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Everything posted by netminder

  1. Not sure I'm fully for the idea for the playoff. The whole show up to this point was about multi-species and now they limit it to ONLY walleye? Kinda lame, IMO. They could have picked a different target species for each period or something. Mix it up a bit. Not saying I won't watch. It's still entertaining
  2. Good point. Or if you go fishing with my wife. And what were you doing fishing with my wife?
  3. Same here. Ice and snow have meant I might be chasing trout before I find time to go for crappie.
  4. I have to agree with the silver mirror in the above chart, but would also say copper is most useful if you're fishing dirtier/muddier water. As for price point, the total cost doesn't matter as long as they're actually polarized. Most of the time once you're over the $100 point you're paying for the frames and/or the brand. Even though I spent like $200 on the Ray Bans in my avatar, I still managed to have them fall out of my shirt pocket and 3 m deep into a sanitary manhole. Although they did last me like 3 years to that point, longer than any pair of sunglasses to date, and the only time up until then that I've spent more than like $50 on sunglasses. If I spend more money on them I'm going to take better care of them.
  5. Good game yesterday. Fun pitching duel to watch and the right team came out on tip. Stroman showing he's mature enough to be an ace and Archer showing off the strikeout machine he is. I will admit too, even being the huge baseball fan I am, I'm usually doing something else while watching the game. Be it playing with my tablet or reading a book, or have it on the radio while I mess about in the garage. Blue Jays in 30 is the best idea they've had at Sportsnet in a long time.
  6. just realized this thread is 4 years old lol.
  7. That sounds like one hell of an endorsement. Might consider this place next spring if we don't like the one we're going to this year.
  8. I like them too. But hot damn, $20!? I can't justify that price point.
  9. I got the email telling everyone to stay home this morning about half an hour after I got to work...
  10. Doing my best to leave politics out of this... all I can say is that his heart always seemed to be in the right place. Whether or not his actions helped matters is another issue. He will definitely be missed. Regardless of what you think of him he was too young to go.
  11. Has Uncut Angling made an episode since 39 hours? I check back every so often but there isn't ever anything on there. As for TV shows, the Saturday morning Global TV lineup might as well be listed as paid programming. The only show on there that comes close to being educational is Fishin' Canada. But after watching it I get this odd urge to buy a Ram with Cooper Tires and drive to Sail. But Facts of Fishing is on Saturday morning on Sportsnet360 which makes it nice because I don't even need to pay attention to see the start of it as I'm watching sports highlights lol.
  12. lol. You made me think of that Key and Peele sketch about black ice/white snow.
  13. Saw a fresh film of ice on the lake this morning. Why won't it just open up already!?

  14. Didn't do it yesterday with my latest service visit and was glad this morning. Found some black ice on the road and almost slid right through a stop sign even with the winter tires.
  15. I'm going to agree with Rizzo here. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt and would assume they're not being spiteful to you. Calling from NWT they likely didn't recognize the area code and thought it was a scammer. Stay calm and try to talk to a manager. Getting worked up and calling everyone from the MP/MPP to the Queen of England or the media or the police isn't going to make things better.
  16. Thanks! I might take you up on that someday. Not sure my vessel is really seaworthy though, or at least something I should be taking out on Erie, unless it's within shouting distance of the boat launch though!
  17. Totally agree. But I like to start with what makes sense to me and then move into the more exotic stuff until I find something that consistently produces. Anyway, I appreciate the help!
  18. Thanks for that, if nothing but directing me to tackle wearhouse where everything is nicely sorted lol. I rarely really fish the great lakes but at least I have a good idea what to look for now.
  19. I'm feeling the same way as the OP. Something I've wanted to try and never got around to. From a distance it's a technique that seems foolproof as long as you can get the depth right. I've seen specific drop shot rods for sale too. What's special about them that wouldn't be true for a typical spincast rod? Any recommendations on bait?
  20. Mentioned to the guy when I called for a service appointment today that I was thinking about it. I'd be the first this year apparently. I waited until mid December to put them on too. I'll see if I'm in the mood to lug them into the car that morning. It only takes me about an hour to switch them out, and they're calling for snow this weekend so I'm thinking probably wait until April. But I am chronically lazy so if I can save myself that hour in a months time I might do it anyway lol.
  21. Not including the huge industries that have been built up around it. People may give millions to animal rights fanatics but other people give BILLIONS to the hunting and fishing industry.
  22. aren't blue walleye extinct?
  23. Forgot to mention my dog used to like to eat cat litter. If we left the door to the laundry room open every now and then she'd come over to us and her breath would absolutely reek and there would be grey maxx scoop caked into her gumline. I didn't dare ask which were the tastiest bits. I found this odd because if I threw a ball in the yard and it went within 10 feet of a pile of poo she would refuse to pick it up. Apparently cat poo is OK though.
  24. Welcome to the board. If I was in your boat I don't think I'd end up teaching you anything about fishing, but I'd have plenty to tell you regardless.
  25. I like Fergus, but I'd move north for an excuse not to go to the GTA. The ultra-competitive, worked to death attitude that permeates from some of these corporations into my small town living is not for me, but my wife would be very hard pressed to find a job outside of the GTA. This thread got me to thinking, so I looked on some job search websites and found a position that seemed to be tailor made for me in Sudbury. My wife hates the GTA lifestyle so much she'd move with me even if she couldn't find a job.
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