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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. if he finishes off those 26 carp I dont think youll have too much to worry about.
  2. first one? seasons almost over
  3. nice fish, sent you a PM
  4. i wouldnt trust lebarons because they dont always have roe, go to angling specialties. I would rather buy jigs or worms if i was you as their pretty turned off by roe because of all the pressure.
  5. Did you really need the net to land those smolts :P
  6. i have the Canon s3 which i bought 4 days ago after days of research, it seemed to be the best bet for the money (300$). Takes some awesome pictures and the macro is amazing.
  7. how about just easier to understand regs
  8. .. an OFNer heads downstairs
  9. first two pics look like the same fish on different sides
  10. ivee seen over 100 in one pool in a creek i fish so yeah i would say their in pretty thick..
  11. Awesome, can we see the picture that won you the prizes
  12. i use the 12 and 10 lb, great line but not that much different from regular mono
  13. Bags will be made available at these locations starting April 21. ANGLING OUTFITTERS, 577 Dundas St., Woodstock, (519)539-5494 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 2104 HWY 7, Concord, 905-660-9707 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 325 Central Pkwy W., Mississauga 905-275-4972 ANGLING SPECIALTIES - 3251 Kennedy Road, Unit 4, Scarborough, 416-609-0804 ANGLING SPORT, 317 Adelaide St. South, London, 519-649-7429 BRONTE OUTDOORS, 2544 Speers Road, Unit 7 and 8, Oakville, 905-827-4009 FISHIN NIAGARA,197 Niagara Blvd, Fort Erie, On, 905-871-3888 www.fishinniagara.com FISH ONLINE CANADA. - 1705 Jane Street, Toronto, Ontario, (416)-242-4310, http://fishonlineca.com/new/index.php?opti...p&Itemid=26 FISHING WORLD 2411 Barton St. East, Hamilton, 905-573-2288, http://www.fishingworld.ca/ GAGNON SPORTS - 385 Bloor W., Oshawa, 905-725-5798 GILL FINIGANS, 4400 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, On, 905-357-5293, www.gillfinigan.com HOOK, LINE and SINKER, 380 Eramosa Rd., Guelph, 519-766-4665 JC TACKLE, 22 Sims Lock Rd., Caledonia, 905.765.8336 NATURAL SPORTS - 1572 Victoria St., Kitchener, Ont. Floaters' Tackle Retailer (519)749-1620 http://www.thefishingstore.ca PETERS BAIT AND TACKLE, Secord Drive, St. Catharines, On 905-934-2512 ROCK AND REEL OUTDOORS...5oo King st w unit # 12, phone #905-576-2626, Oshawa, ON SIMCOE BAIT & TACKLE, 250 Innisfil St., Barrie, On, 705-737-4818 TALL TALES BAIT & TACKLE, 310 King St. East, Cambridge, :(519)650-3465 TIGHTLINE FISHERMANS - 1050 Broock, Pickering, 905-837-0544
  14. with the MNR budget today you have nothing to worry about called in two guys poaching on my local trib today, and they told me i would get a call back in 30 minutes, its been 4 or 5 hours... NOTHING To answer your original question (are you talking about the ganny by any chance?) i would still fight the fish but not walk into the sanctuary.
  15. nope not HD
  16. yup i have found some great deals in small taclke shops, and for the more expensive stuff i usually buy used anyways..
  17. unless its an HDTV it would be pretty usless for using it as a computer screen as the font would be too blurry to read easily, it would only be good for watching videos through your computer.
  18. why not hang the meat like i suggested, I find it allows you to dry wayy more meat at once
  19. For those that are inpatient
  20. i line the bottom with almunum foil (careful it doesent touch the wire or it will melt). i then hange the jerky on the rack using toothpicks, thread through the top of the meat and put it on the rack so its hanging. Put your oven on the lowest temperature and stick a knife in there to keep it slightly open. Usually takes me anywhere from 6 -12 hours or longer depending on your lowest temperature in your oven. Just made some the other day, hope this helps.
  21. ill be there whenever i can manage a ride, thanks for all the work you put into the fishery.
  22. i think you should read the regs
  23. whats wrong with the second fish??
  24. nicley done, was pretty dirty out there but managed two.
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