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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. GbayGiant:As you already have a prop that works here's how you can test if it is the proper size. Load your boat as to your most typical situation. On a day that is not to windy or rough drive the boat at WOT ( Wide Open Throttle) and check your RPM. Compare to the manufacturer's WOT specs for the RPM. If it is not reaching within about 200 Rpm of specs. you have too much prop. Either reduce diameter or pitch. If you are over the WOT Rpm you need more prop. Increase diameter or pitch. Also 4 blade props compared to 3 blade props of the same diameter & pitch will give you more prop & less Rpm. Changing prop material (ie: steel, stainless steel or plastic) will effect the power of the prop. Lots of variables. Once you know how your current prop is preforming a good dealer should be able to point you in the correct direction. Good Luck: Rick
  2. "Baitfish Only the fish species listed below may be used as live bait:" The key word here is live. It is also illegal to use live smelt but in most places it is fine to use dead smelt.
  3. Terry: As far as live perch I agree. As for perch parts such as eye's, cheeks or belly meat etc I can't see anything prohibiting it. Maybe I'm missing something. Can you point me to the area in the summary please. Thanks: Rick
  4. Thanks for the tip. My activation "e" mail came fine. Best Wishes: Rick
  5. Don't expect a new new regs out. That costs money. Their solution: this line "Anglers may wish to insert this page of changes into their copy of the summary."
  6. Power is good here. Lost power at work yesterday for about 45 mins. Last winter I lost power for over a day so I feel for those without. Hope all are back up soon. Best Wishes: Rick
  7. I live about 50 mins east of there. All rivers in this area are very high & muddy. I suspect both rivers are also very high & muddy also. The area's between where I live and these rivers have been getting even more rain than here. I'd be very amazed if the rivers will drop a lot or clean up much by the weekend. Best Wishes: Rick
  8. Bernie: As the mis-quote was made on the open forum I feel the reply should of also been there. As your reply was also made on the open forum, I will respond here also. I believe that Pm's should be kept private but open forum correspondence should be open and accurate. If I'm sent a Pm, I respond by Pm. Rick
  9. Daplumma/Joe When I used your quote I had enough respect to use your quote in whole as writen. "Nothing added" or "nothing deleted". When quoting me in the future I request you show me the same respect. When you delete parts of the quote or add text within the quote you can create false impressions. As for your question(inserted within my quote) I said "Not saying it was your or your mother fault but it was not unexpected in todays society." In other words, "although you left it available to take it still should not of been taken. Just don't be amazed if it is". Rick
  10. Daplumma: Your response to Nater's post above is by far more " the dumbest statement I have have seen here in a while". Although I wish you were correct, Nater's statement reflects reality. He was only stating the obvious. Provide a thief an opportunity & it will be jumped on. As an former military person also, I know how barrack room justice was used to good effect, but times have changed. It won't get too far in the military any more & will sure backfire on you quick on civy street. I agree with your advice not to dwell on the scum. But remember to cover your butt & don't ever bend over, or some scum will not think twice of screwing you. Wish it wasn't so, but that's not reality. Bill: Don't take this wrong as I am always disturbed when things like this happen. As you already said, lessons have been learned. It should not ever happen in a perfect world but we do not have a perfect world. Not saying it was your or your mother fault but it was not unexpected in todays society. Best Wishes: Rick
  11. Not sure what product you are talking about but if it's a HT product they had some of them in Woodstock at Angling Outfitters 519-539-5494 Best Wishes: Rick
  12. Simcoe or Erie would both be good choices for you considering 2 hrs. from Brantford. Better chance of good ice at Simcoe. Good Luck: Rick
  13. Terry: I've got 2 days left to work than off until the 2nd of Jan. And I thought I had it pretty good. :rolleyes: Enjoy your time off: Rick
  14. Getting hit pretty hard down this way. Lots of snow. Low visibility & heavy drifting. They just closed most of the hwy's north & west of London due to the weather conditions. Stay Safe: Rick
  15. The quiz missed one important tip. Always shake side to side not up & down. That way if anyone gets wet, it's not you but the guys beside you.
  16. The Hwy. I take to work is still closed due to nil visibility. Should have been at work over a hour ago. If it doesn't open soon, not worth going at all. May open after the suns up??
  17. The Hwy I take to work is currently closed due to nil visibility. If it soon doesn't open. SNOW DAY
  18. Great time last night. Waiting for the next one. Rick
  19. 14 of 20 here. Not likely to try again. I believe the "quit when your ahead" theory. Not likely to do any better.
  20. Not really. Too much talking about fishing for her tastes. I told her sorry " but this group is not likely to be up on the soap opera scene".
  21. If it was to be between Christmas & New Years I might be up to a road trip. Great bunch at the London Swills, but I'd be up to meeting fellow board members from other area's. Best Wishes: Rick
  22. I plan on making it there. Elaine won't be available this time. Rick
  23. Damn that explains things. I'm independent. Although I expect she will say "way too often".
  24. And according to the wife "barely house broken & not that well trained either". :blahblah1:
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