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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dem be some WOODIES a little bigger then normal but they still fish well we would have brought some down but Stacy had tyhen in his booth
  2. Sorry I could not stay Chris I thought about it but had to get going I did not want to wait and see what the weather man would have for the morning drive. I did find some good deals there Knipex cuters for $40 MCI shirts for $10 Hooks that sell for $15-$20 here were $11.99 at JB's Pro Tackle had alot of stuff and saved me alot on my cradle if ya knew the prices before hand you could find some good prices. here are some pics I took most before the show opened and was a little busy to remember to take many more. Jason from the MNR he has had alot to do with the Lake Simco project and is one hell of a good guy. Our chapter space at the main booth for MCI we had a great time and talked with many people there that have either fished LSC or have wanted to come join us in the near future. thanks to all who stoped by. Charles Weise and Joe what a couple of great guys and funny to go with it. Chuck had alot of great musky pictures with him and Joe had a bunch of lures to sell Charles is also a member of the Belle River Chapter. Depth Master Lures has some great looking baits Jim and Jim had a nice setup baside the TO chapter booth which for some reason I did not get a pic of maybe it was due to the fact that Ron was in the way all the time I was over there. Stacy of Pro Tackle had alot of stuff to offer and I know I saw alot of people walking out with the big nets and alot of his lures. Waterwolf Lures what can I say about these two girls Mary and her mother were just AWSOME people I spent 1/2 hour or more later in the show talking withthem both and they were great they also had a pig plug from Gords speach on plastics and were swamped after the speach was done. JB's had a big setup there and due to the lighting in that end all pics taken were bad. Pete was nice enough to lend us his trophy musky for the show it was caught on Bobacanuche (I think thats how ya spell it) thanks Pete I dont know why sonme pics were so bad but there was also a new company there HOT LURES and these things look great they are the next bulldog only better in my opinion there pic was to distorted to use along with others but check out there web site Aaron and Dean were two great guys to get to know and I bet alot of musky nuts will be pitching these things this year. check them out at.HOTLURES.CA Well it is sad that there is way to many days to count down to the next one but I bet Chris is already getting things started had a blast and will not miss another gotta go the race is starting.
  3. Yes it was a great day and nice to meet some new people we had a blast working the Belle River Chapter booth and taking pics for people with the Obrian musky. I have some pics but will get them up later. I would say everyones names but i can not remember everyone and heck for some odd reason I would keep calling muskybill Mike heck I dont know why. Anyway it was a blast and 2009 cant come fast enough
  4. see ya in a few hours Dax I think I will hit the sack now 3am will be here soon enough
  5. Hey Ron I will try and remember more then the mix this time and thanks to Chris for helping me through them times payback this weekend for shure.
  6. For shure Pete we will sit down for some catch up time I think I am staying with Ron fer the night so it might be a long one or maybe we will just head out and stop off in Ham
  7. I will be at the Belle river booth most of the day wit htaking breaks to get into the shows they have might just have to spend some cash also see ya there.
  8. I heard they are used mainly on comercial side but are getting more attention on the fishing side now I guess alot of the fishing boats use them I guess a tug would be along the same line. I think I might give them a try who knows I know I need to choose in the next week or so
  9. NORM Welcome aboard we all get reeled in at one time or another
  10. I have been looking for a long time now at fish finders and thought that a few times I had the right one picked out but now another person has told me about the Raymarine DS400x but I had not heard of Raymarine before so I thought I would poll the mob and see what you all think og there products. It will be used 90% troling musky on LSC in 14-17 FOW at 3.5-4.5 MPH I want a color finder with a wide beam so that is why I have been so pickey OH yeh I also dont want to break the bank on one. thanks fer the help in advance.
  11. well I guess I will have to go then if petes going. I think I might just stay the night and make the best of it.
  12. Lew I here ya its very sad that our places are turing into dumps. We get alot of it here and I have no answer on how to stop it education seems to not work but then again jail time might not work either maybe humilitaion (or how ever ya spell it will work) try taking people if caught and put there picture on signs along the road ways with warnings of LITTER BUG under there face or make them pick up the areas and play the video on a 60 min special right after the super bowl or daytona 500. I guess its still up to the 10% to clean up after the slobs. This past winter the OPP did a blitz here for booze and people leaving junk on LSC I was happy to here they were out at 7am checking people and then again at the end of the day but was sshocked to here all the people crying on a local board that they were harrassing them on the lake so I guess were damnd if we do or dont.
  13. a buddy had one it broke on him so off the WM for another same thing third time same thing he is now using Ugly Stick for the price how can ya beat it? Each time the rod broke it was where the rod went together the top part would split
  14. I find that if they are not in a area that is right on the water or far enough away from bigger stores it is hard for them to keep afloat. It is hard for them to compete withthe big boys when they buy in bulk. I am guilty of buying from the big stores but when I am saving $50-$100 it is hard to justify not going to them. I have been looking on line at fishfinders and they differe in price big time from store to store I want to talk to two local places first but will be buying on line if they are more then $30 difference in price. I would love to help them out everytime but it will not happen as the $$$ is nice in my pocket and will get me some more fishing lures.
  15. Man thats alot of stuff to go over thanks for the update
  16. just 16 days till ya can celibrate in style spending $$$$$$ on new musky gear happy Bday Pete have a good one
  17. well I guess it will do but where is the hall of fame section? You had better get everything done before june 2 or it will have to wait till the 16th of Dec By the way Ron nice job
  18. Monique have a great day and thanks for sharing the rest of the story I cant wait for the old guys Bday to see his pics but then again can they be any worse then the TUTU? hope ya had a great one Mike
  19. Oh man that means Pete is going to be there what is next? Oh wait I will be there also causing terroer where ever I roam cant wait its just days away see everyone there.
  20. yes the fish still make the run each year but with the nets (cages) covering almost the width of the river and not much of a chance for them to get up or back with out making it to the back of a truck then on my street corner for sale you will not find alot getting to where they should. NUF SAID
  21. I have been looking for a bit now at different fishfinders and think this one might be right for me I was just wondering if anyone has used it before and how did ya like it? its only $199 at Wallywold in the USA so I figure that is pritty good for what I need.
  22. I have been looking for a bit now at different fishfinders and think this one might be right for me I was just wondering if anyone has used it before and how did ya like it? its only $199 at Wallywold in the USA so I figure that is pritty good for what I need.
  23. I was going to buy one of them also but deceided to get one of each just incase on fails then I dont loose both I have read about the differences on Calallas web site this link has some good info to help you make your choice it will let you know what each feather is for I know I will make my choice better informed now that I have read this. Calallas sonar GPS info
  24. this is all apart of the same things as the minnow ban I had brought up. It starts in one place and will not stop until we make our voice heard. Why is it that most of the info we have to go on comes from the USA our MNR is not doing enough and that is not there fault they have been cut to very dangerious extent. It seems that people did not care much a couple years ago when Gobies and drum died off or the big muskie dieoff of the St Lawerence then LSC. I do know that all the Sh!$ will hit the fan if we have a huge pickeral or pearch die off then we will get the support from the GOV.
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