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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. Hey guys and gals long time no talk, I got a new job and a new apartment so i havnt had much time to come on here let alone go fishing, but a buddy and myself are going to hit balsam lake in the next week or so and was just wondering if any one could give me some pointers either areas to try or depths etc. I am targeting bass but at the end of the day i wouldnt mind a walleye or two. so any information would be greatly appreciated! thanks again ! A fellow angler, - Alex
  2. to bad i am just reading this now. I would of been down to go, I live in port perry and no the lake pretty well. maybe next time - Alex
  4. there is 2 launches not including the one at the mouth of the river. you will find just about anything and everything in there. but its not always the best. tho its a pretty good spot to try if you use a canoe or a non powered boat etc as your hidden from the wind. I lived in port perry for 14 years and fished it regularly. as far as lures go. id say beetle spins with a grub or t-tail. not once have they let me down. any other questions, feels free to send me an inbox. hope any of this helped a fellow angler. -Alex
  5. hey guys i really appreciate the feed back!
  6. hey guys havnt been on here in some time been workin my days away. and well finaly dedicated some time to get out and do some fishing to top it off it will be my first time out on the bay (through the ice) and if any one could suggest a spot to try (area/water depth?) any information would be greatly appreciated! Im not asking for anyones hot spots im just looking for a general idea of where to go and what depth is good to try. (coming from oshawa) thanks again. -Alex
  7. maybe he wasn't trying to win the boat.. maybe he just wanted a fishing rod or a camera (just kidding)
  8. yup i have seen them as well (ps Im also for Port Perry) as for using the trees.. sounds sorta tempting..
  9. bad idea! haha expecially in scugog! the lake can be so dense with weeds ! my younger cousin dropped a reel in lake Chandos doing the same thing.. the only difference was u could see it about 6 feet down.. so we were able to get it back
  10. my biggest was a 6.7 lb Smallie out of scugog. on an xrap. had some just shy of that in the 5 & 6 lb range. my good friend caught a nice 7.1 on a frog two years ago.
  11. was out on the bog yesterday and well sinclair said it best.. stay to the west side. unless your in the mood to be tossed around. as for a report there isnt much of one from me haha
  12. jeez guys me and MTB are also from Kawarthas.. im thinkin carpool / OFC g2g !
  13. aounds like a great opportunity ! good luck !
  14. thats actually pretty kool!
  15. hahahaha!
  16. wow.. and that is why i dont fish the rivers.. i would defenetly not get along if i fished there..
  17. i have been tempted to try them as well.! would love to hear if any1 has used them ? im sure they could work.. just havnt put the time in with them
  18. I live in lindsay and was down there not long ago.. caught 4 over 4 hours.. few different techinques.. but they were all about 13-14''
  19. saw this.. was pretty shocked
  20. the flow is very minimal. and I have heard locals say the same thing.
  21. kool would love to catch / see one in preson
  22. wow I hate to hear this stuff.. just think.. it could be you.. and sure you can swim.. but for how long.. and there are so many "what ifs" always wear your life jackets
  23. Now we'r talkin! Lacrosse.. a real canadian sport
  24. you have got that right!
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