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Everything posted by mistyriver1

  1. Hope everyone has a good time. I had the pleasure of being Kevin and Leslie's first guest of 2008 a couple of weeks ago. Class A people all the way.
  2. Nice going.
  3. Cookslav, I remember your report from last year about this time as well. Great post and report. Wow !!
  4. Great post Ric. thanks for taking the time.
  5. Excellent read Peter. My Dad was WWII vet and believed in tough love but had a heart of gold. Some of your post reminds me of him. I didn't understand a lot of the time where he was coming from but I sure do now that I am a father. Jim
  6. Good to see you back Jamie !!
  7. Whatever knife you decide on , another suggestion I would pass along is get yourself a sharpening stone. A steel will be bring back the edge but after a while it won't work. I picked up a couple of stones when I was in Tennessee last month at a knife shop. Put a little lubricating oil on the stone and run each side over it a couple of times. Knife will be as sharp as heck. Good luck Jim
  8. Nothing wrong with golf at all Brian. You've got a PM.
  9. What about two sections ....Athletes and Non-athletes....
  10. Lew. I'm assuming that second shot is of you and Marv, it's excellent. Great pictures. Yeah, we've seen garbage messes like that at a certain boat launch as well eh Lew. Phil - I always found that the sides of your highways are always cleaner than ours. I've seen the inmates working on the sides of the roads. Great idea in my mind.
  11. Not sure if ya broke any rules or not Lew but it's a great story. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Excellent post Raf. Really enjoyed fishing with you and JP last year. Learned lots and had a great time. Ben and Corey still talk about fishing with you guys as well to this day.
  13. That is very cool Lew. Yeah that will be handy.
  14. Maybe I'm missing something Mike, but maybe before you hammer his business on a public forum shouldn't you talk to Brian first since he was the one to make the arrangement with you ?
  15. A couple of nice looking lakers. Congrats. Beautiful day to get out.
  16. Lots to do............ beautiful city. If you like ribs, go to a place called the Bar B Barn. Excellent ribs and bring your business card. You'll know what I mean if you've been there. I'm assuming it's still there.
  17. Nice fish and great report Glen !! Glen, the way you tell the difference between a striper and Hybid is ????? I'm trying to recall from what the guys in Tennessee we fished with told us.....one has broken lines and one has solid ??
  18. This sucks Terry. Sorry to hear that. Jim
  19. I actually take a whole bunch of flavours of the FC or the Uncle Bucks stuff from Bass Pro and mix it with Bread crumbs.
  20. Nope. and neither does Ben.
  21. Some nice fish and a great report. Thanks for posting.
  22. That's what I've had since Wednesday. Finally getting over it. My stomach and chest are still sore from coughing so much. Went to the clinic on Friday morning and they put me on antibiotics and sent me for a chest Xray. Mistyjr is still sick with it.
  23. Well said Greg. . Cory that's classic I've been a member for 3 years and got Corey (Mistyjr) a junior membership as well. Are they perfect...no but it's better than nothing. I also got a call about a week ago from a guy calling on their behalf who obviously didn't know much about their goings on. Told him that since I'm gonna be out of a job in 6 months I probably can't contribute much more other than my membership fees. After telling him a couple of times it finally sunk in I understand the need for funding but if they start on telephone soliciting, it will make me rethink renenwing my membership.
  24. Looks like a great outing for you and your Mrs. Thanks for sharing your day. How thick was the ice ?
  25. As Garry has suggested, power pro is excellent line. I've got it on all my baitcasters and one spinning rod. I find most mono lines to be comparable but I've been using the Bass Pro brand lately as you can usually pick up larger quantities for a good price. Their brand of braid isn't bad either. Another tip, when you're putting on new mono line, run it under warm water for a couple of minutes. This will help reduce memory. Good luck.
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