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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dang now that's a motley crew there looks like a great day guys congrats
  2. Like billy said take it fishing for a day then clean it after as it will soften the scum. As for what cleaner I am not sure.
  3. Wow that's do sad to see and this early in the year I hope for a lot of rain
  4. Well there was a lot of fish caught this weekend on my boat and on a Slowpokes but today the wife and I put a whoopin on the eyes until we ran out of crawlers. We were fishing LSC in 14fow using harnesses copper with crawlers we were off the water before 9:30 with these 9 also lost a few and had many sheep, silvers,perch, SM and a LM to round the day. I hope everyone else had a great long weekend I know we did with family friends and fireworks last night and a early day fishing before the heat it sure did round out a great week.
  5. Great report looks like a gin time out there
  6. If you are in earoeau by Chatham yes for sure we can get out musky fishing I will leave work early or take a day off if I can
  7. Very nice looks like it was nice out there
  8. This is a great event last year was our first time being able to make it and it was a blast we are looking forward to it this year. I will be donating more Handlebarz for the prize table again. Thanks Dan and Ryan for heading this great event.
  9. I have been to that CTC Cliff the guy that was there each time I went in was great I even gave him some of my contacts I had on musky lures he asked my opinion on the ones for the area and got them in. They are a great bunch of people there it sucks that you did not get the good impression that I did from that store. I do agree with you that the guys selling bait need more support kudos to you for supporting them.
  10. Nice to see the pics John I was waiting since you sent me the text over the weekend congrats on a great time away. Also for getting into some slime south of the boarder during the tournament that would have been some tough fishing conditions. I have thought of heading down one of these winters to fish with Tony Grant or another as they are very reasonable fishing packages for there during the winter months something like $500 for a weekend with lodging its almost cheaper then hauling the boat down but not as rewarding as just looking at the map and heading out fishing. Once again Congrats John
  11. Wish I could but would have to leave to early to get home before my daughters skating banquet. Hope everyone has a great time there is always next year.
  12. congrats on a great B day Brian
  13. Paul you should know better Joey would never kick you out when your gone with the boat That is her's and she will use it to move all her tackle if that day were to come. Your safe when she tells you to go fishing alone just worry when she sends you carp fishing for a weekend from shore.
  14. Another good girl gone wrong congrats mike
  15. Jew did ya find don and Ruth dang nice to see the mini G2G
  16. The wife and I have been getting our gas from the small guys for years I can not remember when I last went to Esso or Petro Canada shell some times if I have to and am on that side of town but not on purpose.
  17. dang Mike have a great day good luck and I hope you have great weather out there for it. Congrats to you both I guess this means your not fishing today?
  18. Awesome great to see spring is starting for you guys way in da north.
  19. it can work if everyone will stick to it this is NOT the STOP FOR ONE DAY CRAP this is BOYCOT THE MAJOR RETAILERS. Another thing is DO NOT SPEND ANYTHING INSIDE THERE STORES they make cash there also. Even thought the mom and pop places buy there gas from the big boys it will still hurt them as they make a killing on there stores have you ever wondered why they have so many new things in there store its covenant shopping STOP that and they will lower the price to get you back. Esso here in Chatham is always one of the first to raise the price Petro only goes down to stay in touch with 7/11. Our shell station is usually good for prices but I buy most from 7/11. If everyone or most would stop worrying about there air miles or what ever points they get for a few months this could work yes we all need gas but they are just asking us to not hit the major retailer stores. Let give it a try I will for sure what can it hurt lets not do like we have in the past and PISS ON A IDEA BEFORE IT HAS EVEN STARTED.
  20. Nice to see ya here kelvin and as you know Brian is great at avoiding them pesky fish
  21. Nice going Justin and the grouse photo's were very cool looks like great weather for walking this weekend
  22. nice sow for sure. I hope we can squeeze in a bit of fishing this weekend it would be nice to get out with the family Saturday if not for some eyes even perch and pan fish from Bass Haven as they will be ready to rock again with this warm weekend. Check out Johns video that he did with Brandon it will help to learn the Dr alot
  23. Hey all the Detroit River is cleaning up nicely just in time for the long weekend here are a couple pics I took today when crossing back around 1pm. If you were thinking of coming down this weekend it should be nice and clean will try and get a couple pics tomorrow then off for the long weekend
  24. Thanks everyone our part was fun and rewarding we were and still are amazed at how it turned out.
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