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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. oh brother
  2. Perch are illegal to use as bait
  3. dead bait lying on bottom is irresistable to trophy pike that cruise the depths looking for food.
  4. LOL, im sending you the bill for my keyboard!!!!
  5. Good point DanC, it worked out for them right?
  6. call me old fashioned but i like the first one better as well.
  7. http://fishonlineca.com/index.php?option=c...&id=162#162
  8. i went out this weekend, dont see why you couldnt have a hut out by next weekend, espcially with some colder temps by then.
  9. check out http://www.kawarthalakesimcoefishing.com/ mostly simcoe, but includes others.
  10. wow those salmon are disgusting. Nice steelies though try [img][/img]
  11. If you think thats bad, shoulda seen the ice on my benz.
  12. looks like another EPIC day.
  13. frozen shut
  14. nice release
  15. hey bill you still intrested in the cenetpin combo, havent heard back from you
  16. Their all good except the second one. Good shootin' Brandon
  17. Good Stuff Irishfield, I will look through all the info on my break. My boss is killing me today. Cheers Skelzwoods
  18. Your a good man wayne!
  19. Thanks for the links wayne, i found those but looks like way too much un necessary information for my old eyes to sift through. I was looking more for charts with names of lakes and stocking numbers. I guess maybe it wasnt meant to be. Thanks though for the help Fishin'Devil(Shawn) and Irishfield(Wayne) Cheers Skelzwoods
  20. Just wondering if anyone has a link to MNR lake trout stocking. Having trouble googling it. Thanks in advance Your friend SkelzWoods
  21. I dont see a problem with it, let them say what they want. Wont stop me from going fishing.
  22. Oh Nater, always up to something! Good shootin Chris~
  23. haha, good stuff roy
  24. wayyyyy too cold for river fishing.
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