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Everything posted by richyb

  1. HUGE FISH ! A few years ago I had my hut on sparrow and kept seeing a massive muskie. ( maybe not quite that big ) It had a big white scar on its back so we named him SCAR BACK. Seen it swim through my hole a dozen times or so with his back right against the ice. Doesnt surprise me a fish that big in there.
  2. Theres no feeling as good as smoking a deer with a compound. Nice deer !
  3. Yep the MNR bios always make the right decisions. Its always a good move to stock lake trout and whitefish in Simcoe off the hawkestone dock durring smelt season. Seen guys goin with buckets of trout, Lovely !
  4. Even just the smell of your hands is enough to get their attention. See anything today ? I seen a doe and fawn friday night.
  5. Did you happen to take a leak on your ladder stand ? Theres gotta be some kind of smell on your ladder. I also think thats a fawn buck with buttons.
  6. I have only caught lakers from lake simcoe. The meat is orange and their diet is smelts, herring, and likely small whitefish.
  7. WOW leafs are losing right now 3-1 against colorado. Kinda got a chuckle when I seen tucker scored and has an assist against the maple sucks.
  8. Those are some beauty bucks , that last one would look nice on the wall I have only seen 2 bucks this season and they were both at about 200 yards.
  9. Definitly the INTIMIDATOR ( dale sr.) , THE KING ( petty) , and tom cruise from days of thunder
  10. Thats what I do too. I have a hat for every deer I have shot. Took a black marker and wrote inside what deer the hat represents. BUT lastyear the peckerheads ran out of hats so all I got was the badge. I had to go and buy an orange hat to sew it on
  11. Is there a hardwood bush near by ? Untill theres lots of snow on the ground I havent seen many deer in pines. I bet in the cedars you would find some good trails and would have better luck getting pics.
  12. Idiots wont stop taking sound shots just because they are a member of the OFAH. I have even hunted with guys that say if you hear a sound your safety should be off and gun pointed in that direction so that your ready INCASE its a deer. Screw that !!!!! I never take my safety off untill right before I pull the trigger. Just another great money grab !
  13. Im guessing theres another ? ,,, oh nevermind, just realized. Rich , never knew his last initial was also B
  14. Let out more line with a chunk of lead 3 feet infront ?
  15. Sweet pics. That buck sure liked the camera ! Figures, you get your camera working good and taking nice pics and now i cant even get mine to take a pic lol. I leave it out for a week and get 0 pics. Tracks right infront of it too so i know theres deer. It works good in my livingroom so maybe it was just damp or something.
  16. In the archery world SPEED KILLS. With an arrow your not killing with SHOCK, you are killing by slicing organs. Faster arrows produce flatter trajactories which means more room for error in judging shot distance. You can add string silencers , limb savers , shock absorbing stabilizer bars to reduce noise of the bow. I am shooting a bowtech 101st ariborne shooting 340 fps !!!!! It makes a little more noise than my old goldeneagle shooting 270fps but I think that the differance in speed makes up for the string noise.
  17. Sweet video.
  18. I have seen this before on hunting forums. Do I smell PHOTOSHOP?
  19. Its a very good gun for the price. I have the stoeger p350, its a sister company and a copy of the nova with cheaper materials and I like it. Cant go wrong with a name like benelli.
  20. Great minds think alike !!! Thats what I do also
  21. If you buy a tag at a store and then apply for a doe tag and get one you get a sticker to attach to your deer tag. If you apply on the phone your tag comes with anterless typed right on it.
  22. seen a doe and a fawn tonight . Had the doe at about 30 yards but im waiting on big poppa !
  23. I use spinnerbaits with anything from 6lb mono up to 50 lb power pro. Most the my spinnerbaits are cheap ones that are 3 for 10 bucks. There is no single set up or type of spinnerbait that will work.
  24. This is the same bushnell camera as yours. This deer is about 10 feet from the camera. It is about 4 feet up in the tree. I have mine on a deer trail with a pile of salt to get them to stop, or atleast slow down for a good pic. Maybe yours just has a bad flash and you can exchange it for a new one.
  25. The flash is only good for like 30 feet, not yards . The pics of the deer you have they look like they are quite a distance away. My cam is the same one and the flash is very bright on a deer that is 10 feet away from the cam. Your deer are so far away they look like mice. Get them closer and then see what the pics look like. Use a pile of salt or something.
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