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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Actually started school in London but went to junior high & high school in Stratford. Finished high school in 78. Rick
  2. John I might take you up on that offer. I'm on your way & I certainly know the way. But than you just might "have to sit near some of the sorry looking lot". My Packer hat can't miss a swill. Best Wishes: Rick
  3. I also got one but not form this forum. Mine came from the Ice Fishing Chat Forum. It appears that it is targeting recent posters. Like any unsolicited sales pitch I just deleted it. Warnings on this scam is also on other boards. Best Wishes: Rick
  4. You missed one option on the poll: All of the above. One in 2-3 weeks seems like a good time. Best Wishes: Rick
  5. Yes there are some large pike in Wildwood. There are also many many more hammerhandles. As for when pike arrived in the lake it was not any time soon after the lake was filled. It was not until the early to mid 80's before they started to show up in numbers. The lake was filled in 1967. Before the pike arrived the lake was overrun with stunted perch. It was nothing to catch a hundred or more a day off the causeways if you had enough bait. I don't remember the large bellies on the fish.Too bad none of them had enough meat on them to keep. How the pike got there is a source of many rummors. I worked as the Lake Patrol Officer, 4 years ago and seen some quite decent fish caught but not a 52"er. Is a 52' fish possible? Maybe But I never seen one. The lake has both small & largemouth bass, pike, white suckers, perch, sunfish, rockbass, bullheads & carp. I have caught a couple of small trout in the lake (a speck & a rainbow) about 10-12 years back. There is a Rod & Gun Club on a stream that feeds into the lake which has in the past stocked trout into the stream. Best Wishes: Rick
  6. This was before the lake was originally filled about 40 years ago. It may provide an insight into the lake bottom in the dam area. Most likely it has silted up some over the years. Best Wishes: Rick
  7. My workplace just laid off a little over 150 people today. This is apox. 30% of the work force. As we supply all of the big 3 plus Nissan I suspect this should be about the end of the lay offs. So far I'm still working but my job could change during the reorganization. I should know more tomorrow. My best wishes to all who are out of work: Rick
  8. Smitty's right. 3 oz of rye, 2 oz of honey. Repeat every 15 mins. as required. Usually after 4 such treatments, the sore throat to stops bothering most people.
  9. As for part sources don't overlook your local UAP/NAPA dealer. They list quite a few parts for your motor. Ask to see the marine products catalogue. If you can get a repair manual you should be able to do most of the repairs yourself. I have a Seloc manual which covers my motor ( 1967, 40 hp. Johnson ) & yours, and it has been quite helpful. Best Wishes: Rick
  10. Your motor is a 1962 model. As kevin stated the RX-10 represents the year. The EL & extra 0 relate to variations (electric starter, shaft length ect.) of the motor. Best Wishes: Rick
  11. Try tying a couple of livers in a bag (same as a roe bag) than return to a styrofoam container. Set in the sun for a day. Now ready to use or freeze for later use. The bag helps keep them on the hook.
  12. I most likely have the manual you need. I have a 1967, 40 hp Johnson. It is a Seloc Johnson/Evinrude Volume I Tune-up and Repair Manual. This manual covers 1956-1970, 1.5 - 40 hp motors. If you can post the model # (ie: RD,RDL,RDS-15 ect.) I can identify the year for you & maybe look up some answers for you also. Best Wishes: Rick
  13. I like Lucky. Actually enjoying a couple right now.
  14. I can't agree more that training is the key. As a St. John Ambulance First Aid & CPR instructor and a Advanced Medical First Responder I would recommend a Standard First Aid/ CPR-C course. This aprox. 18 hr. course will cover most of your first aid needs including CPR for adults, children & infants. Best Wishes: Rick
  15. As said earlier small trout love them. Also great for sunfish.
  16. bassman: Great report. I will be camping right across the bay at Panorama Camp in July. Any tips? Hope to have a great report also when I return. Best Wishes: Rick
  17. zman: I will be fishing the Northwest Bay of Nipissing the first week of July at Panorama Camp. When and where will you be fishing? Best Wishes: Rick
  18. Trout-Rookie: If the dates you are looking at are between Mid June & the end of August tonyb's sugestion is most likely the best bet. Most lodges at this time of year will only book from Sat. to Sat.(a full week). Best Wishes: Rick
  19. Just booked a campsite & boat dock there for a week at the start of July (plant shutdown). It's at the northwest end of the lake. Has anyone been there or in the area before who can give me a few tips on where to fish. Thanks: Rick
  20. First you have to find out roughly how deep the fish are. Fishfinders & depth/thermometers will help. CTC used to sell a small thermometer in a glass tude about 6" long. You lowered it on your line to the bottom and waited for about a minute then reeled it back up. The water level in the tube told you the depth & the thermometer told you the temp at that depth. If I remember correctly it was under $10. When you find out the depth of the fish you have options. From flatlining while trooling for shallower fish, using deep diving plugs for slightly deeper fish, leadcore line, downriggers or dipsy divers for even deeper trooling or just drifting & jigging for fish at medium to deeper depths. When jigging use the same type of lures used for icefishing. Good Luck: Rick
  21. brickNblock: Thanks for your help. His first choice would be a 2 bedroom housekeeping cottage for himself & his assistant, but he may have to take some other option. Best Wishes: Rick
  22. My brother inlaw will be working a job in Ajax starting mid April for about a month. He is looking for a cottage or campground or motel with kitchenette within 45 mins from Ajax. Anyone have any sugestions? Thanks: Rick
  23. Another launching tip on top of the many good ones already mentioned. If there is designated in & out ramps never use the wrong one just because no one else is, unless directed by a staff member. It's tempting when your 6th in line & the other ramp is empty but sure enough as soon as you block the ramp, another boater will pull up wanting to use the proper ramp that you are wrongly blocking. Instant ramp rage. Also even if there is no problem others will see it & follow your lead. I spent one year as a lake patrol officer at a busy conservation area and have seen this problem blow up at the ramp many times. Also observe all no wake areas. This includes near the ramps, within 30 metres of the shore or any other marked areas. Nothing will upset other boaters who are launching or recovering thier boats quicker than the jerk that pulls away from the ramp at full throttle. Best Wishes: Rick
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