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Everything posted by FishFinder

  1. on a side note is that power bait effective or just another waste of money.
  2. Would it be suitable for trolling on lake O, or is it too small/old/unreliable
  3. Dont know much about the boat, but what is it worth? if anything
  4. ahh ok, im guessing you dont chum with boilies, lol the ones at angling specialties were pretty expensive.
  5. Where do you buy your boilies?
  6. sunfish
  7. dont think thats a bow cliff.
  8. I think just pinching down the barbs on the hooks and possibly cutting one point off would do it.
  9. if thats the Upper Credit, please make sure your using single barbless hooks to not harm the little guys, and it in the regs. Other than that nice smolts
  10. http://www.fishingsaskatchewan.ca/forum/vi...70&start=30
  11. J-11's thats pretty crazy
  12. this is their new site.. http://www.ontariofishingforums.com/
  13. wasnt it just a few months ago you were complaining about photoshopped backgrounds
  14. Awesome!!
  15. Just watch the no Live bait / special hook regulations that most resident brown fisheries have in place. Including I think the Grand.
  16. ahh i thought you were talking about just regular water, seeing as islander has their reel underwater in their advertisements main problem i have when i dunk mine is the backing absorbs alot of water making it a bit heavier.
  17. Whats wrong with dunking a centerpin?
  18. do you ever do your own homework? lol
  19. Great Job team 5, you guys really look like you know what youre doing.
  20. LOL, hope you didnt eat it already
  21. Im pretty sure all of Erindale Park was closed to fishing at one point because of garbage as was Port credit, and you still cant fish from the pier side. The credit does get some religious "offerings" but i find theres way more garbage than coconuts. I hate hearing people complianing about garbage, but never doing anything about it. I filled 8 bags on the credit this past week and intend to fill a couple more. As for the whole keeping fish thing, i think this thread was more about fishing spots being ruined by garbage and not fished out. The member only viewing thing would probably just mean more members with 0 posts.
  22. Couldnt agree with you more. This is why i have stoped posting up reports in general.
  23. I dont think the canadaian tire ones are breathable, just a similar material.
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