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Everything posted by forrest

  1. Lets say you hitch up the boat and tow it 1 hour to the lake and forget or lose your license. The local stores have none to sell.......it can happen. Eating a 90$ ticket while fishing is one thing; having to deal with a cop asking for it at RIDE is another, especially if your not driving! forrest
  2. The cop asked the passenger for his license too. There was no need for that. Does RIDE now give passengers breathalyzers? Sounds like the cop probably couldn't do two things at once....he screwed up the interrogation. If he wanted to check for a stolen boat he should have asked for the ownership or run the trailer plates. forrest
  3. No real answer here, sorry: There are no details on the price of the boat or its type, maybe this is a great deal. Maybe the posters trusted uncle is selling a boat. soooooo, to put things is perspective, whats the deal? forrest PS make sure the trailer is clear of all leins and is being sold legally before its journey starts. How about making the owner responsible for getting it across the boarder?
  4. I know the old marine area is restricted......but jay walking is also illegal. There is a customs trailer on the west side of the river they may have a better idea of the situation. Did the guy leave to go direct traffic in a parking lot? If the guys does not show ID be nice and ask him if his feelings got hurt when he flunked out of security guard school. forrest
  5. http://www.nadaguides.com/SectionHome.aspx...;p=0&f=5601
  6. 1) find hose 2) look into hose 3) remove visible objects not solved? 4)find pump 5) remove cover by taking out screws 6)look for impeller device 7)remove foreign objects still not fixed? Get back here and post findings.
  7. You big babies! For the small ones: Put your thumb and middle finger right behind the front fins and use a firm grip. Pinning them on the ground helps a lot too. The back of the fins will not hurt you and you will know to stay away from the gill plates. I never caught a big one before. forrest OK...I will admit that I use pliers sometimes too.
  8. Same thing happens to my wash machine all the time! It just does not want to drain due to a lodged coin or other debris in the impeller. Easy fixes. forrest
  9. Check your paperboy insurance....they always have funky clauses that pay off money depending on the combination of fingers you loose. 1) get paper route that gives insurance 2) take some pain killers 3) play with a spinning prop or a good fillet knife 4) profit!
  10. Hey John, I have CTC cover for my plain jane boat.....still need a motor cover though. Here are some old threads on custom covers to get you started: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...p;hl=boat+cover http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=custom+cover http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=custom+cover http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=custom+cover http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...hl=custom+cover forrest
  11. Go see the doctor right away. Risk of not seeing a doctor....loose a finger or have some funky feeling in the finger for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Risk of seeing a doctor....none. It is supposed to be an easy decision. Go downtown Toronto if you can, they have better doctors. If you want to fish bad enough you will still be able to, even if you need to rig something up. Learn how to tie knots with your mouth, its possible and you will have something else to impress whoever you want to impress.
  12. If your worried about a kazillion holes in your hull try one of these: http://www.cabelas.com/prod-1/0000847010102a.shtml
  13. -ask him what methods of payment he accepts -tell him that you live in florida. Would it be cheaper to deliver it there? -ask for the serial numbers -tell him your brother owes you money...ask for an extension -where is the boat? -tell him your going to florida in 2 weeks...can he meet you there? -ask usual boat questions (is there a fishfinder?, toilet? model?) -is there an ebay # for you to contact? I could go on and on. Be creative and play a character. Your sentences can make no sense if you like; they may think you are unstable and so an easier mark and account for all your dumb questions. forrest
  14. Yep, researching is the best way to go. For example I think they have a basic fishfinder for $70 (Eagle Cuda 168)at Bass Pro (online only) that is not a bad choice. Guaranteed you will spend $130 at BPS and end up with the same unit quality. There are lots of posts on buying a fishfinder around. A lot of people like the Lowrance x97 and the new Fishin Buddy series (not the old fishin buddy series) looks really good if it suits your application. Research the item you will have to live with it. forrest
  15. Its sounding like Gulp is Gulp is Gulp....no difference mix away.....my proof of that: some winking guy with a smirk
  16. Looking for an answer here too. 4 guys buy 4 different Gulp buckets. They can only buy one bucket each because they cost a fortune. The 4 guys go out fishing and want to trade Gulp baits so each has a mix of 4. Back to the original post. Can the baits be mixed? forrest
  17. legal as bird and worm bait only
  18. Is all the scent the same? Is the leech Gulp Alive the same as the minnow? forrest
  19. But, this is not a business venture. It is personal. Even if it could be treated like a business are the people in the deal all sound business people with a thick business skin? Here is an example: 'a sure way to loose a friend is to loan them money' Loans are sound business ventures, but, loan a friend money and there is often sore feelings. forrest
  20. I agree 100% To me it sounds nuts even to consider it.
  21. Hey Rich, I have seen a few of your vids Have you ever done one of a Banjo minnow day? forrest
  22. there are a few for sale on ebay from $10-$15. Compared to the Official Service Manual the CD version I bought is a 2 out of 10. The hard copy is the way to go....you may find one in the local library. forrest
  23. What happened to 4lb test and ultra-light action?
  24. Some ideas here: 1) fish clear water so he can see the fish......docks, small cliffs and panfish are great for the exercise. 2) make is 100% non-competitive 3) hot chicks 4) Being on the boat all day with your dad may not be so hot forrest
  25. there has to be more to this story.
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