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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Pittock Conservation Park at Woodstock or Wildwood Conservation Park near St. Marys should suit your needs.
  2. Latest Update As of this afternoon both the shelters have closed down. Only 120-140 evacuees left in Stratford, which are being housed in local motels. All expected to depart for home tomorrow. Best Wishes: Rick
  3. Actually things have been going quite well over the last day. After hearing they where good to return home, I suspect they will be some very disappointed people when they realize that only a few are to be leaving tomorrow. Some also may enjoy the extra day or two. Rick
  4. UPDATE - Kashechewan evacuation suspended. As of tomorrow morning some of the Kashechewan residents in Perth County will start there return to home. As of now only 2 flights of aprox 35 each are scheduled. Aircraft availability will dictate how long it will take to complete everyone's move home. As of now it is expected that the last people will leave by Sat. afternoon. If more aircraft become available their return home may happen quicker. Best Wishes: Rick
  5. As of this evening, things down here in Perth County where the aprox. 400-500 evacuee's from Kashechewan have already arrived is going fairly smoothly. Both Stratford and now St. Marys shelters have received people. When both Stratford & St. Marys shelters are full both Milverton & Mitchell will start to receive more. I am coordinating St. John Ambulance's assistance to the effort and at times working with the Organizational Committee. Now I'm soon off to bed as tomorrow is another long day ahead. Best Wishes: Rick
  6. Terry I fully agree with this statement. These guys knew the law as was shown by their question "do you own the land". They knew that if the owner asked them to leave they must leave immediately. Failing to leave promptly would be an offense. Under the Trespass to Property Act it is up to the owner to control who accesses his property. This can be done through fences, planted crops, lawns or obvious residential & commercial areas, signs or verbally. In this case of the two hunters, even if the owner called the police & asked that they be charged the charges would not be laid until the hunters were informed that the owner requests they leave his property. Failing to leave promptly would be required for charges to stick. They owner may empower others to represent him in respect to trespassing but I would want this in writing. If a case were to go to court & there was no written statement from the owner he would be required to appear to testify that you were in fact his agent. They could even be required to attend with a written statement that was in force if the charged questioned if it was a valid document. Failure for the owner to back you up could possibly lead charges against the person claiming to represent the owner. Best Wishes: Rick
  7. Now to rain on everyones parade. I see no evidence in the above post of any laws being broken other than ignorance. Yes the two hunters acted in an ignorant & disrespectful manner. If the land wasn't posted or fenced & they didn't have to cross planted crops they are not guilty of an offense under the trespass act. Actually misfish you may of been closer to breaking the law than them."I proceeded to show them my written consent and asked them to leave".Unless the owner empowered you to act as his agent in respect to the trespass act you had no authority to ask them to leave. Only the owner has this authority.
  8. Theres more than a few of us around London. We even been known to have a G2G or 2/3/4 in south London at times. Myself I'm from 15 mins. northeast of the London Airport. Best Wishes: Rick
  9. The small coho (2-2 1/2 lbs.) I was referring to seem to be following the trout in to feed on their spawn.
  10. In past years I've caught small coho at the mouth at Bayfield in the spring. Best Wishes: Rick
  11. brickNblock: Let me try to answer your question. I have both the Canadian Power & Sail Squadron PCOC and Membership cards. The PCOC is the proof of competency required under federal regulations. The PSC card you refer to is likely a membership card of the Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons. This doesn't replace or equal the PCOC. The insurance discount your are referring to is most likely a member benefit for members of the Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons. I received my membership in the Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons by getting my PCOC through them. Possibly your insurance company may mean they will only recognize Canadian Power & Sail Squadron PCOC as far as insurance discounts go. Ask your insurance company which is the case. Best Wishes: Rick
  12. OK no problem. Best Wishes: Rick
  13. John: It can't be. I'll never believe it. :whistling:
  14. irshfield: Whats your point & what does it have to do with this thread?
  15. The thread is not referring to card renewals but one year fishing stickers, for those who didn't buy the 3 year fishing sticker up front.
  16. 1: Clean and skin. 2: Dip in milk. 3: Roll in cornmeal. 4: Fry in hot lard. Enjoy
  17. No sticker will be mailed for a one year license renewal. I'm in the same boat. As for doing to go to a "store to get your sticker option" it wasn't an option in early January as the Ministry did not have the stickers out to the retailers yet (tried that) at the start of the year. :rolleyes: All so I could go icefishing. So I also have to carry the paper printout for the year.
  18. Not all generators of that size range have both 110 & 220 volt capability. If yours does not have a 220 volt capability don't try to run 220 volt motors on 110 volts. Most sump pumps are 110 volt. Freezers are also generally 110 volt. Sewage pumps I'm not sure on. Home well pumps can be either 110 or 220 volt. Most submersible well pumps are 220 volt.
  19. My Pleasure Craft Operator Card just arrived in the mail today. Took the test thru CPS at the London Boating, Fishing & Leisure Show about 6 weeks ago.
  20. I wasn't referring to your children (or other renters) suing you but a third party. And in a civil court if its determined that your rental check list is a way for your children (or other renters) to avoid getting a Pleasure Craft Operators Card, it very well could be their inheritance & more that is at stake.
  21. Not sure and just guessing but you &/or your renters may be in a touchy legal situation if an accident was to occur (if you are not a registered business related to renting boats). Is it worth the gamble? Law suit settlements could be a killer.
  22. No mention of this in the currently issued summary of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 TP 13813 (10/2007)
  23. Yes & No. They are only exempt if operating their pleasure craft 45 consecutive days or less. If the pleasure craft isn't their's they fall under the same rules as residents. After 45 consecutive days (their own pleasure craft) they require a Operators card or equivalent issued by their state or country. Ref: Safe Boating Guide, TP 511E (01/2008) Pg. 11 bottom right corner.
  24. Pg. 15 of Canada Shipping Act, 2001 TP 13813 (10/2007) Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations >> In 2008, further amendments to the Regulations will be introduced. These will include: * a new accreditation framework for course providers based on a quality management system; * a national database system on card holders; Now what remains to be seen is if the govt. follows up on this???
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