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Everything posted by netminder

  1. The story from the girlfriend was he told the officer he has a holstered gun on his side that he has a license to carry and needed to reach to his pocket past his gun to get his license. That's what we're being told anyway.
  2. And there's this too. I could walk them right down to the shore and tell them who to look for. I walk my dog along the bank and see this all the time (not enough to make 100% judgment, but it's easy to be very suspicious). I'd bet most would plead ignorance but it's not an excuse.
  3. I may be mistaken, but I think I actually drove past this while it was happening. I was driving in to work on a Saturday or Sunday and saw a couple older guys fishing in what looks like a little less than a ditch and culvert in the Upper Credit with a CO gathering up their equipment. I wanted to stop and ask what was going on but thought better of it. This is hilarious, in a sad way.
  4. I know you said it, but I wonder if it will take highly trained and armed government employees getting shot to change some people's tune. How can anyone possibly make the argument that more guns would have stopped this from happening? Regardless, this is a sad and tragic state we're in these days. I don't know if it's perception or an actual increase in these incidents, but it feels like every other day it's either a minority in confrontation with someone/police, or another mass shooting, or both.
  5. trial and error for me usually. I believe most of my harnesses are 36" and I just put weight on until I can feel bottom or I'm tickling to tops of the weeds. I usually like to let out at least 50' of line, and put the weight, usually split shot, just above the swivel where I attach the harness. I've never been a fan of bottom bouncers either. two harnesses just sounds like a nasty mess waiting to happen, but try it and tell us how it works!
  6. I really hate how every time something like this happens the topic immediately goes to gun control. Gun control is definitely part of the problem, but almost equally, and maybe even morseo in some cases, the issue includes: -mental health -religion -radicalizing religion -homophobia -bigotry -racism -sexism -bullying -marginalization -failures of past administrations allowing these radical groups to prosper -cultural violence -etc. To say that banning the "other" religion or banning guns of some sort will make this go away is very short sighted and narrow minded. There is so much to this it's difficult to debate. If you want my narrow minded opinion, removing hatred and vengeance from society is where we should start. Yes, it's true, people kill people. We should try to make it so people don't want to kill each other.
  7. I'm going fishing with 4 guys who have sleep apnea. I'm glad they can bring their machines on my fishing trip or else half the guys would get no sleep. One time a had a friend stay at my house and thought my dad's snoring was someone running a chainsaw at 6am. I didn't watch the video above but I can't imagine it's any worse than they are... Have fun on the trip and don't be shy to show off your pictures!
  8. that was a quality episode. I might be showing my ignorance here, but is there a reason they were grabbing at those laker's tails and not netting them? It would have been hilarious (for everyone but him) if the hook suddenly came out and caught him in the face. He already took a hook to the finger. Just seems like the safer alternative.
  9. I agree with this. I cringe when I see wood set in concrete and buried. PT or not it's going to rot away. Sure the sonotube and the portion of the post in the concrete aren't going anywhere, but you've made a weak spot right at the ground.
  10. Thanks for the tips, guys. I'm assuming the lodge owners will put us on some fish, but it's always good to have a few other spots to check out. As for the jig-minnow, sounds easy enough. I'll make sure I have plenty of both!
  11. So, should there be a "bottle deposit" for the legal LCBO weed? I've kind of lost track of this discussion.
  12. Hi guys, I just realized today that it will be two weeks and I'll be on our annual fishing trip. Time flies when you're having fun being overwhelmed at work. This year we'll be heading to Horwood Lake Lodge. Thought I would use my break to pose a general question on the forum... I know there are a few here that are familiar with Horwood and might be able to provide me with a few tips for walleye. Successful strategies/patterns etc.? The first day we'll be there will be the last day of the sanctuaries on the lake, but I'd be interested to know where exactly the boundaries are ahead of time. Anything else anyone can think to help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike
  13. netminder


    I don't freeze fish but this would never have occurred to me. I was going to ask the smartass question and say what if I went to the store and bought three rainbow trout and was the only one home... I guess I need the receipt.
  14. I don't think it's something you need to fear. It would be nice if its labelled, but that would only add to the fear mongering. I'm more concerned with the laundry list of additives you find on the ingredients list on processed foods. I don't think GMO has anything to do with the increased occurrence of any sort of ailment, but I'm fairly confident all the additives and preservatives people are eating in their processed foods play a huge role in it. And by the way, Monsanto doesn't have a monopoly on GMOs. You're still being misleading.
  15. This is also misleading. You're not breeding the species, your breeding the desired trait. You're only selecting the bit of DNA that is responsible for the desired trait.
  16. I heard stories about how some of them operate though, allowing anyone off the street to basically come in and buy. Selling prescriptions with a "doctor" over skype, etc. Some of them were pretty shady, borderline underground operations that needed to be reigned in a little bit.
  17. optics weren't good, but the casino was attached to the hotel they were staying at. Also, the game was at 8:30, I'm sure they could shake off a hangover (if they were even drinking) by that time. I don't think it's a big deal. They're grown men and maybe couldn't sleep. I wonder how many times Jordan was spotted at a casino the night before a big game. Anyway, if they keep playing like that on the road it won't matter what happens on Friday in game 6. They need to show up to play wherever they are.
  18. 10 lb pp and 15 lb flouro leader. I don't even notice when the union knot goes through the eyes. I actually prefer the super slick as well.
  19. It was meant tongue-in-cheek. I saw it first when people were linking autism with vaccines. Anyway, I'd rather eat organic etc. too, but some of the fear mongering over GMOs is a bit much. And I'm pretty sure it all comes about because of ONE company who is trying to patent life forms and allegedly screws over farmers. GM crops can be modified such that they're drought resistant, require less watering, are less taxing on soil and a plethora of other beneficial attributes. But, instead, in typical hysterical internet fashion everyone focuses their attention on the fear mongering and shocking stories of the vast minority of situations where things are bad. There would be a lot more vegetarians if everyone here already didn't have a taste for meat and paid attention to this stuff the same way P3TA et. al. report on the meat industry. Over-use of chemicals in farming is not good. In no way would I support that. But if I'm going to be completely honest with myself, Roundup and similar products are a lot less harmful than some other options and even some stuff that gets used in organic farming. Organic farming on its own tends to be far more labour intensive, less productive, and more taxing on the soil. Certain varieties of GMOs farmed organically can fill that gap. tl;dr - GMOs can be organic too, and beneficial to feeding our over-populated planet.
  20. I thought I should add that I still trolled with the worm harness tipped with the swim bait and gulp minnows. I was pretty impressed with how successful that set up was.
  21. I've been on this board for probably a year now so I figured it's time I actually posted a report I figured going into this weekend that I'd only have time to make it out fishing once so I had to make the most of this trip. Bright and early Saturday morning I'm the first one on the river except for a couple white bucket bridge trolls. I had intentions of pulling worm harnesses in search of walleye but just as I get my boat set up in realize I didn't even bring any worms (still sitting in the fridge in the garage). We'll crap, I guess I'll have to make due with whatever I can find in my tackle box. I'm creative, I can manage this.Finally launch the boat and search my tackle box and find a 5" white swim jig and douse it with crawler flavour gulp and take off.After about 30 minutes of marking dozens of fish with no hits I'm starting to lose faith in my setup, so I put my rod in the holder and hunt through my box for more bait. Look up and see my rod doubled over but not pulling drag. Boom, a massive hit start reeling and find this pretty girl munching on that piece of plastic. A nice 22" walleye to start the day. Unfortunately that toothy critter ruined the bait so I had to get creative again. I found some 3" gulp minnows that I've had for about 4 years, but still had some stank on them so away we went. Unfortunately, my phone doesn't like temperatures below 20C, so I didn't get any more pictures, but I did manage 5 pike between 24" and 32". I thought this was pretty impressive, considering I always thought there were no pike in this area. Mixed in with those pike was a nice 14" walleye that I simply couldn't let go and made for a nice snack for me and the wife when I got home. All in all, a very productive day that should tide me over for the weekend.
  22. Were you afraid of the government coming and taking everything from you when you were younger? If not, what has changed? Is it because you don't like these new whippersnapper politicians and their ideas on things you don't understand? I honestly want to know, because I'm leaning towards agreeing with ehg here. I can only imagine what it must be like to be someone your age, considering how much technology and society has changed in the past 60+ years. My best frame of reference for what things were like in the 50's and 60's are shows like Mad Men and stories about the Korean War and Vietnam War. I'm amazed at how much technology has evolved even in my lifetime and I'm only 30. I'm probably the last generation (in Canada anyway) who will remember rotary phones (or even home phones for that matter) instead of relying solely on cell phones, recording shows on VHS instead of PVR, going to the library to look something up instead of looking up google on my cell phone, having to subsist with 3 channels on TV and not 1,000 (none of which are showing anything worthwhile watching) or having to call or visit friends instead of just texting them. The next generation isn't going to know a world without the internet, and if all my friends are consistent, never going to know a world where no one sees their baby pictures because they've been plastered all over Facebook. I don't even know where my baby pictures are! And to think how the world must have changed since when you were a kid. I was doing some math the other day because my grandfather is turning 75 this year. That means he was 45 when I was born. No one has children that young anymore, let alone grandchildren (at least on purpose, as far as I know). When you look back on your frame of reference as to how fast you perceive time to travel as you age, and considering technology evolves at an exponential rate, I can't blame old-timers for being afraid of change. But I'm almost 100% certain that no one is coming to take your things, no matter how weird or backwards it seems to have a female lesbian premier, and some young buck PM who wants to legalize marijuana and all other sorts of weird and progressive things. Just ride the wave and enjoy life. You're too old to be stressed about stuff.
  23. At "Family Fun Park" no less too.
  24. Trust no one and start your own subsistence farm. Live off the land, disconnect from the grid.
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