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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Happy B-Day there Wayne I was shocked to see no responce from you till page 2 I thought there was a tragic event that happened for your big day well I guess work can be just that
  2. I here ya Joe this is the firsat time I have gotten into one I dont usually have time but figure that I will give it a try I always make time to watch the races but will likley forget to make changes through the year. I guess as long as I have drivers that are in the race I am doing good
  3. way to go Joe help em out I was hopeing that some would sleep and not do it like I did the other week but my picks were still good enough to get some points.
  4. I would suggest Can-Am Charters Rick is a great guide and a young guy that wors hard all day you will not be dissapointed in him you can go out for Musky,Small Mouth Bass,walleye, perch, Steelhead He has a great Guarantee also. try giving him a call and tell him I sent ya. Can Am Chaters Lake StClair musky guide
  5. I dont fish bass alot any more but always loved plastic worms texas rig, white or yellow bushwacker AKA spinnerbait with a tail on them usualy split V style, pork rind rigged up on a jig, adn when all else fails just a plain old 1" yellow twister tail with just a bare hook and one split shot maybe I was way ahead of the drop shot back then cast her out with 4lbs line and crank it in one turn every min or so AAAHHHHH the good ol days of lazy summer fishin.
  6. I have a bunch but I love this one from last summer dad and my daughter the day dad got his first muskie I think Roy liked this one also or atleast the sponser
  7. I dont know if anyone is truly offended or not but I am not I know how ya feel ya use a wrong word and all heck breaks loose just ask my wife I do it all the time.
  8. I would be kickin some butt at the top if I had not had toe one race penality for not joining in time there is still alot of season fer me to take charge here
  9. Terry I thought the same thing about using tags but then the questions was asked of me whats stoping them from putting the minnows in a different container. the VHS is alot further ahead then most would think I guess its like the ash borer down here they did to little to late.
  10. Terry the sad thing is that we can get our own minnows right now from the same water that is off limits and use them so if we can trap our own then they will still move them if they were going to do it with store bought ones. I think that is where the big problem is from fishermen can still trap and use minnows but stores can not sell them it makes no sence if there is a ban on them then no one should be allowed to have them not just sotres. Lake huron has VHS and you can get minnows from it but not sell them on this side of the boundrys it is a messed up system they have as one store can sell minnows from a supplyer but if your on the other side of the 402,400 or 401 what ever way they detrmin the bundries now you can not have them? But yes Terry I agree that some one would bring them but they will do it either if they buy them or trap them, my feelings there is always the 8 rod boat out there they know better but dont give a Sh.
  11. I took this from a local fishing site here on LSC as most know about VHS that has affected our area we now need the help of the fishermen/women to call in or send emails to our local MP's and MPP's to try and get bait back into the stores please have a look here and read the links there is alot of info out there on VHS that will explain better then what I can do but the buisness down here is hurting and will need alot of support from us so if you feel like it please take the time to call or email them. I am in no way attached to any bait company or store I just dont want these guys to go under then when i need to get bait or stop by the local store see it closed up due to this thanks Mike orrigional from basshaven.com Ontario Baitfish Update.......Mar.17, 2007 Stand by folks.....we had meetings this past week with our Federal MP Hon. Bev Shipley, a lengthy phone conersation with our MPP Hon. Maria VanBommel, a long meeting yesterday with the Hon. Sandra Pupatello MPP Windsor West Minister of Economic Development, and Trade Minister Responsible for Women’s Issues ........and a meeting is scheduled for early this week with the Minister of Tourism, the Hon. Jim Bradley MPP St.Catherines.... ...there's some important info coming down the pipe, we hope, very shortly. Please be aware that we do not disagree with the briefing paper that was recently delivered by the province's partner in all this, Michigan DNR, to all stakeholders and affected government agencies, including those in Ontario, both Federal and provincial.....and we understand fully the seriousness of the VHS issue and fully support their initiative to curtail the spread of this pathogen into uninfected waters. We also fully understand that there is NO CURE for VHS once it enters a body of water. We fully understand that any legislative decision should be based on up-to-date science and not a knee jerk reaction. We also fully understand that this is an alleged ballast water issue that the bait and sportfishing industry is solely being held accountable for, and as such, is seriously jeopardizing the livleyhoods AND way of life of a large number of people on both sides of this immediate border, not to mention the impact on the Tourism, Fishing Tackle and Marine Trade Industries plus Government Tax coffers. We fully understand that there is absolutely NO RISK TO HUMANS from VHS. We also fully understand that VHS has been documented in the present "INFECTED ZONE" since 2003 and new evidence may suggest possibly as far back as 1988. We fully understand that VHS has now been documented within 20 miles of the Straits of Mackinaw in 2005 and is also currently being investigated as the possible cause of a major fish die off in Lower Lake Michigan earlier this year.. Here is a link to that briefing paper.....click or cut and paste it into your browser...... http://www.savethebaitbusiness.com/documen...eet20070226.pdf Here is the parent link that also contains a lot of up to date info....... http://www.savethebaitbusiness.com In the meantime we are asking everyone to contact their MP and MPP ...or their State Representative or Congressman... and ask them to back a solution that would allow bait to be CAUGHT WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE, transported, sold and contained for use ONLY WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE, HOWEVER WAY THAT ZONE IS DEFINED. Every gov't official we have spoken to has agreed, "off the record", that the scientific evidence says this is the correct solution, but the problem is that MP's, MPP's within the infected and buffer zones are not hearing from anyone other than the bait dealers and they have told us that THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU ON THIS ISSUE. NY State is already modifying their legislation, effective Mar.15, to suit their specific need, using the available scientific evidence. The infected zone CANNOT GET ANY MORE INFECTED THAN IT ALREADY IS and there is NO CURE, so the common sense solution would be to allow bait to be caught, transported, sold and contained for use WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE. As per the International Joint Commission, the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, the Great Lakes Fisheries Council, USDA(APHIS), Ag Canada(FIA), DFO, Michigan DNR and Ontario MNR it is acknowledged that once a body of water is infected it will stay infected because THERE IS NO CURE. It is our opinion that Provincial and Federal officials appear to be utilizing USDA/Michigan DNR/Penn DNR/NY DNR etc. data such as test results and DNA sampling to generate legislation, as there has been apparently no known testing by Canadian Laboratories to this point. Time is of the essence so please make the calls on Monday of next week. We need you to get your elected officials involved. COMMON SENSE SOLUTION-----allow bait to be caught WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE, transported, sold and contained for use ONLY WITHIN THE INFECTED ZONE, HOWEVER WAY THAT ZONE IS DEFINED. Below are the telephone listings of our local representatives offices.........if you are from outside this area please refer to the BLUE pages in your telephone book under Members of Parliament........if you are from the USA and vacation in this area please take a minute and make a call.......if you are from the States of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York or Maine please call your State Representative and Congressman. Federal Government.... Dave Van Kesteren MP Essex ChathamKent Chatham-519-358-7555 Leamington-519-326-9655 Bev Shipley MP Lambton-Kent-Middlesex Wallaceburg-519-627-4899 1-800-585-2640 Provincial Government.... Pat Hoy MPP Chatham-Kent-Essex 519-351-0510 1-800-265-3992 Maria Van Bommel MPP Lambton-Kent-Middlesex 1-800-265-3916 Thank You for your assitance. If you have any questions please feel free to drop me an e-mail [email protected] Tight Lines, Dennis
  12. thats the same thing I had thought Brian
  13. So as most know I live close to LSC adn fish it alot this year I want to do alot more casting for musky usually casting for them down here is held for fall fishing to most. My question is to everyone as I want all opinions where would you start with a lake like LSC I know look for structure but would you cast from deep to shallow or park up in the shallow and cast out deep or try and cast across the humps or shallow water into the deep and bring it across the whole spot? I have a idea what I will be trying at first but would like others ideas of what they would try thanks fer the input. Mike
  14. WOW I see a post from me and I was not even on the puter till now I wondered how this could happen then I saw the light this is from Nov you had me worried there for a min I thought I had lost my mind and posted something with out haing a memory of it.
  15. We just had one of our Belle River Chapter MCI members come home a couple weeks ago J.P. Bacon was serving our country over there for the last 6 months and came home safe but as he came home a life long friend headed out so yes we do need to thank these men and women and think about them when we start to worrie about the small stuff. P.S. dont forget RED FRIDAY wear red just to show you care and support our friends over seas
  16. well I cant wait toget some slime in that nice shinny boatthere Brian. Your weekend looks like it was alot more fun then mine atleast ya got out and had some fun before the warm weather takes away all the snow.
  17. nice to see ya got out today it was a great day. I also dont care for the NEW set up for pics on the site it makes me not want to check most pics out when you have to wait for them to laod I am having flashbacks from dial up days
  18. I love my 3 convectors I run with my ugly stick for muskie I did not have any problems last year but then again it was a slow fish season but I did pull alot of 9" thumper woodies around and hard pulling big lip lures with no problem you can shure bring in a bait easy with the convector Okuma is a great reel in my eyes. I will be buying one more this season and might check into the upgrade I knew of a problem with the mega but not the convector.
  19. I guess it goes with out saying that MRS EH fishes with me alot and the family comes along also my daughter took this pic for the wife with her first slimer small but fun.
  20. Maybe we need a new title to the thread I did not notice it until today and I thought it would be full of pictures? Rob is a great person and like others have said has been going throught alot I hope that this day is a great one I know you guys will make the best of it. Please keep us informed on whre and when and if possible maybe we cah have a M&G there for Chris. but then again there will be so much for him that day we can have it another just to have a excuse to get out again. Mike
  21. as always dan great shots you do live in a amazing place up there. Kev that is one cool pic of the moon
  22. I could have had some nice shots of the snow but no moon here if it had been last night we had clear skies and saw a nice almost full moon then.
  23. Hey Roger this does sound like a good thing you have brought up. Chris and the others need our thoughts everyday and this is a great reminder to us all that sometimes get caught up in our own lives and forget for a moment that there are others that realy need our thoughts.
  24. congratz to all but where did they go I wanted to see how they turned out I missed out thanks to Rons very nice bid on the Hut so I guess you will just have to come down here next winter to show me how it works or maybe we will try it out before tehBOD next year
  25. nice shots very cool to see them mom and dad saw one many moons ago but it was so far away the pics are not to clear I will pass these along to dad he will like them
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