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Everything posted by Casey123

  1. Is there apetition I can sign? My wife and I head up to Noelville at least a couple times a year. It would be nice if we down here could learn to take care of our own garbage problems instead of shipping it to our neighbours.
  2. Waterwolf, well said, my sentiments in one sentace. So now we are all clear...This spring I will be protecting Carp spawning beds, after all they are apparnently a sportfish, instead I will be burying Musky in my moms flower beds, but only if they are over 54". I will keep Steel Head and Walleye to eat, but only if they are at least 15lbs. There is nothing to worry about becasue this behaviour is all legit, besides fish populations are cyclical, and it really doesn't matter what happens to the breeding population becuse once we fish a lake to near extinction we will all move on to another body of water and let the one we just slaughtered recover. If any of this sounds completely idiotic, then go back and read the posts above.
  3. I now exactly how to fix this problem............. A match and a can of gas. All joking aside, it is def. a fuel problem. However, on a 8 to 9 year old sled, it is perfectly normal. I doubt replacing your fuel delivery system is cost effective. Besides, Think of the extra exercise.
  4. Looks like a great time. The pics and fish are awesome. Now back to the kitchen
  5. Some times after a night of too much drinking, I make myself a red eye. I am not sure if the fish would likt them or not, but it is worth a try.
  6. Thanks for the different opinions, that was the whole point, starting a discussion. This was no way directed at anyone on the board either, I think for the most part we all enjoy the posts, especially with pictures of the days efforts. We all have different reasons for keeping fish, eating, a trophy or sometimes they get fatally wounded. But to the wise guy who implied I may be unable to catch a limit....name the lake and the time my friend (Hey Greencoachdog - lighten up man) Anyways, I thought the part of what we should be doing here is debating and sharing view points. Thanks and I hope everyone has a great week. Looking forward to eating some Musky this summer, only going keep the 60"+ ones, I here they taste the best.
  7. Well I for one am loving this winter. WTG on the great ice conditions, and if we have to have a little of the White stuff to go along with thetemperatures, then I say oh well. Did I mention we live in a Condo and do not have to shovel or blow the stuff around, oh yes, are cars are parked in a heated garage as well.
  8. Cliff, Way to go on the fish fry. Nothing like the first time, don't worry its never as much fun again. My wife and I had our first 2 years ago, now we are hooked on fresh pearch and the occasional walleye.
  9. Rich, Congrats on a beautiful dog. I am sure she will bring you many years of laughter and hapiness. The best thing about our four legged friends is there unconditional love.
  10. Great report. Looks like you had an awesome morning. Great pics and a beautiful fish.
  11. Thnaks for the great pics, it looks like everyone had a great time. Nice to see the media coverage for such a great cause.
  12. KingJames, Good points, My wife and I often keep a couple to eat; and by no means was my post meant to suggest that this is unethical. I think Bonghits echo's my sentiments. We have fished water that recieves tonnes of pressure, or where the fish population is struggling, by keeping our limits from these waters, we are really only robbing from future opportunites for ourselves and others. That being said, there are also lots of places where fishing pressure is low and/or fish stocks are high. We fish some great lakes up north that see little pressure during the year, we are more then happy to have shore lunch every day. Converesly, lets remeber what the White Fish fishery use to be like on Simcoe, or the Walleye Fishery on the French River. The fish stocks in these bodies of water didn't end p this way by accident. Nippising Wallleye would be a thing of the past if it wasn't for the MNR stocking program. One of my favourite examples of conservation is on the lakes in Eastern Ontario, there are a lot of volunteer run Walleye hatchery ensuring fish for the table and fish for the future.
  13. I was just wondering what everyone thought about the following: We have regulations to help mange our fisheries, they are broad based regulations covering many bodies of water in each region. I think that more often then not they do an inadequate job of protecting or even managing fish stocks on individual bodies of water. Why do so many have problems making this connection? Just because it is legal to keep 4 Walleye or 5 Trout from a given body of water, it does not mean that it is the best decision. I think that we should all have an interest in promoting conservation of the sport we love. Some bodies of water have very high reproductive rates and receive augmentation with stocking. Other bodies of water have poor reproductive rates and/or receive little help from private or government stocking programs. I think that in an ideal world we would have regs for each body of water, but we all know that this will not happen until hell freezes over. The MNR was not even able to publish regs for 2007. Just my thoughts. Often we see people post limits here and or keeping spawning class fish. If anyone some much as questions them, a member will jump all over it and say, "Its not illegal, the regs permit it, etc. etc. etc." I think that we are all able to make ethical decisions, and not just follow the letter of the law. Thanks,
  14. I am not sure what you consider local, but we have to Marine/Yatch Store here in Hamilton, that sell Anchor Line (I believe it is a Nylon Composite) on Bulk spools. It might run you a little more then $40.00 though. I know that they have several different breaking weights.
  15. If someone wants to dispatch of a carp and use it as fertalizer aka. worm food, I say great, as long as they are not breaking any laws. If someone wants to through a fish on shore and watch it sufficate, well to me that is just plain sick. As with any fish we keep, they should be dispatched in a humane and quick manner. I don't think we should be promoting cruelty toward and fish species.
  16. Great quality on the video. how deep were you? Thanks for sharing.
  17. I hear dead horse tastes good too, add it to the lobster, ling and carp
  18. My thoughts, If you like to fish and are on a limited retiremnent income, Chapleau is the place to go. 1 hour to Timmins(health care) 5 minutes to awesome fishing. Over 300 lakes Awesome Fishing = reduced grocier bills Cheap housing - Waterfront on the Chapleau River around 50K Sorry about the rest, my dad was a GM guy for 34 years, every few years when the contracts are negotiated, he gets nervous as they talk about cutting benefits and pension to retirees. Best of luck and enjoy the board.
  19. Whities and Nice Bows late in the season if the ice holds!!!
  20. This is the best thing about our country, we are are entiled to our own opinions. The irrefutable Facts: Carp are an invasive species Carp Destroy wetlands Carp can live in water with very low oxygen levels and tolerate very high pollution Carp provide a hell of a fight Some people love eating bottom feeders We will never irradicate carp, no matter how hard I try. By the way, the water quality in Cootes is not that bad, as it flows into Hamilton Harbour, not out of. The pike hatchery has been inmproving since the installation of the Carp barrier. If you want to take an interesting trip, go down to the carp dam in the spring, April is best. The MNR and volunteers work every day, recording species heading upstream and throwing the carp downstream of the barrier. No carp are killed (too bad), just relocated back to Hamilton Harbour. I guess next we will hear someone defending Round Gobies??
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