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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. I wrote & passed mine at the London Boating, Outdoors & Leisure Show about a month ago. I got 49 out of 50. I paid $30 at the CPS testing booth. There was also two booths offering write till you pass or free there. One was charging $50. I was told the extra 14 questions were so the card would also meet US standards & requirements. Study the "Safe Boating Guide" before writing the test and you should have no problems. Best Wishes: Rick
  2. When was the last time you attended your Zone meeting? This is when you have a chance to voice your concerns.
  3. Just after dark is the best time. Shallow flats (15'-35') beside a drop off to deep water. Live or dead bait on bottom. Glow in the dark spoons jigged also catch fish & draw the ling into the area. Tip Only fish one line per person if fishing in a hut or close to the other lines. Lings like to circle & will tangle all nearby lines quickly. When one is hooked pull all nearby lines fast. Good Luck: Rick
  4. Here's a link to some fishing maps some may find interesting. You can add your tips to the threads also. http://fish-hawk.net/hawktalk/viewforum.php?f=7 Best Wishes: Rick
  5. I don't have a problem with the added charges as long as I know about them before I go. I base my decision to go or not go, partly on total cost. Now if they sprung them on me after getting there watch out. As for premium rates during summer this is almost always the case. Yes they will be full. Supply & demand. Any camp not generally full at this time of year would make me uneasy. To constantly have openings during the summer without having to book long in advance may be a bad sign. Good operations tend to have a lot of repeat customers year after year especially, during the busy summer season. Get all the info beforehand & make your decision based on your needs & budget. Good Luck: Rick
  6. I'm quite happy with these. Hercules Trail Digger M/T. Also much quieter on the highway than I expected. I suggest you also pay the little extra and get the light truck tires instead of passenger grade tires. Rick
  7. I think some of the people here will find this site interesting & helpful. http://www.flashearth.com/ Best Wishes: Rick
  8. Where do you think Bush is generating most of his money? The higher the corporate profits the higher his personal wealth grows. Yes your government is controlling the oil companies. But it is for corporate profits not for the benefit of the people. The rich get richer. Screw the little guy.
  9. I was on a British forum earlier and they are paying from £1-£1.05.9 per litre. At current exchange rates that works out to 87-98 % more than here. :wacko:
  10. I agree with you about the PWC's(sea-doos). But $65?? I paid only $30 to challenge the test. Of course this didn't include "you don't pass - you don't pay". Two other providers were there with the "you don't pass - you don't pay" deal. One was $50 & I didn't inquire about the other. Read the "Safe Boating Guide" & know port form starboard & a cardinal buoy and a maker buoy and you should pass no problem. Multiple choice which in most cases you can rule out 2 of the 4 answers. Common sense will give you most of the other answers not covered in the guide. I scored 49 out of 50. Best Wishes: Rick
  11. With next years deadline coming I finally wrote & passed the test last Sat. Done it at the London Fishing, Boating & Leisure Show thru the Canadian Power & Sail Squadron. Rick
  12. Hey my "Lil Babe" Says: Don't be messin with us beagles. She may look sweet but she has a mighty mean bite.
  13. What makes you think there will be new regs next year? Rick
  14. Brian: I plan on going either Sat. or Sun. If I can make it I'll try for Sat. If there on Sat. I'll keep an eye out for you and other members from our swills. I'll wear my Green Bay hat. Best Wishes: Rick
  15. Actually Alberta & Saskatchewan also have this day as a statutory holiday.
  16. Just an alert. The forecasted freezing rain is now happening. Just got home after a scary ride. All fine when I made a short run into town. Then it hit. The usual 7-8 min drive from the edge of town took 40 mins. Main highways are passable at half speed. Secondary roads are a disaster (which I live on). Even at 20 km/h I was going sideways at times. Little to no ground wind here or it would be twice as bad. Storm should be now hitting the Toronto area. It is moving in a northeastern direction at about 80 km/h. Be Safe Stay Home Rick
  17. Rotten mess here. -18 C with high winds & blowing snow. All highways in the area closed. Tomorrow just might be a snow day. :D Rick
  18. Currently raining fairly heavy here just north of London. 1 deg C. Evidence of some earlier snow or ice pellets. Not freezing yet but quite slushy. Rick
  19. Considering booking there next summer. Has any one stayed there before. Also hows the fishing in the area. I know summer is not always the best time of the year but plant shutdown decides when my holidays are. Best Wishes: Rick
  20. I tried telling the same thing to people last week. No one would believe me. Go figure they should know I'm never wrong. Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken. I figured if the could beat my team the Packers they were unstoppable.
  21. The melt completely messed up Wildwood. Fished it on 06 Jan 08 with 6"-9" of solid ice. Than the melt. Was completely open & water level up about 5'-6'. As of yesterday there was still open water near the dam. Rick
  22. Sure sounds a lot better than my past experiences. With the new owners I may reconsider going back. Will be watching for more reports. Best Wishes: Rick
  23. Been twice and neither time were the huts that far out from the boat launch. Nice huts but fishing was slow both times. 18'-20' of water. It seems to me hut location is chosen for the operators convenience & not the best fishing location. Caught a few fish each time but sure wasn't kept busy catching fish. Post a report when you get back. Good Luck: Rick
  24. Dann: Where did you get this from? It's a myth. Water freezes when it gets below 0 deg C. Warm water takes longer to freeze. Although I wish you were correct than our southern lakes would freeze much sooner than the northern ones. But I'm afraid it ain't so. Rick
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