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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. For (some) parts look at your local UAP/NAPA auto parts store. Ask for thier marine catolouge. They list some parts for Force/Chrysler.
  2. One of the funniest thing I ever scene in court was on the case before the case I was to testify on. A man was charged with refusing the breath test. Lawyer: Why did you refuse to give the breath test? Accused: Just before the officer inserted the tube into the breatherlizer "I observered the officer picking his nose". I wasn't blowing into that. Case dismissed if for nothing other than oridginallity.
  3. Although I missed this one, I have seen a few in the past. A co-worker today at work mentioned seeing this one. He was quite impressed. Said it was traveling towards the east.
  4. Exactly. Dial up here and I did not lose the the phone service. Laptop recharged by power inverter, powered by my boat battery which was in the basement fully charged. Inverter only puts out 2.6 amps max continuously. Too small to power anything big. Most people in the area now have there power back. Further west closer to Lake Huron there is still some without power. Best Wishes: Rick
  5. Well my power finally came back on at 7:30 pm last night. 19 hrs. without power. Oh well it could be worse. Some people's power in this area is still out. Now almost 42 hrs. and counting. Best Wishes: Rick
  6. Over 1,900 customers effected by this outage. Hydro One reporting they require replacing a pole to fix. Also over 3,000 other customers effected by other outages in they surrounding areas. Heres Hydro One's link for power outages. http://www.hydroonenetworks.com/en/about/o...s/south_map.asp Rick
  7. Anyone else without power? Woke up about 3:30 and all was dark and starting to get cool. No power = furnace no work. Only heat I got is a one burner propane stove. Also with no power the water pump is out. Rick
  8. holdfast: I think that ones been pulled on the yanks on every winter EX they been to Canada for. BTDT Pro Patria: Rick
  9. pikeie" Nice meeting you yesterday & seeing your three fish. BTW that was 3 more than I caught. Congrats on you prize. What a difference a year makes. The 2 fish I caught last year (21" laker & 9 1/2" perch) would of been both 1st place winners this year. Last year not even close to winners. Best Wishes to all: Rick
  10. Ketchup Chips ?? Who really cares. Now just wait for the looks you'll get when you ask for vinegar for your fries.
  11. Lew: Sorry to here the bad news. My best wishes for a quick recovery for your daughter. Sometimes with broken ribs, it's not the ribs but the pulled & torn muscles that take the longest to heal. Get well soon Sheri. Best Wishes: Rick
  12. Iron bacteria?? Never heard of it. Iron oxcides yes. As for bacteria generally whats tested for is chloriforms & fecal bacteria. This requires a sample being sent to a lab and waiting for the results. Usually 3-7 days. Most local health units will do these tests. Without testing, bacteria levels are a wild guess at best. As for treating the well with Purox (bleach) I do my well once a year. All ways it tests 0/0. If you need some advice on shocking the well let me know. If also on a septic system make sure you don't get too much of the bleach into the septic system which will kill usefull bacteria which breaks down the sewage. Good Luck: Rick
  13. Tried the boots out today. After fishing today I can only say " 2 thumbs up". Fishing was slow & I got skunked but it was so cold & windy I only lasted 3 hrs. Seen about 6 small pike caught. My feet were not the problem which is usually the first place I start to get cold. At times you could only see about a hundred yards but what was worse was all the snow blowing in your hole & quickly slushing over. Best Wishes: Rick
  14. Just picked up a new pair of boots for icefishing today. Snowmobile type boots aprox. 12" high with rubber bottoms & insulated nylon on top. Also a fairly thick liner in them & roomy enough to tuck in my insulated coveralls. Rated for -58 deg. F. Called Icicles and on sale at TSC for $35. I don't know how long the sale is on. Best Wishes: Rick
  15. Hoo neads won? Knot mee. I's noo I's speal purdty goowd. :w00t: Oke mabee me wif? Shee writ mi siegnature & er speal is wroten. :huh:
  16. Great offer Randy. If it wasn't mid week I would of jumped at the offer. If I remember correctly we met on Lake Simcoe early March last year. Best Wishes: Rick
  17. Maureen: With the Winterfest will we still be able to drive to the parking lot by the ramp within the park or will they shut the park down to vechicle traffic? It would really s*ck if we had to walk & pull all our equipment from god knows where. Beans: I can not agree more. I'll bring some extra equipment just in case. Best Wishes: Rick
  18. Canadian_Copper - Chopper looks a lot like dog Buddy a catahoula/springer spaniel cross. Not likely to mix them up though as Buddy weighs about 95 lbs. Heres my other dog Babe, a beagle. Best Wishes: Rick
  19. Went out & spuded about a half dozen holes. Not great news. Close to shore started at 3 1/2"-4". By the time I got to about 60' from shore it was down to 3". This was along the western shore not far from the highway & would still be in fairly shallow water (6-8'). The ice did fell solid & did not sag. This area usually has some of the thicker ice. The area's most people fish usually tend to have a little less ice. I'm sure there are some spots that are only 1 1/2"-2" out there & highly recommend to wait a while yet before going out. Be Safe: Rick
  20. Just straight across. Always seemed to work good in the past with other spuds. It weighs about 15 pounds. It also has plenty of blade so I can regrind & modify if required. Rick
  21. Presuming safe ice is anyone up to meeting up at Wildwood on Sat. :worthy: On my way home from work tomorow I will stop at the lake and spud a few holes to check out for safe ice. With this cold weather I suspect it should be good for Sat. Also a good chance to try out my new spud I just finished making(brother-inlaw did the welding) a couple of hours ago. Off the ice by about 2 pm to get ready for the London Swill. Best Wishes: Rick Ps: Will post results of the ice check on this thread arround this time or a little earlier tomorow.
  22. You mean like these. Still use them from time to time. Great for muskie, pike & large walleye. Only use them where I am confident of not getting snaged & losing them. For some reason they are hard to replace. Best Wishes: Rick
  23. Had a great time last year & I am planning on being there this year again. Will bring a prize again also( first/aid kit). Hope to see lots out there. Best Wishes: Rick
  24. After a few wobblly pops Iv'e been known to consume a couple live ones. But then when I was young I was told " if it don't stick in your throat, it sure as hell won't stick in your arse, so shut the hell up & eat it".
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