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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. It was one year ago today that Amy ( also a border collie ) had surgery that saved her life...she is doing great and I'm sure Miss Bubba will be fine. Borders are the smartest dogs according to the experts and can adapt to most things that they are faced with. You'll never regret sticking by her after the accident. One thing that amazes me is the resiliency of dogs after surgery. I'm sure I wouldn't be as active as she is after just 24 hours. Have a great Christmas and give her a pet from us.
  2. Jo, Amy and I wish all OFC community members a Merry Christmas...enjoy the good times, presents and food over the next few days...and try not to spend to much $$$ at those boxing day sales...LOL
  3. I am envious...the only ice around here is in my freezer. Glad you had a good time
  4. Great to see you had a nice year!
  5. I have a 5 and 9.9 Honda. I use the 9.9 on the 19ft. Starcraft fiberglas and the 5 on the 16.5 Lowe. The 5 works great in most conditions including St Clair river currents, but with a stiff cross wind you will have some problems, but even with a bigger boat if aluminum it will have some drift. It trolls down to almost nothing and will travel at approx 7 to 8 MPH when revved out. The real trick is an easy steer or similar device and if you have a console speed control at the steering. If you are purchasing new then opt for the 9.9 as if you ever get a bigger boat you won't have to purchase another kicker. Picture shows my set up.
  6. Best wishes on your birthday!
  7. Very nice!
  8. Total peace of mind.....
  9. This guy looks like I felt when I had the flu last winter
  10. When I had my GMC diesel van I couldn't find anyone local, including the dealer, that knew much about working on them so I purchased a few manuals and did everything myself with the exception of rebuilding the injector pump. The same with most vehicles we have owned. Dealers no matter what brand you purchase have become very expensive. If your not mechanically inclined then find yourself a good local shop that knows what there doing and charges fair ( to them and you ) prices. Find a local wrecker and try using used parts...works for me! As a side note for 3 years I worked as an agent for a company that had over 30 dealerships in the Michigan area and a couple in Florida. My job was to call service, parts, and sales areas of the dealerships they owned and critique their employees. It always amazed me ( and I'll use Saturn for an example ) that if you wanted the same work done, say something like a brake inspection, the cost would vary by location with the dealer in the lower income areas being up to $75 cheaper than in a more affluent area. Just think what a complete brake job price difference would have been!
  11. We release most of what we catch so when it's decided to eat a few doesn't bother me a bit.
  12. Best threads....the suit I purchased at The Mens Warehouse! For post type threads has to be Moosebunks reports with pictures. Having spent some time in his area in years gone by it brought back lots of very good memories, one's I wish I could relive in 2007 or 08 or 09!
  13. Nice touch for the Christmas season!
  14. We have lots of them around here. Where I work and volunteer we are always finding scat with rabbit fur in it.
  15. Living in the area releases and small flares are quite normal but with this explosion it's amazing no one was hurt or killed. They still have not found out the cause and it may take some time due to the damage. The output of that facility wouldn't put a huge dent in overall production but it may have had a slight affect on prices. I can tell you that US border security was elevated for a short time but by the time I went across later in the day it was back to normal. When I came back into Canada the sky was still smokey and there were particles of fine ash floating around at 4:30 in the afternoon.
  16. The weather for the first G2G was to say the least WET WET WET, everyone had a good time ( some more than others ) and it has continued from there. As mentioned in Roy's post I was at the first one probably due to me persueing the idea with TJ. Didn't go again until 2006 and all I can say was it has got bigger and better. When you can get that many people together from all walks of life and geographical areas and they get along for 3 or more days and just enjoy each others company it's simple amazing. Hope to be there in 2007.
  17. I have no problem with the MFG. name on the side of the boat it's the same thing most automobile divisions do with their vehicles. I do however have a problem with dealer stickers being placed on my purchase be it boat or vehicle.
  18. Last week NYMEX trading per barrel was on the increase caused by OPEC'S decision to lower production quotas in Feburary, therefore our friends increased their price to us. Yesterday ( Monday ) the price per barrel dropped $1.22 a barrel closing at $62.21. The rest of the week will be intresting to watch.
  19. Here's their planned new store locations. Opening Soon Adairsville, GA East Hartford, CT East Rutherford, NJ Gonzales, LA Hammond, IN Hazelwood, MO Hoffman Estates, IL Lacey, WA Montreal, QC Post Falls, ID Reno, NV Wheat Ridge, CO
  20. I've worn this hat in Spring, Summer and early Fall for years, and yes it stays in the boat so I don't loose it.
  21. Roy is yet to post his opinion but when and if he does, don't believe him!
  22. I have every heater mentioned above and although they all work fine the standard Mr. Buddy is by far the best buy for the dollars and will more than keep and ice hut not only warm but HOT should you like it that way. Best part is even though there is normally air leaking into most huts the Buddy has a low oxygen shut off that is worth the slightly extra cost to purchase it. Oh, and as far as the fan it's not necessary and the Big Buddy is the only unit in their buddy line up that has it.
  23. Chris gave you real good advice, but in reality Mr Lexus should be paying for everything needed to get your hitch fixed or replaced!!!! Two years ago prior to the Christmas parade in town, I had a guy tag the bum end of my Dodge...it was dark and snowy, he had an older junk type vehicle full of kids and after a quick look at the damage I said ( trying to be a nice guy ) you really didn't hurt my vehicle with your car so Merry Christmas, just go and enjoy the parade. Next day after I realized my lights were not working properly and the trailer wiring was toast ( shorted ) as well as the connector and the protecting shroud was ripped away when finally fixed paid $195 out of my pocket....Merry Christmas to me!
  24. Outside of the topper that is bolted not clamped on the back, I never use anything else. Having a 4 X 4 and using it properly so far I never have had any problems.
  25. What's the MNR...I seem to remember something about it from years ago. Are they going to start it back up...am I pi__ed about the way it's been going downhill...YES!!!!! Maybe if we took the $423 a week increase the Mpp's are giving themselves we could purchase a few new cars for the MNR...oh wait they deserve that increase. Enough of my rant! and yes I will ad my name the the petition.
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