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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. I never get that lucky when I fly. Just the usually, crappy food, flight delays, stinky passangers and safe landings, I am going to start flying Air Lufthansa.
  2. Landlocked, I read the ceramony, I hope you don't forget anything or you will be, well you know.
  3. I like Austrailian Dentists!
  4. I think my buddy Steve Miller sang a song about this... This is a story about Billy Joe and Brampton Jerry Two young fishers with nothin' better to do Except sit around the house, get high and watch the tube And here's what happened when they decided to cut loose They headed down LeBarons, where they ran into a great big hassel Billy Joe shot a man while trrying out a gun Brampton Jerry took the float suit and ran Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Billy Mac, is a detective down in Peel And he knows just exactly what the facts is He ain't gonna let those two escape justice He makes his livin' off of other people's taxes Brampton Jerry slowly slipped away Bobby Sue, caught up with him the very next day They got the Vest hey and though they got away Headed down to Simcoe and they're still runnin' today, singin Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Well, yeah Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run Go on, take the money and run
  5. I wasn't going to say anything but now UI can't resist..... Sunday me and the misses were at BPS, we wanted to buy a new gas auger and an Aqua View, the store was packed, we didn't see what we needed right away, so off we went for some help. Some yo yo manger in a white shirt was too busy talking to 2 other Staff members about his Face Book Page (by the way I hate face book), to help us out with a $1000.00 give or take, purchase. So we finally found some lady who was posing as a staffer, we asked her for some help, she looked my wife squarley in the face and said.."I work in jewlery, you will have to find someone else to help you" Needless to say we left with out spending 2 cents, we will never go back to that place, we will continue to do our shopping at independant stores, even if it costs us a few dollars more, the service is worth it....especially when you get free vests, eh Jerry?
  6. 5 Mile Lake Lodge - 2.5 hours from Sault Ste Marie - about 6.5 from Detroit, fishing is great - the kids will catch walleye in this lake like they would pan fish in most other lakes. The worlds largest game reserve is 20 minutes away - lots of opportunites to see bears, wolves, moose. 2 years ago there was a lynx hanging out around the lodge. You can take a tour of the gold mines - 1 hour away in Timmins. Thedrive to Wawa is beautiful, makes a great afternoon to see the giant goose and have an Ice Cream. No pool - and as for all of us dreamers, not alot of people will be in the water in mid June - Water is still to chilly for the kids.
  7. That could possibly be the stupidest invention I have ever seen. Reminds me of a boat-car from the 1960's, we all know how well that one did.
  8. Very Nice Work. Thanks for sharing the pics. Nothing Nicier then a boat house, A heck of a lot nicier then the dog house.
  9. Either that or you would finally start to outfish your wife
  10. Wow, That is one fat little Rainbow, time for Jenny Craig
  11. Too funny, Sounds like our Sunday, walked from Innisfil Beach out to the island headed North then back. Nofish, a few tales, damn is that frustrating to watch. Caught a 4" pearch on a 3" Williams White Fish in 86 FOW. Anyways, it was a nice day to be out.
  12. So does Buddah
  13. It was Karma or maybe Darma, anyways, at least you got a good day in Sat., and should be healed before the weekend.
  14. Funny how human morals are.... If it was Wal Mart, CTC, Bass Pro I would have said keep it and good on you! If it was a privatley run store, Fishing World, Grisby Bait and Tackle, Pete's Tackle etc., I would have called you immoral for not returning and paying. I guess we al like to stick it to the man when we havethe chance, when it is someone who we can relate to or someone chasing a dream then our human nature takes over and we want to and feel compelled to do what is right. Anyways, Jerry you can sleep well tonight. On the downside, there are no excuses for not catching fish, I saw some of the members post this crap, WOW, what excuse would they want you to use now? LOL
  15. How hard would it be to convince another 5 or 6 people from OFC to hit Chapleau for a week of ice fishing next season... I started a new job in August and my vacation got a little massaging this year so I will only be taking 2 weeks between know and September... Our company closes for an additional 2 weeks between Xmas and the week after New Years.....long story short, my wife and I have been wanting to fish the |Chapleau are in the winter, we thought it might be nice to go with a small group instead of by ourselves, would there be an interest here? A snowmobile or at least a rental for the week is a must.
  16. Great report, Nice to see those beauty slabs. How was the rain down there today? We have almost no snow left in Hamilton See you in a couple of months. Will be fishing Big Creek just north of Caledonia as soon as the ice is off.
  17. All I can say is grab your ankles, it is going to be a long summer!
  18. Awesome report, thanks for sharing.
  19. So tomorrow is going to be pretty nice, -1 or -2 daytime high. Me and the Misses wanted to capitalize on the nice weather and make up for the lack of ice fishing we have had this year(4 times this year vs over 25 last year.) We were going to head up to Restoule, but we are not sure about the area of the sanctuary and don't want to take the chance. Is anyone doing anything other then Simcoe or BOQ. We were thinking of heading a little further North. Any suggestions (Other then jumping of a bridge) would be great, and some company tomorrow would be an added bonus... Thanks, Michael and Michelle
  20. Awesome Report, thanks for the video. Curious, where did you get the opening pic with all the people on lake simcoe from?
  21. I gave up yelling at people long time ago, I find waving a gun arond has pretty much the same effect.
  22. It depends, Felt has better traction in the water, if you are fishing long pools and don't go up on the bank to far(ie. long hikes between holes) felt is better, if you are fishing smaller pools with long portages between, then you are better with the lugs. The best thing to do, is buy a pair of boots with lugs and a pair with felt. You can get a decent(not top shelf) for about $100.00 each. Another alternative is to get a pair of felties and buy a package of screw in cleats(most golf stores).
  23. Your a sick man.
  24. Just wondering what everyone's best guess is when the ice will be off Lake Simcoe, my best guess is we will still be able to fish for pearch well into the last week of March. The longterm (March 13, 2008) shows below normal temps (and below 0 temps) till at least the middle of March.
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