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Everything posted by Jer

  1. ...seems to have sparked a discussion after all.
  2. Probably because we don't have the refining capacity in this country. Maybe we should build a brand new, shiny refinery in the Sault?
  3. Ya, because Liberal & NDP "carbon credits" would do nothing but drive energy prices down...
  4. Unfortunatley, more expensive appliances these days just usually means more useless bells and whistles that give the appliance even more opportunity to break down.
  5. Didja even read the story? The ship wasn't abandoned...it was swept out to sea during last year's Japanese tsunami. I think they had more important things to worry about at the time...like thousands missing and killed, nuclear meltdown, total distruction... The ship hade the capacity to carry 2000 gallons of fuel (nobody knows how much was actually aboard)...Where do you get the 300,000 litres from? It was a fishing trawler, not an oil tanker. Most of us probably do evaporate (read burn) at least a gallon of fuel a day. We don't get fined, just taxed up the wazoo on it. But you're right about Dalton's "Green Energy" plan, totally meaningless except for driving up hydro rates.
  6. How is this an American vs Canadian thing? I'm Canadian, and I think if the US Coast Guard deems sinking the vessel the best approach...have at her! The boat had already been claimed for salvage, but for what ever reason (probably cause they figgered it wasn't worth the money or the risk) they didn't follow up on their claim and tow it to shore. I imagine that towing a vessel of that size and unknown structural integrity has to come with some risk to life and limb. It's a rusty old hulk afterall. As someone already mentioned, when you consider the ships and planes that were sunk in the world's oceans during WWII, and the oceans survived believe it or not, one little fishing boat in 2012 is hardly significant. How many should risk their lives to bring it in, or should we wait for it to break up in a storm?
  7. ...bout sums it up for me.
  8. ...call around and see...
  9. Don't tell Chessy, he'll be there with his shotgun Maybe a couple have migrated over here, it would be cool to get a local population. If each pair displaces 3 pairs of geese, all the better. We have no shortage of those around here.
  10. My guess would be impossible, none of the local marinas would even have there docks in place yet, nevermind renting boats. I could be wrong though (it's happened once or twice), call around and see.
  11. Makes me feel better about the $89.99 I spent on a Citica 201E at Gagnon's last December.
  12. This warmer, sunny weather all week should get them active again by the weekend. If I can get home at a decent time, I may even give them a try tonight.
  13. Thanks Wayne & Bernie, I sent an email with some pics to Bev this morning.
  14. Always an answer on OFC. Thanks Wayne, PM sent.
  15. Had a couple of travellers stop by the dock for a visit on Sunday: They weren't shy at all, came within less than ten feet of us. When the dog jumped in and swam towards them, they didn't back off at all, even got kinda aggressive. Moosy thought better and high-tailed it back to shore. You can see the yellow tag on the back of the one. It had a 3 or 4 digit number which we just couldn't quite read. Obviously somebody is tracking them. Are these trumpeter swans? They certainly had a good set of pipes on them. I have a video clip as well, but I'm video-imbedding challenged.
  16. No, no...we LIKE pictures...that's some impressive trout porn.
  17. Fished the lake for half a day a couple years ago, thunderstorms chased us off the water early, and haven't had a chance to go back. Planning on it though, it's a real nice lake with lotsa structure. We did manage one monster smallie in our short time there. The level does fluctuate quite a bit over the season. We fished it in August that year, there was lots of water. I've seen the lake in late September and the level must have dropped 4 or 5 feet.
  18. Well all we managed in 4 hours and 3 or 4 spots today was a few perch and one active school of bluegill. A tough bite to say the least. I don't know what the water temps have been the few times we've been out, my fishfinder is reading 15 to 20 degrees high for some reason. What I do know, is that when we first got out right at the end of that warm spell (about a week and a half ago) the fish were really active, crappie, sunfish, even saw a number of carp jumping like it was May. The following Sunday, after a couple of colder days, we managed a few crappie but overall the action was way down. Today, after a week or more of seasonal temps, it was hard to find a bite at all. How far do you think crappie will move when the weather changes? From where we caught some last week to any water more than 10' deep is probably half a mile or so, would they move that far?
  19. If you need some work done locally Cliff, this guy does real nice work: Sew It All 2500 Chemong, Bridgenorth, ON K0L 1H0 (705) 292-0628 ‎ Looks all warm and comfy in the boat, Bernie.
  20. I'm hoping to get out this afternoon (at another lake somewhere in the Kawartha's) but don't have high expectations. Will probably try out a bit deeper from our traditional spots.
  21. Better stop all those baby bonus cheques going to all those teen moms. Doesn't sound very NDP of you.
  22. I think the cops on the street would disagree. They ALWAYS assume there may be weapon present, regardless of what the fairy-tale registry may say. To the same point, why should an officer approach the house of a law abiding, gun owning citizen any different than thay would any other citizen's home. Seems to be a double-standard in your world where non-gun owners should be treated different than legal gun owners. But, thank God, that's all water under the bridge.
  23. Well at that point, I guess Darwin kicks in.
  24. That's exactly what they said, one fish per day (released or not) and you're done.
  25. Because they need to have at least a few shows that bring in some ratings and revenue. They can only beg so much from the taxpayer.
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