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Everything posted by forrest

  1. I will guess his arms are short so he can't hold a fish too close to the camera: 6lbs 10oz.
  2. If there are 2 wires only and you hooked up Blue to hot and black to ground.....check the bulbs and internal connections to the red light. forrest
  3. Hi Nancur, I wish I knew the answer for sure. Usually I would take out a DMM and check the codes. Here is a site with the color codes, it might help. http://newboatbuilders.com/pages/elect5.html The chart says something about blue being a switch for lights. forrest
  4. Oshawa creek was well over 10feet higher than normal....pretty high considering the normal depth at the road under pass is about a foot. There be no fishing in a few rivers I suspect. forrest
  5. It sounds like your right, but, guessing with electrical usually turns out to be a headache. Mine came pre-wired. Wires are always colour coded. A picture says a thousand words.
  6. You guys must be talking about the hunting section only. The fishing section is not setting the bar any higher compared to the good competition. As for fishing stuff, the web site looks a little slim on details: Are they putting the power pro back on sale? Any idea what Motorguide motors are 40% off? The once on the site are marked down 25% at most. forrest PS...yeah I sound a bit cranky, but, they jerked me around a couple of times.
  7. Sounds outrageous to me too. I am assuming there is a f/t marina on this lake. Is this a provincial or federal law? forrest
  8. Love the vids Rich.
  9. Anyone getting skunked due to the crummy weather turning off the bite? Are people staying home instead?
  10. I with Rich: -Deep/gut hooking is a good reason to allow only one rod. Gut hooking would be a common practice because people would ignore a bait line while fishing with the other. -Ice fishing rods are small and compact. Guess what a mess the shoreline would be with 2 rods per person. Who's to say 2 is the limit. Why not 5? -Catch a musky? Is everyone going to have the ability to take the other line in? -fishing with one rod is just dandy! forrest
  11. Great info guys! The stuff about how its done in Japan is eye opening; gotta try it. I think a cooler will be my choice for space use, it is always good to store food and ice fish. Forrest
  12. Awesome explanation! After the rain stops I am going to head out and make some bird nests! thanks!
  13. thanks Walleye boss....so the spool tension and the brake essentially does the same job? The muskie thing....with the exception of Carp and Bass all the fish I have seen come out of Scugog have been small; I will be certain to be using steel leaders too and I know how to set my drag. When I get enough cash for a reel I will be picking up something for the bigguns elsewhere and actually target the Muskie. forrest
  14. Catch em', kill em', cook em. I do not see livewell anywhere in that sentence. Best way too keep the meat tasty is to kill them right away and put them on ice (yeah, the saying doesn't have "ice" in it either). So are livewells only good for bragging rights,baitfish, tourny's and kids amusement? Forrest pssst.....can anyone help with the baitcaster question?
  15. www.google.com common....at least google it first! It is a kawartha lake, sooooooo..... forrest
  16. interesting technique. Thanks for sharing. anyone have ideas for franken baits? forrest
  17. Thanks for the advice (eyes rolling). Are you the same guy who keeps advising people not to take any wooden nickels? I would suspect that since you target Musky you might have known the answer to my baitcaster question. 14lbs is fine for this very occasional purpose. Can anyone help me with the baitcaster question? Forrest
  18. That pic is a summer rerun.....2 pike+ 1 string leader + 1 person who forgets to bring fish in boat before heading to dock = that pic
  19. This part can be skipped:This part is my question: After the walleye bite died off on Scugog me and a buddy decided to troll over to a point to kill sometime. I was not setup for Muskie since I was using my rods for smaller fish. Needless to say that, of course, my buddy hooks into a nice little Muskie. It has given me motivation to set up some light braid (14lb its only Scucog Muskie) on my new bait. caster. This part is my question: On the bait caster I have the drag set, then the spool tension is set......what the heck are the brakes supposed to be for and when do they kick in? My research has only revealed heavier lures need less brake but that is all. Also, I filled up the spool like I would a spincast, almost to the top. How much improvement is filling up the spool all the way? forrest PS...I don't know what the other boats were fishing for, but, we fished different spots than just about everyone and picked up a couple of bass + 6 Walleye including a 3+pounder. How did others do yesterday morning?
  20. The lures seem to have a noise feature to them too; they take water in the mouth and exit via the "gills". Untested and for $59 I'll leave it to the millionaires to test them.
  21. Yep, click on the red link and it mentions a chance of Tornado
  22. www.theweaternetwork.com
  23. Dang....well if the province is saying to cover up open wounds that would be enough to stop me swimming. I know that totally sucks but if there are a large amount or rotting bodies around then why chance it? Find something else to do or place to go in the short term. It will be over soon enough. forrest PS....if a bunch of people are doing something risky does that mean its safe for you to do?
  24. watch the weeds! From bottom to top the lake is thick thick thick with them.
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