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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. Citidiots, I like that, I may just use that at some point down the road.
  2. The seson is all wrapped up for us in Dunnville, we would like to get one or more outings in for Walter before we call it a season. Restoule falls in Division 11, Open until the 3rd Sat in March. The exception says that there is a fish sanctuary in Restoule ...Restoule Lake and River, Lot 24 and 25 between Conn. 3 and Conn. 4, I assume this is where the river empties into Restoule, however I am not looking to: a. break the law OR b. be fined for breaking the law. Is anyone familiar with this area that could clarify, also if anyone wants to join us we will be at the park gate Sat morning for 8:00am, unless of course I have read the regs., wrong. Thanks
  3. Lesson learned, Never help an injured elephant
  4. Beauty Laker.
  5. The walk out from Innisfil can be from 10 min to 25 minutes. We always do well in the 65 to 80 feet of water, although I havn't made it out at all this season. Dunville, Restoule and work have kept me busy. If you want to fish the 100 feet + you will def. need a taxi service
  6. Damn you Darwin and your flawed theories!!!!!
  7. Maybe she was just topping up her RRSP's for the year???
  8. I don't think that was 54". why wouldn't she throw it back?
  9. I am all for not paying taxes Only one problem I see with all of this...... All my free time will be divided up between court and jail....that'll leave no time for fishing. So I will tell you what, John if you agree to go to court and jail on my behalf, I will agree to stop paying taxes. I appreciate the thought though, as I have really had enough of paying taxes.
  10. Very Cool!!!
  11. Maybe the leafs should have traded Wade B for some 6" shiners instead of a 5th round pick.
  12. Just wondering where everyone is planning on spending their first soft water fish day of the year? Whenever it gets here. We usually waarm up on some Crappies in the advance of the Last Saturday in April. This year I will be staying as far away from Algonquin Park as possible. You can read a previous post and it will explain why.
  13. Just wondering, Why would the guy pay with a bank draft and then lie about the price? Maybe, and I have no first hand experience , you could pay Certified Cheque or Draft for a portion and cash for the rest , If you have a reciepe for the same amount as the bank draft, it may go unquestioned, or so I have heard Hopefully they just fine him for court costs and unpaid taxes, it would be a pretty expensive trip to the US if they confinscate his new $10 000.00 boat.
  14. I have heard of having your head jammed up your "you know what", but that is just crazy. Anyone have the number of a good vet?
  15. Great report, thanks for sharing. Pictures are great
  16. Thank God for natural selection.
  17. Thanks Buzz, That was a cool little video.
  18. The govenator, Hey doesn't he have something better to do then bother us for a drink.
  19. Just a quick - |Made it out to Dunnville for one last ime this year. The afternoon was bright and sunny, the temperature very agreeable. We fished for about 2.5 hrs, would have like to have been a full day, but we have both been sick for the past week so we had to keep it short. On Que the fish got very active around 5:00pm, lost two larger agressive fish right off the bat, then I had a suprise, two fresh water clams in a row. Right after that a big old, I believe Red Fin Sucker, ner seen one of those come up the hole in my ice yet but there is a first time for everything. I got a nice 'eye bout 16" 1.5 to 2 lbs, he made it all the way to the frying pan By this time it was 7:00 and time to go. Special thanks to everyone at Fishmasters, we had a great time this year, when we were able to get out. The fishing was great and for us much closer then BOQ. We look forward to next years season already.
  20. Fisfinders work fine, no mater the water colour. Trolling is okay in a few spots above the dam in Caledonia, tougher in other spots due to how shallow it gets in spots. Look for the holes - 10 to 13 feet, verticle jigging works best. I like white 5" twisters with 1/2 oz Orange Jig Heads. Good luck, The fish are plenty if you key in on the right spots. The Grand is a great piece of water to explore.
  21. In the summer, bleed right away, I cut the gill plates, clean ASAP. If you are going to bake, gut right away. If you are going to fillet, do it as soon as you can. If you can and plan on keeping some, take a small cooler with ice. In the winter freeze on the ice. There should be no shortage.
  22. Bushart absolutely, Not allowed to let the meat spoil. Don't worry no fish in the garden, not even carp.
  23. Hawg, Great report and beauty fish. Thursday the last day for you on BOQ, Dunville wraps up this week, I am trying to figure out how I can squeeze one more day in.
  24. Easy there Nater, My tongue was firmly planted in my check, although some members might wish it were planted elsewhere. I have no beefs with the big fish, especially since I don't know how these guys fish on a regular basis. Keeping large fish is not my thing, but I am not about to pass judement on others for their habits. The hole idea of the post was to open a dialogue. I guess this is one issue most people are pretty emotional about. As is evident by the posts, some here are unable to approach the topic with anything but a willingness to attack others. That wasn't the point.
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