. I don't know how Dave is taking the sport to a higher level by pushing Subway subs (I am assuming that you are referring to Subway when you speak of outside sponsors). For that matter I am not sure why anyone feels that the sport needs to be taken anywhere. Fishing shows exist solely to push products just as magazines are only there as vehicles for the advertisements. If fishing show hosts are to be held in some sort of higher regard, on this board or anywhere (my opinion only, granted), it is because they have found a way to take an activity that we all love and make a living at it. Jim
  5. I have never had Fireline break on me, randomly or otherwise and I have four reels spooled up with it. You might be confusing Fireline with Legend boats. (okay, that was strictly for comedic value so don't panic) I just bought two spools from CT on sale. I am just pissed that I missed out on the Eagle colour C350 FF that they had on for less than 1/2 price (each store had one or so). Jim
  6. Lots of laughs in this thread. Thanks guys! Jim
  7. Morning!! I am off today, but doing garden work. I just returned form a week at a Kawartha Lake that starts with a "C" and is between Sturgeon and Balsam lakes. But in the new era of conservation and confidentiality, I don't want to say more than that. The fishing was really quite good and next week we are off to "Big (the name of a female deer, but I can't say more than that)". Have a good day all! Jim
  8. For a robust man you have surprisingly dainty feet. Fire Tiger J-9's, are there any better lures? Nice report. Jim
  9. These posts always make me extremely sad. I feel so bad for the losses that all of you have suffered, and badly for people that I don't even know. Honest, I just don't know what to say, except that everybody everywhere feels for you. Jim
  10. I know that it is blasphemy to say so, but I thought the original title of this thread was clever. This isn't like Gretzky getting traded people, come on. Jim
  11. Cudzy man, you should change your name to "the Chameleon", I have never seen a guy that changes his look as much as you do. You're not running are you? Smallies are unreal and I love them in big water. We caught five the other day on Erie (Tecumseh Reef) and the average weight was down a bit (less than four lbs) but we got a couple of slabs (no pictures = no report). Jim
  12. Sorry to hear of your loss. Jim
  13. Congratulations!!! Jim
  14. Thanks for the great photos Dan. You should have blocked out the background though so the place doesn't get over-run with seven year olds! Jim
  15. You have a long memory Grasshopper. Jim
  16. Look, critical thinking is not for everyone. I mean you gave it a shot and it just didn't work out. I am not entirely sure when this turned into a you and all of the barbers vs. me thing, but you might want to stick with the "how to rig a senko" threads in the future. Good night Richard Cranium. Jim
  17. Bingo!! And ironically the book that got everyone hooked on investing back in the 80's was called "The Wealthy Barber". It was all about planning, saving, investing, and compounding (and having life insurance for some reason). When it should have been about getting rich by dealing only in cash, and not claiming it. My niece and her now husband, put themselves through university (including accommodations) by bar tending and waitressing 2-3 days a week. (no, I don't hate them, and yes, they have lots of hair ) It may only be $14, but I had to earn close to double that to get the 14. I pay cash for as little as possible for that reason. Jim
  18. Can you lip a bow fin? And is it me or do they seem to be popping up in posts in greater numbers? Jim
  19. I think it's safe to say that pictures would help. Jim
  20. I always feel duped when I ride the GO Train, and no one asks to see my ticket

  21. You guys will like MEC when it gets there. I am a member at the one in Burlington. I love their home brands and the fact that there is some Canadian content to be had. Jim
  22. I see them!!! Do I win a prize? Looks like a it was a lovely walk as well as a bonus bass. Jim
  23. Take a book. The fishing is crap everywhere this year. Jim
  24. I love the barber he is a great guy. I also love the waitress at the local boozer and I know that she only claims about 1/4 of her income. The difference is that she is not raising the price of beer because of the HST. And no, $14 is not a princely sum. It's just to use a tax hike as a reason, then not to.....nevermind No way Gerritt. Rick would never over charge. Lull you to sleep with his mellow whispers, yes, but not over charge and under declare. Okay, I give up. Jim
  25. Are you guys getting the fact that the government will never see this money? You, nor your loved ones will never likely benefit from what the barber takes in, cause he doesn't declare it. Jim
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