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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Nice read hope you get into one of then GBay fat girls
  2. PAB thats always a great feeling getting slime on your own bait. Nice going for sure. Ron on a fly rod very cool Spooled sorry you were fishing for eyes it does not count Well I guess it does only 8 in for the draw so far
  3. Just a few days left I hope to get some more people into the draw but then again I bet the ones already entered hope no one else enters right now there odds are good. The weather looks great this weekend in my area just a little heat so the am and pm bite should be great
  4. I just hope I dont have a run in with any of them as it will not be so nice. If it were not for fishing just think where so many of us would be I know I would have never lasted as long as I have and I am sure there are many here who would be out causing crap and being a low life sticking there noses into places it should not be. Oh wait maybe that is the problem there parents never had time for them and they are rebelling against the ones who had a great childhood. Either way P3TA SUCKS
  5. The Belle River Chapter of Muskies Canada will be hosting our musky classic again this year on the July long weekend I am inviting my OFC family to come out for a weekend of fun and slime. For our prize table we will have a St Croix Casting rod (I cant remember the model number) Vhf radio Line Counter reel Scotty orca rod holders and lots of baits on the door prize table. The Belle River Chapter will as we do each year pay the admission for the kids 1 child per Adult paid entry. If you like to fish with your family this is also a great event for it as it would cost you just $80 for a weekend of fishing for a family of 4 that would include a BBQ Friday night, Dinner Sunday afternoon, and a door prize for each of the 4 family members. Please feel free to ask for a emailed copy from me if you want to make some and share them at work or in your local stores. If you have any questions please email me or call Mike D or myself our numbers are on the flyer posted.
  6. Well no camping for us again as we have our kids derby here in Belle River the next morning and we have to be in Belle River for 6am for it. But we will be at the Fish-A-Thon bright and early Saturday I am looking forward to it.
  7. Nice mike WTG keep him interested. Both our kids were in the boat by May 24 weekend of there first year and they both love the boat
  8. Great report that sounds like a awesome weekend congrats on all tge slime eyes and fun
  9. Thanks everyone It has been fine since I cleaned it out I guess That might have been the problem. I know the one at our old house would freeze up du to fuzz from all the trees. Its off now as the temps came down I will see what goes next time we have some good heat.
  10. Phil I had my knee chewed up years back when I was working on my deck kneeled down right on top of the home they were not happy. I was lucky. I guess it's time for a pen for you to carry with you now
  11. Last night the AC froze up the lines after running all day in the heat. I noticed that there was some fuzz not much on tge AC cooling fins I rinsed it off today it worked great until 5pm when it totally shut down the motor was hot on the AC unit. It has just switched off and since I started typing this it came back on. Any ideas what to look for? Oh yeah the filter is clean and the humidifier is switched to summer. The cool temp is set at 74 but it shuts down before that. Thanks for the help
  12. A couple friends have been going up there for years staying at musky bay camp they have been doing well on my baits with the double 8's being the best size fishing docks and weed beds all casting.
  13. I use the creek launch 100% of the time. The free LH launch has no dock and you have to climb down a ladder that is broken and only attached on one side. There is a pay launch in LH cove marina it's great for bigger boats but you have to idle out through the Mariana then down the cut to the river.
  14. Great idea terry to put it on a fish tv I might have to try it
  15. Nice to see others getting out. Don't forget there is still time to post here I will be waiting for the northern opener before drawing a name
  16. Lew I always like that story but it's better in person to see your face when telling it you add a lot of expersion to it
  17. Not sure of it was the shortest but a few years back I had my daughter out musky fishing we got out I set the lines and she tossed her Tim bits I pulled tge lines and headed in. Well less then a hour. Heck I thought the marina would offer a free launch for another time as we were out there a lot and recommended a lot of people there but they would not. I guess that's one of the reasons it went under and new owners are there now.
  18. I forgot to hit FS yesterday maybe I will remember today. I did get some ribs and am getting them ready for dinner today mmmmmmmmmm BBQ ribs
  19. Oh sure be that way lol. I will LYK if we are makin it I need to get my boat out there is to much gas it's coming out the breather in thus heat today. Must fish to burn it off that's my reason. What time are ya going
  20. I will see what they say when they get here. I thought if I told her I would be done by 10 she would say ok but we would stay till noon. I will call or text ya If it's a go
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