Brian, I didn't see an "all of the above" option.
JFJ, yep needs to go, no doubt. Way to inexperienced. The only reason he was hired was because Peddie knew he could control him.
Maurice - I like the guy but he's lost the room and I'm not sure how good a "teacher" of the game he is. His previous success came with Carolina but he had a veteran team that didn't need guidance.
Sundin- If he truly wants to do what's best for the team as he says than he needs to waive his "no trade" clause so that the leafs can get some decent prospects and picks. He is the only marketable asset they have.
Bottom line, the corporate structure of Maple Leafs Sports is a mess and no one can make a decision without board approval. The teacher's pension fund doesn't care if they win or lose, they're making huge profits and they're selling lots of condos around the ACC.