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Everything posted by richyb

  1. 1994 zr 580 $150 with TD
  2. I dont like the idea of cutting a chunk off a rod. Why not just buy a regular rod that you know how it will feel ?
  3. Toskala who? The Monster is on fire .. I dont like the leafs but its good to see them playing decent.
  4. Looking forward to some rested days of to hunt some wabbits with my 22. Not after bambi anymore ?
  5. So your just wanting to sit there and dig holes? My cat had some work done to it and ended up taking off at about 6grand and it was a pain in the ass.. Woke up the whole neighbourhood trying to take off, try to pull anything and it just dug holes, Tries to throw passengers off the back on take off. So i played around and got it back to 4500 and its perfect.
  6. My dad used to shoot trap at epps and reload his shotgun shells in machine shop at park street ( mid 70's) . He took 2 shotguns to school on the buss and put them in his locker. I tried to take my compound bow on the bus in a case ( 1998 ish) and you would think I was trying to take over the world. The world has changed, I almost wish I could have lived back in the day. I hate being told when I can or cant fart these days.
  7. cooks bay is frozen up from lastnight.
  8. How many hunting firearms ( long guns) are used in crime? how many restricted weapons? ( hand guns, fully auto). They are 2 different registrations and the long gun registry is a waste of time. I dont near of many bank robbers going in , pulling a scoped 30-06 out of the leg of their pants and holding up the place. The registration is being scrapped. I have heard that there are 3 voting sessions going on. 2 have already happend and voted to scrap it. All it needs it the 3rd one to vote scrap and its history. Hunting is one of the safest sports to do. More people likely die playing hockey than get shot while hunting. HUNTERS are educated and respect what a firearm can do.
  9. I agree that its easy to get your pal , or pol renewed . Anyone I know has got their renewal papers a couple months before the expiry date so there shouldnt even be an excuse to have it expire. Does anyone know when they are going to have the final voting on the whole thing ?
  10. You cant register a gun if you have never had a FAC ( now PAL) for an example..... lets say someones dad dies and they take his hunting rifle for a keep sake. They are not hunters just want the gun for sentimental value. Then it comes out they have to register the gun. Not many people are going to go and take the PAL course just so they can have an old gun of their fathers, so they give them up.
  11. I like the paper sticker I got that im supposed to stick on my .22 because it didnt have a serial number. Also my papers for each gun were just on a sheet of computer paper and i had to cut them out myself and was told i couldnt laminate them. How much thinking went into it if they cant hand out something a little more permanent like a credit card type card for each gun? There hasnt been a year where i havent hunted in the pissin down rain. A sticker, peice of paper + rain = no good.
  12. The dirty part of the this whole thing is that they are looking up people who have bought hunting licenses in the past and havent registered any guns and searching their houses. They are spending millions still searching people when chances are the whole thing is going to be scrapped. I know a couple people that gave up their guns when the whole registry came out and some of those guns had sentimental value.
  13. I hope he shot that moose with a bow and a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy north.
  14. maybe a weasel ? not sure if a mole would be able to turn over the bin. or how about anaconda?
  15. umm ok and here I had great hopes you would shoot a deer and you think the leafs will be first .... I still hope you get a deer but i im doubting you second theory.
  16. I thought tonight was the night. 30 mins before dark i see a deer ( no antlers) come up through the brush and hang up just before it got into the field. It finaly comes into the field about 40 yards away and its a friggin fawn !!! I already get teased about shooting one with the shotgun so I figured I'd let it walk. I seen the buck that I have been after all year a couple nights ago. Man its a deer even Lee or tiffany wouldnt pass up. Still some time to fill the tags.
  17. There is a bit of a second rut about 28 days after the first one. Looks like it has started. One of them brown things are gonna make a mistake. Dad seen a doe in the field behind one of my stands so im going to sit there this aft. I vote that night vision scopes be legal and hunting time extended till about midnight
  18. Sweet year ! Those bowfin are one wierd lookin fish but they sure fight hard.
  19. Good to see you back in the game misfish. I seen a huge buck lastnight but he was on the other side of the fence and 200 yards away Good luck tomorow aft. Ill be in a tree somewhere.
  20. The bucks were in the rut , are you sure he was thinking about fighting? haha. j/k A few years back I just got down from my tree stand and heard a snap. I turned around to see a nice buck coming through the bush and got about 10 feet away untill he noticed me. He started snorting and kicking the ground and kept edging closer. Finaly about 5 feet i had enough and said " HEY" he sure took off fast. Not sure if he was wanting to fight or if it was the doe pee all over my boots lol but either way I didnt want any part of his action.
  21. Check the sides of hills for the den. Any den i have seen has been in the side of a hill.
  22. A few years ago we were told by some loggers that they seen one by our vehicles while we were fishing at a camp by sudbury. My grandfather seen one last summer just outside of kirkfield. My brother also seen one in the same area in the spring. There was tracks in orillia last year that were confirmed by a puma specialist.
  23. I would like ice cleats for my boots for those glare ice days on the lake. Nothing is better than taking off in a sprint to get to a tripped pike line and do a complete header with a sore groin .
  24. Put a couple miles on today checking for tracks in the snow. Not many deer tracks but lots of coyote tracks. Time to get out the .222 !
  25. Where in cumberland beach will you be ? My grandparents used to live on the lake( turn off hwy 11 at bramshot, left at the lake , last place on the lake at the end of the dead end) I know theres decent perch out there about 150 yards or so. Its all shallow then drops off really fast. Got lots on the drop off. I havent fished any other areas tho. Good luck .
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