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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. Photoz, I guess we could say the same aboutLamprey Eels, Goby, Spiny Scalpins, etc., etc., etc..... RBG has spent millions to rid Cootes paridise of carp, seeing as they have destroyed a once productive Pike hatchery for the entire Western Basin of Lake Ontario. Also if you visit Jordan Harbour they have completely destroyed Jordan Bay, beside the train tressel. Granted any 25 lb fish will put up a hell of a fight, and in Asia where they are a native species, I am sure that they are highly prized, however that does not mean that having had them realesed here makes them a good choice for a sports fish. This is not just about Carp, look at the problems SmallMouth have caused when being realsed in many of the traditional Lake Trout Lakes in and around Algonquin Park. All of this being said, Carp are not our only, or biggest problem, other invasive species, pollution, over fishing etc., all create stresses on our fishiers. I don't think we should promote any of these things. In addition to the problems with Carp in Cootes, Stelco, Doffasco and other heavy industry have completely destroyed the White Fish and Lake Trout Hatchery that was once world renowned(turn of the century) in Hamilton Harbour. The clean up estimate for Hamilton Harbour is estimated at over $750 Million Dollars, in additon the cost to industry to switch to clean none polluting manufacturing is in the Billions. The reality is carp are here to stay, that being said I think we should do what we can to mitigate their damages, and remove as many as we can from our water ways. We have been so sucessful over fishing Walleye and Trout in many regionsof the province, to the point that without restocking they would be wiped out in local areas, wouldn't it be nice to do the same to carp; minus the restocking! JUst my thoughts(and I am entiled to them, so don't start with the hate posts)
  2. Allowed or not, it would be great to see someone use a little common sense. I will allow you to draw your own conclusions but if it tastes like alligators, I can gaurantee that the fishermen are not from Thunder Bay.
  3. Funny I have been thinking aboutchanging my last name as well: Here are some of the names I have been considering, please feel free to ask Petablows Vegtablesuck Potatoshaveeyes cabbagehead artichokehearts
  4. Beauty Pike!
  5. My grandfather use to do this. On a side note, Carp are not a native species, they destroy marshes and wetlands, if you think this is a false statement then visit Cootes Paridise in Dundas and look at the before and after the carp pictures.
  6. Wow, Way to go on the crappies, A nice multi species day to boot!
  7. Wow, Nice pearch.
  8. Great report and pictures, beautiful laker, nice to see it realeased!
  9. Ifyou can do it and save the extra you will make then now is the time, the opportunites will be hard to jmp on later in life when you are settled down with a family.
  10. Thanks for the great report. Nice looking laker!
  11. Always do really well out of Innisfil Beach, about 25 minute walk to where we fish. That is pulling a portable hut and gear.
  12. Just my opinion, and I am not looking to start WW3 but the Idiot with the 2 Sturgeon really burns me up. I wonder if that ignoramous has any idea how long it took those fish to get that size.
  13. Hey, last time I checked we were not in any state.... This is Canada, we have our own regulations here, not related in anyways to our friends to the South.
  14. Great report and great pictures.
  15. Looks like a lot of fun; thanks for sharing the pictures.
  16. We enjoy fishing for Walleye and Smallmouth. We get the same thing from our families. We have a large assortment of cranks and plastics. I guess if you don't fish, they all look the same, but we can tell the difference. We both have our favourite crankbaits and jigs, and always have several of them on hand in case we lose one. Nothing worse then loosing your fav lure and not having a suitable replacement.
  17. Very good, Now will your wife let you spend the savigs on something more important like fishing? Way to go!!!
  18. My wife and I refuse tobuy anything made in China, Christmas shopping for our family took 3 times as long but there was a certain sense of satisfaction. That being said we are in the market for a new Truck and Boat this year. Why are the MSRP for vehicles 20% + less in the USA, if you don't believe me look at the following: An Audi Q7 US vs. CND A Volvo XC90 US vs CDN A GMC Yukon US vs CDN Then you need to look at the boats, North American Made products, Tracker and Lund both have beautiful boats, only problem is the price spread. I understand that it costs more to do business in Canada and that the dealers do not push through the same volume as US Dealers, but what about the savings, health care premiums, US is much higher as they have no gov health care, also litigation, this cost is built into every US price because in general terms the US is a much more litigous society then we are. If in doubt PM me and I will fill you in on the details as we import equipment from Europe and are in the process of expanding into the USA. There is no real public outcry, in November when the public turned the heat up, the car dealers started to offer cash rebates, but they never really adjusted their prices on a permaent basis. Know the heat has died down, those cash rebates only apply if you buy cash. In the US the price is the price, and they still offer low fiance rates. I would like to support my local business, we have always made a point of avoiding the big box shops like wall mart, Home Depot and Best Buy, but at what cost am I willing to pay to support our local dealers. Is a $71 000.00 CDN Volvo that is only Worth $48 000.00 US really worth my loyalty. Should I pay $23 000.00 more to say I am proud to buy CDN? You tell me!
  19. Tree Mongers, UNITE!!!!
  20. Wow, I think someone needs to lay off the Brown Acid
  21. I got back last Sunday from my companies annual trip to Italy and France. We go every year to the Merlo Factory in the Cueneo Valley in North Western Italy (Merlo makes construction equipment). We had an incredible time, the plant is very impresive, over 128 000 square meters, right in the heart of the Italian Alps. This year we had 11 contractors from Ontario, 3 from Alberta and 13 from Quebec, representing, Masonry, Glazing, Demolition, REcycling, Excavation, Concrete Forming, General Contractors and Linesmen. When we went out to dinner, we never knew how much of each course to eat, one meal was 11 courses, needless to say I need to hit the tread mill. On a similar note, my liver is duee back any day from the Betty Ford Clinic, with a lifetime warranty, void if I return next year to Italy. We toured a local winery while we were there. The last 3 days we headed to Nice, France, how strange to see palm trees in the middle of February. We visited Monte Carlo, Monnaco (The tour bus guy took us on the F1 Track, 3.3 km in less then 60 seconds). We went to a small village where Pink FLoyd had a recording studio, and we also saw Sadham Huiesens(sp?) yatch. It is parked in the Port of Niece, if anyone has an extra 80 Million Euro's it is for sale by the US Government. Something tells me this will not be turning up at a government auction any time soon. Anyways enjoy the pictures.
  22. Check out the price of a new car or boat, etc. Anyways buy in the US and screw the retailers trying to pick up the extra points.
  23. Vote with your Dollars my friend. Just don't go to the camps thae advertise only in USD's. Or even better we could all pool our money together, by some joint in the US, and advertise in CND Funds only, wow that would really mess with their brain washed, patriotic little minds.
  24. Buffalo Bob, I am happy to help out. There is a little place called Ontario, why don't you check it out. Lots of places with in 1 hour of the boarder. You want someting more remote, and nice for your wife, try Pickle Lake or Red Lake.
  25. That is way to funny, when my wife and I were fishing on Restoule a few weeks ago, we saw the exact same thing. We both said that no one would ever believe us if we told them. By the way does the one he stole count against their limit? LOL
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