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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. set ur brake to about the 3rd setting and leave it there. adjust ur spool tension so whatever lure u have on slowly falls to the floor and stop when it touches down. that rod is a heavy action rod designed for pitchin, its a nice line of rods, i have a few of those rods in various actions. it'll work good for some big spinnerbaits and jigs, throw white spinners, and black/blue jigs
  2. the citica is a nice reel, no doubt and worth the money. i have 2. having said that, im a quantum guy and use quantum reels on all my rigs with the exception of those 2 citicas and one revo premier. the quantum reels are great, very smooth, no problems with any of them, proper care and cleaning they will last a long time. and their warrenty center is very good and easy to deal with. shimano... not so much. the kinetic is a new lineup for baitcasters coming from quantum. i have the spinning reel and love it, the baitcaster should be just as good. spend a few more bucks and bump up to the catalyst PT baitcaster.
  3. i use size 1 mostly, occasionally i go to a 1/O and never lost a fish on them yet. its my go to rig for largies
  4. nicely done bruce! looks tasty!!
  5. 1- 1/2oz strike king premier plus spinnerbait in white, or white/silver to imitate shiners 2- topwater popper 3- crankbait, rapala DT 7 in a perch or bluegill pattern 4- flipping jig 5- dropshot Honourable mention: wacky rigged senko when fishing for largies * i do most of my fishging on lake erie
  6. for wacky rig, i use a size 1 or 1/O eagle claw circle hook. for texas rig i use a 4/O or 5/O wide gap
  7. lol, thats awesome.. good job Dave!! Looked like a strike to me!
  8. if its on ur property they should move it, we had that issue at my uncles place and bell and hyro fought over who owned the pole... we had the lines cut by hydro and told them both to get lost, took a backhoe and tore it outta the ground, installed a new one in the proper place we needed it, and then had them hook up the utilities. but threated that if they screwed around we would send them a bill for rental use for using the pole we installed ourselves lol
  9. lol awesome! almost sounds like u practised that speech at home one or twice before heading to the river.. lol
  10. lol i dunno man, my girl is pretty understanding of my obsession, lol. my last gf actually broke up with me in part cause of my fishing habits haha. this girl is great, she always liked fishing, but shes happy just being out, takin the kids out, she likes to catch fish, but knows its not always the most important part of goin. i just got lucky i guess!
  11. sorry to hear bud! any animal u lose its never easy! my sons still cries about his stupid fish from 4 years ago! haha but for real, that sucks dude, i remember having to put my dog down, not an easy task at all. i would take ur advice and wrestle my pets a little extra... but well, ones a fish... and my beds no water bed, so that wont work... and the other is a boa constrictor... and shes mean lol. she she'll stay where she is.
  12. thank u, it had been so long i almost forgot how to post lol but thats how it started for me, my dad takin me and my brother fishing, and its a love that stuck with me throughout the years, and somethin im gettin my kids into.
  13. lol KPM, actually it took a while to get her to put the worms on... i really forced the issue cause i was tired of stopping my fishing to put a new worm on haha. but shes good with the fish now, as long as she can lip them. but she wont handle anythin with teeth lol.
  14. is there a certain section reserved for facts of fishing? and how do we go about gettin tickets for that? me and my gf would love to attend and have a chance to meet dave and support a great cause!
  15. Hey all, hows everyone doin? awesome, ok... went out to the bay today for a walk, and brought a couple rods with me so me and my gf could fish a bit while we were there. now, she has had a tough time this year catchin anythin other then gobies lol. and i kept promising to get her into some better fish. namely, largies and pike cause well, those are her favorite fish. i went with one rod forcing myself to use one technique, a 7 inch texas rigged powerworm. never used it before, but wanted to learn it and use it more, figured it can help in my tournaments at some point lol. she used a senko cause well... she dont really know how to use much else and that one is pretty simple and catches fish. haha. ok, onto business... i stopped at a dock when we first got there and tossed a few cast around, knowing there was fish around the dock. it was just too perfect, it always holds ample forage in bluegills, perch, punpkinseed and gobies, as well as many young of the year bass. so, few casts start feeling the tugs of the smaller fish, then happen to see a bigger largemouth come out and look at the worm... then slowly eat it inch by inch lol, once i seen he had it, stuck him and landed the first of the day. nuthin major but it was a fish. then, i let the little guy take a look at him. we moved along the shore line lookin for some other spots, as i know there are some overhanging trees and sunken logs that usually hold fish. once we got to the sunken logs we began casting them and workin the baits back to shore, kept gettin a TON of bites, but most we smaller fish, gobies, perch, small bass. they kept gettin the tail of my powerworm but each time i tried to set the hook i just ended up pulling the worm down the hook. after some persistance and a few curse words, i managed my second largie of the day. after that, i was schooled by the little lady. she put on a clinic with the senko. she would just cast if out, let it fall, deadstick it, if she got nuthin, just reeled in, and cast it back out. she hooked up with her first bass and landed it. after a few more casts and one breakoff by yours truely, we moved down to another sunken log and began casting that, well... i made 2 casts on a log and said, "here hun, u take this one, ill try that spot over there." guess how that turned out for me?? lots of little hits and missed strikes by stupid little fish just nipping at the tail... oh, and while i was doin all that... she was busy catchin this... then she landed this... her bass were all caught on a wacky rigged senko, perch included lol. mine were on a 7inch texas rigged berkley powerworm in a purple/red color. was a great nite to be out and go for a walk, get some exercise and catch a few fish. if ya have a couple hours to kill... take ur kids fishing... u might catch a fish... but you'll always catch a memory.
  16. ur gonna get line twist with mono no matter what kind u use. ive personally never used the spiderwire mono, infast, i only use mono on one rod that i use for topwaters. everything else is braid or flourocarbon. i use spiderwire stealth from 10lb to 65lb. used power pro before, stuff if crap in my opinion. no issues with the spiderwire. for dropshotting i use flourocarbon. 10lb test, reel is completely filled with flouro. other things i just use braid with a flouro leader.
  17. nicely done bern! nice lookin birds! what time should i come by for dinner?? lol
  18. wow, thats a HAWG! ive caught lots of them though... but then i always wake up!
  19. nice box of walleye there Bob! lookin forward to gettin out with ya!
  20. good job sonny! congrats! good luck tomorrow!
  21. should be fine as long as ur not fishing really thick cover. i know the 7ft 2in med/hvy rod is one of their more popular and versitile rods. i seen them used to catch bass, walleye, pike, muskie, channel cats and even sturgeon believe it or not.
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