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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. You shold take a drive of Forestry Tower Road. I will shoot you a PM next time we are heading up to do some Hard water fishing. There are some great little spec lakes on the the NOrth Side of Forestry Tower Road. If you stop at a map store in Toronto, (I use Rose's in Burlington) and get a decent topo map of the area you will see all of the logging roads, trails and maps. In the winter we see very few people around up there, maybe 4 or 5 other sleds in a day. In the spring(before Algonquin visitors) it is the same. Good luck, and maybe we wil see you up there some time.
  2. The Best spot for monster Pickeral from shore........................................... Ican't believe I am going to post this but I enjoyed this fishery when Iwas land locked so I will share. The West Pier at Port Dalhousie, late September until Mid November......... Late at night, from 9AM until after Midnight, The channel is more prodctive then the very end or the lake side. I have always had the best luck with glow in the dark deep diving crank baits, if the flow is really strog you will need to rig it up with a bottom bouncer as the fish relate to the rock pilings and old timber supports right on the bottom. Also you will need to rig up some type of lure retrival device as the bottom is the key, however it is riddled with snags . The fish also need to be released as the big females are more often caught then the smaller males. It is not as good as BOQ but I have had many nightswith 5+ fish. Also 10lb + is not uncommon. Good luck, PS the males seem to head up closer to the falls, the females seem to stage back in the area I described above.
  3. Hi, Just wondering how many ppl here head North of Huntsville (I preffer Forest TOwer ROad area) for specs. I have some sweet little lakes close to the main forestry roads that produce really well. Wouldn't mind heading up with a few ppl., if anyone else fishes that area, maybe we could fish my lake and yours. Best regards,
  4. I have this great lake call NOYB, in Tweed township. But a more public access area is the rCrowe River in Mamora, just below the dam is decent. In the spring the run is pretty thick, you can smell it in the air.
  5. Funny, My wife and I were talking about this very subject between Christmas and New Years. My own feelings are that Eastern |Cougars are a Native species and that we have to learn to live with them, unlike our history for the last couple of centuries of killing things that cause us minor inconviences... The Red(Eastern Wolf), the experiment to irradicate coyotes, the cougars(last one shot in Ontario was near St. Catharines - 1908). I am glad to see them back, has anyone else noticed that the black bears, moose, porcupines etc., have also started to return to there southern range..... This is because there are fewer unethical hunters...please note UNETHICAL.... 30 years ago conservation was a principal embrassed by very few, today more and more people take conservation of our resources very seriously. Also, for all the farmers who complain about heavy crop losses from deeer, maybe a healthy cougar population would help keep the deer herds in check. Just my thoughts.
  6. "...Anglers may wish to insert this page of changes into their copy of the summary." Anyone besides me feel like telling Dalton McGinty and the honorable Minister of Natuarl Resourses where they can insert my foot... into their summary
  7. I say let natural selection rule, if people are so stupid as to go out on ice in that conditon....all the better for the rest of us. Just less rejects in the gene pool.
  8. We need legislative reform. Every dollar collected from fishing lic., hunting lic., outdoor lic. - a tax on fishing/hunting equipment would be a good idea IUF it didn't go into general revenues. Not that I am in favour of increased taxes. At least this way the it would keep the sport affordable and properly funded. Those of us who can afford some of the extra toys would contribute to higher levels of conservation - at the same time allowing others to enjoy the sport for a reasonable license fee.(those who cannot afford or do not fish enough to justify new equipment) Also I know in the Chapleau area the lodges seem to have a fairly good working relation with the MNR and welcome conservation initiatives, they don't want their fishery to end up like to French River/Pickerel River area. Maybe lodges that depend on fishing/hunting could have a portion of the PST they collect go into some type of MNR fund instead of general revenues. Just my thoughts.
  9. Just wondering if anyone has made the trip up to Chapleau for some winter eye's? My wife and I go every September and have been kicking around the idea of makeing a trip in March... We have fished 5 Mile Lake, Dog Lake,Goldie lake and Ravin Lake in the warmer months....not sure about winter access....
  10. Yesterday my wife and I headed up to one of our favourite hard water lakes off of 141 for some walleye and whitefish action. It is a smaller lake called lake NOYFB. We have fished it for the past few winters. Last winter I topped out with a Whittie at 9lbs 8oz. Anyways we arrived at 7:30am and decided to wait for day light as this was our first trip this winter to the lake. The ice was aout 14" 100 feet from shore with almost no snow cover. About 200 feet out I noticed some different looking pressure crakes in the ice, I thought that i better put a test hole in to make sure, the ice was less then 3" thick and we had to beat a quick retreat. Oh well, we headed up to Ahmic lake , about an hour North and headed out. Saw two groups of people, and hout we went. The ice was great, about 10" black ice all the way across with 2 to 3 inches of white ice on top and very little snow. We fished from 40 FOW up to 20 FOW with no luck. We didn't mark a fish all day. The guys fishing a little shallower were catching some dinks but that was it. All and all it was great to get out. I am glad not to have fallen through at my favourite lake. Next weekend I will be heading up to Burk Falls to do a little back woods spec fishing, as i do not think the warm weather will ruin the 14" + ice on my smaller lakes. Great to see all the sucess people had this weekend.
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