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Everything posted by forrest

  1. A couple of CTCs around here had Vexilar FL8 Genz packs: $225.00 I saw the computer inventory....only a few still have them. Call ahead, product #79-3924
  2. 100% scam: "I always use 100% safe methods" is part of the dead give away. Having the wrong price gets people excited and pulls a few more fish into the net. forrest
  3. I have an idea of what is going on but more clarification is required. Your searches on google worked for me. What URL does it send you to? What happens when you type the URL in manually? What version of windows are you running? There is a computer help section under extra resources. forrest
  4. On the regular interface here and Firefox. One click is good. Try Firefox if it works single click then check your IE settings. Clear your cache too. If you still have to double click then check your windows mouse and desktop settings. forrest PS...I don't have windows here so I can't narrow it down for you.
  5. Your right its not that big of a deal. Did management not have the funds to fight it? Did they say let the workers sort it out? Did they fear a system wide ban on the prayer? Were the other workers harassing this complainer and he struck back? Is the complainer just a malcontent? Well whatever happened in that workplace it is not being revealed. One thing is certain. the guy who complained was able to work the system pretty good. Well better to have a system than no system at all. forrest
  6. Only if your calling the fighters "menzes"
  7. Yep, next weekend. Tonight it is Steve B's brother and another fight with Fedor E and Andrea A. forrest
  8. Does he have a showtime fighting motto?
  9. Maybe the operators can turn it around.....he might even contact old customers and give a great discount on an improved service. Can a business turn it around? forrest
  10. Cool stuff! It also looks like they are taking their time, as required, with it so experiments can be done.
  11. Not going to comment on the lure colours types.....you have enough stuff to try out for a while. You may want to add a float or two so you.
  12. Is your GF going with you? That would require extra options.
  13. Dodging ice floes? I will not complain about water conditions again. nice fish forrest
  14. Its OT but: The reason humans under 16: They are being subjected to a hazardous substance (cigarette smoke) and they cannot speak for themselves.
  15. You know it is good when the pranksters run like heck.
  16. Thanks for clearing that up Dale....I had a feeling the press was doing a bit of bending. I too think it took guts to release that fish. I guess it would have taken guts to keep it too . Not everyone can be happy all the time. The press has taken what you said and turned it into a World Record with an official weight of 65lbs. How do most people (and some people here) read that? I think they read it as Dale MacNair caught a World Record fish of 65lbs weighed on a scale.....he even said he knew it was a record as soon as he caught it. The press is a bit disrespectful of Ken O'Brien, but, that is what the press and salesmen do. I think there will be a few more Musky charters in the area next year....if I am close I will want to take a look at the replica for sure. forrest
  17. OK.....people can just send me PMs: call me every name in the book and make insults. Let off the steam. I won't take offence. I WILL READ THEM, Please do not ruin the thread. I am not jealous or envious it is a big fish that required a lot of dedication to catch and is a notable accomplishment. I am part of everyone and I do not KNOW it is a WR. Suddenly Mr. MacNair seems to be saying it is and the press is saying it is and that this beast now has an official weight of 65lbs when it is documented that only length measurements were taken. Nothing like distorting the truth eh? A little here a little there.....but that is what fish tales are (yeah....I must be guilty too ) No doubt some tourism interests are helping to push this along. Yes, thanks to Mr. MacNair that fish is out there ready reproduce and or be caught again. Anyone want to go? forrest PS: 2nd place official WR Muskie: http://www.worldrecordmuskiealliance.com/images/obrien.jpg with a directly measured weight of 65lbs......give the guy credit he earned it. His name is Ken O'Brien
  18. I read the article ( http://www.atv.ca/ottawa/news_66191.aspx ) and still find this hard to believe. Something must be missing in the report. If it is a complete and accurate article someone in CanadaPost management has lost their sensibilities. So they say: "Merci Seigneur pour la belle jounee" as they leave to begin their routes, (translatoin "Thank you Lord for the beautiful day). "God keep our land gloroius and free" that is in our anthem! I say let them keep saying it. If it makes them feel good and their jobs more tolerable then it is a good thing. If it does not do those things then who cares.....their next tradition could be "Thank you union agreement for having the courage when right to be able to tell management that they can stick it where the sun does not shine" forrest
  19. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a columbian guy that drops buy there all the time on his trips up to Miami. I will send you a PM, Don't mention PM to the guy though he thinks that means Post Mortem and that gets him edgy. forrest
  20. In one shot I thought I saw that guy standing up in his kayak. Is that right?
  21. Do you mean like a short UL or an under the handle reel? (those exists with closed spools) forrest
  22. Why do something unproductive like that copy/paste? A link would suffice or maybe the google ranking is good enough. Even better, an email to Jim78
  23. The less environment polluting plastic the better. Lots of fish can be caught on stuff that doesn't off gas in your tackle box to make every thing else stink, including the box itself. Lots of fish can be caught without busted up used up plastics sitting on the bottom of the lake. Gulp is biodegradable, I stick with that. I have not seen any indications from Berkley or others about polluting chemicals in it. There is likely something not so good in it. Why don't manufacturers make enviro friendly baits? According to a BPS article they do but their physical qualities are low compared to the polluting plastics. So, Profisher I think you have enough real plastic in that picture. forrest PS Where are those enviro college guys on this?
  24. I can't imagine how someone forgets their fishing rod. take it to the cops, some kid might be looking for it. A cynical adult won't bother checking with cops. I think you get it if unclaimed for 30 days right?
  25. Mandatory boat insurance....a license to print money.
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