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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. Beauty Job, Baits look like they are all ready for another season. The floor looks great too.... I guess this is classified as fishing lure porn, with serious wood?
  2. Rose's in Burlington is an offical Gov. Map agent in our area. Yes the maps are worth the $15.00 or so, unless you want to drive around the lake all day wasting gas and a batteries looking for bottom structure. Free maps are hard to come by on line. I can not think of any site's other the Anglers Atlas. MAybe if you had a body of water in mind you could ask someone to split the cost of a map and get a couple phot copies, otherwise you are really asking someone to give you what they had to pay for.
  3. That is the skinniest Pike I have ever seen!!!!
  4. That is one mean work barge!!! By the way...What the hell would you catch trolling in the mid 60's???LOL
  5. A Maytag? I too have gas with little or no resistance reading, however I do not believe that this has anything to do with my thermal coupler
  6. Nice fish. It sounds like the average day when I take my wife out...she gets more and bigger fish, I get more and bigger knots LOL. Made the drive to Bowmanville(sp) Creek for the very first time today, got there after lunch and went 0 for 2. The water visabilty went down hill as the day went on. Beauty day to be out though.
  7. Bernie - Great DIY on the ceiling. Loving the pine, very cottage friendly. Not feeling the love from the ceiling fan...but you are the one who will have to look at it every day LOL. Nice work and good luck with the wifes approval.
  8. Bernie, I almost forgot, Beer Availability
  9. If you follow Sultan to the end, heading into Chapleau, you pass a place called MArty's Bear Den, Once you have seen it, you will know exactly what we are talking about. We just about booked there, before we had ever seen it. Wow would that have been a mistake. It looks like a giant junk yard, with Bear skins hanging out front all Bear Season.
  10. Just wondering what goes into everyone's decision about a fishing trip...especially a new lodge? My wife and I try to find at least one new fishing resort to fish every year.... We have certian things we look for and cetain things we will not compromise on. The list is pretty short. Must have: Good Walleye fishing for shore lunches Lots of water to explore - No 5 acre lakes for our vacations Variety of species - nothing like trying something new At least once a year it must be a new lake. MUST BE OUT OF CELL PHONE RANGE - This is getting harder every year Must have nice boats Must Be over 8 hrs from Toronto, we love heading north of Sault Ste Marie Must have lots of Wildlife to see(last time we had two juvinnile wolves run out to our car on HWY 101) (The time before we saw 10 Bears and a wolf.) Must Not: No Wolf Hunts - not preaching or passing judgment, hunting preditors for sport is something we will not support with our $$$$ No major water ways - Not wanting to compete with huge amount of boat traffic No to Marty's Bear Den - If you have ever taken Sultan Industrial Road you will know what this is about. No Trailer parks These are not our weekend adventure rules, just for our vacation in the spring and fall. We were just wondering what goes into everyone's trip planning? Michael and Michelle ps. my wife always catches more fish and often bigger fish but I couldn't find a better fishing partner.
  11. 15 mile and 16 mile are pretty muddy, 18 mile has a great sucker run, never seen any Steelies there, but havent really tried. 20 mile has a great run, upper portion, open after April 26, 2008 - depends on water level.
  12. You have a pile of G. Bay tribes with in one hour. Start in Collingwood area. Pick a map, check the regs and off you go. Fishing early season bows is what makes the adventure. One word of advice, if you are fishing tribes that do not open til Last Sat in April, scout them out the week before to check for fish and water levels. Whatever you do, do not take any gear when you are scouting as it will land you a big fine and possible license suspension. Then, get to the tribr super early on Sat morning (April 26 this year). By super early I mean 3:30 or 4:00am. If you are not there this early, you will be disappointed to find eveyone and his brother drifting the whole that you were hoping to fish. There are some great tribs between Collingwood and Meaford. Also some of these tribes are open now with limited opportunites.
  13. We enjoy jigging for them in deep water during summer. You need a good fish finder, good line (braided) and a still day (boat positioning is crucial). Early morning is best as the wind is normally calm, unless active weather is coming through the area.
  14. Thanks for sharing. Nice fishand a great sun set. I think Bass Marley was sayig something about the 4:20 Bite Anyways look like you had a great afternoon.
  15. Berrnie, I agree wth the saftey. Every year my wife and I go away for a week of no lap tops, no cell pones and no Blue Berry's.... The past 4 years we have really enjoyed the Chapleau area, great fishing, not a lot of people (we go the first week of September) and friendly people. Last year we were informed that the CN Rail was putting towers up.... Guess where we are not going this year, unless we can figure out a way to slip up next weekend for a last little ice ice fishing. But that is it for our summer vacations.
  16. Ferrel Builders Supply on HWY 8 just West of Grays Road.
  17. For my 2 cents, I preffer no cell phones when fishing.... |
  18. And the problem is????????????????????
  19. If you are not married, I suggest buying a couple of good walley rods - 6' to 7' St Croix makes a great one TWS70MLF / Lindy® Rig (7') You will feel the differernce immediatley. Now if you are married, I suggest you do the same, and then scratch it up a little and tell the wife it was an old one you had lieing around .
  20. Glad to hear that you are alright. Don't worry about the preachers here, it is a day that you will never forget. My wife and I had a similar experience in Huntsville Area 3 years ago, minus any outside help. I borrowed some guys D9 Catterpillar and winched it out myself. And by borrow I mean used it with out his permission and promptly returned it when we were done, alone with $20.00 in the viser for the diesel I used. We still talk about this (acctually yesterday we were laughing about it on the way back from Port Loring). I think the experinces are what we talk about long afterwards, not the fish or the "spot" etc. Hope everything works out with the electrical. Best regards, Michael
  21. Randy, I don't see the attraction of fishing with naked men on snow mobiles chasing me.... Please explain
  22. Where are you heading out from, my best fishing partner(my wife) has a previous commitment tomorrow. I feel for her but I told her that I would make the sacrifice and fish for the both of us. Even if I had to go solo.
  23. Nice FIsh and another great video, Thanks for sharing. That is a fatty that even bass marley and bong hits could enjoy.
  24. I have to agree with Kirk. By the looks of the picture this whole accident is really your fault. Had you been going 2km/hr quicker, you would have never been in the guy going through the red lights' way. Anway, glad to hear you are all right, how is the casting shoulder?
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